LVCREATE man page on Archlinux

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LVCREATE(8)							   LVCREATE(8)

       lvcreate - create a logical volume in an existing volume group

       lvcreate	  [--addtag  Tag]  [--alloc  AllocationPolicy]	[-a|--activate
       [a|e|l]{y|n}]  [-k|--setactivationskip  {y|n}]  [-K|--ignoreactivation‐
       skip]  [-A|--autobackup	{y|n}]	[-C|--contiguous  {y|n}]  [-d|--debug]
       [-h|-?|--help] [--noudevsync]  [--ignoremonitoring]  [--monitor	{y|n}]
       [--[raid]maxrecoveryrate	    Rate]    [--[raid]minrecoveryrate	 Rate]
       [-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]] {[-l|--extents Log‐
       icalExtentsNumber[%{VG|PVS|FREE}]     |	   -L|--size	LogicalVolume‐
       Size[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]]	 |   -V|--virtualsize	VirtualSize[bBsSkKmMg‐
       GtTpPeE]} [-M|--persistent {y|n}] [--minor minor] [-m|--mirrors Mirrors
       [--nosync] [--mirrorlog {disk|core|mirrored} | --corelog] [-R|--region‐
       size    MirrorLogRegionSize]]	[-n|--name   LogicalVolume{Name|Path}]
       [-p|--permission {r|rw}] [-r|--readahead	 {ReadAheadSectors|auto|none}]
       [-t|--test]     [-T|--thin     [--cachemode    {writeback|writethrough}
       [-c|--chunksize	ChunkSize[bBsSkKmMgG]]	 [--discards   {ignore|nopass‐
       down|passdown}]	 [--poolmetadatasize   MetadataVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgG]]
       [--poolmetadataspare    {y|n}]]	   [--thinpool	   ThinPoolLogicalVol‐
       ume{Name|Path} [-s|--snapshot [VolumeGroup{Name|Path}/] ExternalOrigin‐
       LogicalVolumeName]] [--type SegmentType] [-v|--verbose]	[-W|--wipesig‐
       natures] [-Z|--zero {y|n}] VolumeGroup{Name|Path}[/ThinPoolLogicalVolu‐
       meName] [PhysicalVolumePath[:PE[-PE]]...]

       lvcreate	  [-l|--extents	  LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|FREE|ORIGIN}]    |
       -L|--size  LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]]	[-c|--chunksize Chunk‐
       Size[bBsSkK]]  [--noudevsync]  [--ignoremonitoring]  [--monitor	{y|n}]
       [-n|--name   SnapshotLogicalVolume{Name|Path}]	-s|--snapshot	{[Vol‐
       umeGroup{Name|Path}/]OriginalLogicalVolumeName -V|--virtualsize	Virtu‐

       lvcreate	 creates  a  new  logical volume in a volume group (see vgcre‐
       ate(8), vgchange(8)) by allocating logical extents from the free physi‐
       cal  extent  pool  of  that volume group.  If there are not enough free
       physical extents then the volume	 group	can  be	 extended  (see	 vgex‐
       tend(8))	 with  other  physical volumes or by reducing existing logical
       volumes of this volume group in size (see lvreduce(8)).	If you specify
       one  or	more  PhysicalVolumes,	allocation of physical extents will be
       restricted to these volumes.
       The second form supports the creation of snapshot logical volumes which
       keep the contents of the original logical volume for backup purposes.

       See lvm(8) for common options.

       -a, --activate {y|ay|n|ey|en|ly|ln}
	      Controls	the  availability of the Logical Volumes for immediate
	      use after the command finishes running.  By default, new Logical
	      Volumes are activated (-ay).  If it is possible technically, -an
	      will leave the new Logical Volume	 inactive.  But	 for  example,
	      snapshots	 can only be created in the active state so -an cannot
	      be used with --snapshot.	Normally the --zero n argument has  to
	      be  supplied  too	 because  zeroing (the default behaviour) also
	      requires activation.  If autoactivation option is	 used  (-aay),
	      the  logical  volume  is activated only if it matches an item in
	      the activation/auto_activation_volume_list set  in  lvm.conf(5).
	      For autoactivated logical volumes, --zero n and --wipesignatures
	      n is always assumed and it can't be overridden. If the clustered
	      locking  is  enabled, -aey will activate exclusively on one node
	      and -a{a|l}y will activate only on the local node.

       -k, --setactivationskip	{y|n}
	      Controls whether Logical Volumes are persistently flagged to  be
	      skipped during activation. By default, thin snapshot volumes are
	      flagged for activation skip.  To activate such volumes, an extra
	      -K/--ignoreactivationskip	 option	 must be used. The flag is not
	      applied during deactivation.  Use	 lvchange  -k/--setactivation‐
	      skip  {y|n}  command  to	attach or detach the flag for existing
	      volumes. To see whether the flag is attached,  use  lvs  command
	      where the state of the flag is reported within lv_attr bits.

       -K, --ignoreactivationskip
	      Ignore the flag to skip Logical Volumes during activation.

       --cachemode {writeback|writethrough}
	      Specifying a cache mode determines when the writes to a cache LV
	      are considered complete.	When writeback is specified,  a	 write
	      is considered complete as soon as it is stored in the cache pool
	      LV.  If writethough is specified, a write is considered complete
	      only  when  it  has  been stored in the cache pool LV and on the
	      origin LV.  While writethrough may be slower for writes,	it  is
	      more resilient if something should happen to a device associated
	      with the cache pool LV.

       -c, --chunksize ChunkSize[bBsSkKmMgG]
	      Gives the size of chunk for snapshot, cache pool and  thin  pool
	      logical volumes.	Default unit is in kilobytes.
	      For  snapshots  the  value  must	be power of 2 between 4KiB and
	      512KiB and the default value is 4.
	      For cache pool LVs the value must be  between  32KiB  and	 1GiB.
	      The default is 64KiB.  Values must be a multiple of 32KiB.
	      For  thin pools the value must be between 64KiB and 1GiB and the
	      default value starts with 64 and scales up to fit the pool meta‐
	      data size within 128MiB, if the pool metadata size is not speci‐
	      fied.  Thin pool target version <1.4 requires the value to be  a
	      power of 2.  The newer target version relaxes limitation to be a
	      multiple of 64KiB.  For target version <1.5 discard is not  sup‐
	      ported for non power of 2 values.

       -C, --contiguous {y|n}
	      Sets or resets the contiguous allocation policy for logical vol‐
	      umes. Default is no contiguous allocation based on a  next  free

       --discards {ignore|nopassdown|passdown}
	      Sets discards behavior for thin pool.  Default is passdown.

       -i, --stripes Stripes
	      Gives  the  number  of  stripes.	This is equal to the number of
	      physical volumes to scatter the logical volume.  When creating a
	      RAID 4/5/6 logical volume, the extra devices which are necessary
	      for parity are internally accounted for.	Specifying  -i3	 would
	      use  3  devices  for striped logical volumes, 4 devices for RAID
	      4/5, and 5 devices for RAID 6.  Alternatively, RAID  4/5/6  will
	      stripe  across  all  PVs	in  the volume group or all of the PVs
	      specified if the -i argument is omitted.

       -I, --stripesize StripeSize
	      Gives the	 number	 of  kilobytes	for  the  granularity  of  the
	      StripeSize must be 2^n (n = 2 to 9) for metadata in LVM1 format.
	      For metadata in LVM2 format, the stripe size  may	 be  a	larger
	      power of 2 but must not exceed the physical extent size.

	      Make  no	attempt	 to interact with dmeventd unless --monitor is

       -l, --extents LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}]
	      Gives the number of logical extents to allocate for the new log‐
	      ical  volume.   The  total  number of physical extents allocated
	      will be greater than this, for example, if the  volume  is  mir‐
	      rored.   The number can also be expressed as a percentage of the
	      total space in the Volume Group with the suffix %VG, as  a  per‐
	      centage of the remaining free space in the Volume Group with the
	      suffix %FREE, as a percentage of the remaining  free  space  for
	      the  specified PhysicalVolume(s) with the suffix %PVS, or (for a
	      snapshot) as a percentage of the total space in the Origin Logi‐
	      cal  Volume  with	 the suffix %ORIGIN.  When expressed as a per‐
	      centage, the number is treated as an approximate upper limit for
	      the  total number of physical extents to be allocated (including
	      extents used by any mirrors, for example).

       -L, --size LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
	      Gives the size to allocate for the new logical volume.   A  size
	      suffix  of  B for bytes, S for sectors as 512 bytes, K for kilo‐
	      bytes, M for megabytes, G for gigabytes, T for terabytes, P  for
	      petabytes or E for exabytes is optional.
	      Default unit is megabytes.

       -m, --mirrors Mirrors
	      Creates  a  mirrored  logical  volume  with Mirrors copies.  For
	      example, specifying -m1 would result in a mirror with two-sides;
	      that is, a linear volume plus one copy.

	      Specifying  the  optional	 argument --nosync will cause the cre‐
	      ation of the mirror to skip the initial resynchronization.   Any
	      data  written afterwards will be mirrored, but the original con‐
	      tents will not be copied.	 This is useful for skipping a	poten‐
	      tially  long  and	 resource  intensive  initial sync of an empty

	      There are two implementations of mirroring which can be used and
	      correspond  to  the  "raid1"  and	 "mirror"  segment types.  The
	      default is "raid1".  See the --type option for more  information
	      if  you would like to use the legacy "mirror" segment type.  The
	      --mirrorlog and --corelog options apply to the "mirror"  segment
	      type only.

	      The  optional  argument --mirrorlog specifies the type of log to
	      be used for logical volumes utilizing the legacy	"mirror"  seg‐
	      ment  type.   The	 default  is  disk,  which  is	persistent and
	      requires a small amount of storage space, usually on a  separate
	      device  from the data being mirrored.  Using core means the mir‐
	      ror is regenerated by copying the data  from  the	 first	device
	      each  time  the  logical	volume	is activated, like after every
	      reboot.  Using mirrored will create a  persistent	 log  that  is
	      itself mirrored.

	      When  the	 legacy	 "mirror"  segment  type is used, the optional
	      argument --corelog is equivalent to --mirrorlog core.

       -M, --persistent {y|n}
	      Set to y to make the minor number specified persistent.

       --minor minor
	      Sets the minor number.

       --monitor {y|n}
	      Starts or avoids monitoring a mirrored, snapshot	or  thin  pool
	      logical  volume  with dmeventd, if it is installed.  If a device
	      used by a monitored mirror reports an I/O error, the failure  is
	      handled  according  to  activation/mirror_image_fault_policy and
	      activation/mirror_log_fault_policy set in lvm.conf(5).

       -n, --name LogicalVolume{Name|Path}
	      Sets the name for the new logical volume.
	      Without this option a default name of "lvol#" will be  generated
	      where # is the LVM internal number of the logical volume.

       --[raid]maxrecoveryrate Rate[bBsSkKmMgG]
	      Sets  the maximum recovery rate for a RAID logical volume.  Rate
	      is specified as an amount per second  for	 each  device  in  the
	      array.   If  no suffix is given, then kiB/sec/device is assumed.
	      Setting the recovery rate to 0 means it will be unbounded.

       --[raid]minrecoveryrate Rate[bBsSkKmMgG]
	      Sets the minimum recovery rate for a RAID logical volume.	  Rate
	      is  specified  as	 an  amount  per second for each device in the
	      array.  If no suffix is given, then kiB/sec/device  is  assumed.
	      Setting the recovery rate to 0 means it will be unbounded.

	      Disables	udev  synchronisation.	The  process will not wait for
	      notification from udev.  It will continue	 irrespective  of  any
	      possible udev processing in the background.  You should only use
	      this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices
	      LVM2 creates.

       -p, --permission {r|rw}
	      Sets access permissions to read only (r) or read and write (rw).
	      Default is read and write.

       --poolmetadatasize MetadataVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgG]
	      Sets the size of thin pool's metadata logical volume.  Supported
	      values are in range between 2MiB and 16GiB.   Default  value  is
	      (Pool_LV_size  /	Pool_LV_chunk_size  *  64b).   Default unit is

       --poolmetadataspare {y|n}
	      Controls creation and maintanence of pool metadata spare logical
	      volume that will be used for automated thin pool recovery.  Only
	      one such volume is maintained within a  volume  group  with  the
	      size of the biggest thin metadata volume.	 Default is yes.

       -r, --readahead {ReadAheadSectors|auto|none}
	      Sets read ahead sector count of this logical volume.  For volume
	      groups with metadata in  lvm1  format,  this  must  be  a	 value
	      between  2  and 120.  The default value is auto which allows the
	      kernel to choose a suitable value automatically.	None is equiv‐
	      alent to specifying zero.

       -R, --regionsize MirrorLogRegionSize
	      A	 mirror is divided into regions of this size (in MiB), and the
	      mirror log uses this granularity to track which regions  are  in

       -s, --snapshot OriginalLogicalVolume{Name|Path}
	      Creates a snapshot logical volume (or snapshot) for an existing,
	      so called original logical volume (or origin).   Snapshots  pro‐
	      vide  a  'frozen	image' of the contents of the origin while the
	      origin can still be updated. They enable consistent backups  and
	      online  recovery	of removed/overwritten data/files.  Thin snap‐
	      shot is created when the origin is a thin volume and the size IS
	      NOT  specified. Thin snapshot shares same blocks within the thin
	      pool volume.  The non thin volume snapshot  with	the  specified
	      size does not need the same amount of storage the origin has. In
	      a typical scenario, 15-20% might be enough. In case the snapshot
	      runs  out	 of  storage,  use lvextend(8) to grow it. Shrinking a
	      snapshot is supported by lvreduce(8) as well. Run lvs(8) on  the
	      snapshot	in  order  to  check how much data is allocated to it.
	      Note: a small amount of the space you allocate to	 the  snapshot
	      is  used	to  track  the locations of the chunks of data, so you
	      should allocate slightly more space than you actually  need  and
	      monitor (--monitor) the rate at which the snapshot data is grow‐
	      ing so you can avoid running out of  space.   If	--thinpool  is
	      specified,  thin	volume is created that will use given original
	      logical volume as an external origin that	 serves	 unprovisioned
	      blocks.  Only read-only volumes can be used as external origins.
	      To make the volume external origin, lvm expects the volume to be
	      inactive.	  External  origin  volume can be used/shared for many
	      thin volumes even from different thin  pools.  See  lvconvert(8)
	      for online conversion to thin volumes with external origin.

       -T, --thin, --thinpool ThinPoolLogicalVolume{Name|Path}
	      Creates  thin  pool  or thin logical volume or both.  Specifying
	      the optional argument --size will cause the creation of the thin
	      pool  logical volume.  Specifying the optional argument --virtu‐
	      alsize will cause the creation of the thin logical  volume  from
	      given  thin  pool	 volume.  Specifying both arguments will cause
	      the creation of both thin pool and thin volume using this	 pool.
	      Requires	device mapper kernel driver for thin provisioning from
	      kernel 3.2 or newer.

       --type SegmentType
	      Create a logical volume that uses	 the  specified	 segment  type
	      (e.g.    mirror(-m),   raid5,   snapshot(-s),   thin(-T),	 thin-
	      pool, ...).  Many segment types have a commandline switch	 alias
	      that will enable their use (-s is an alias for --type snapshot).
	      However, this argument must be used when no existing commandline
	      switch  alias  is available for the desired type, as is the case
	      with cache, error, raid1, raid4, raid5, raid6, raid10  or	 zero.
	      Note that the cache segment type requires a dm-cache kernel mod‐
	      ule version 1.3.0 or greater.

       -V, --virtualsize VirtualSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
	      Creates a sparse device of the given size (in  MiB  by  default)
	      using  a snapshot or thinly provisioned device when thin pool is
	      specified.  Anything written to the device will be returned when
	      reading  from  it.   Reading from other areas of the device will
	      return blocks of zeros.  Virtual snapshot is implemented by cre‐
	      ating  a	hidden	virtual device of the requested size using the
	      zero target.  A suffix of _vorigin  is  used  for	 this  device.
	      Note:  using sparse snapshots is not efficient for larger device
	      sizes (GiB), thin provisioning should be used for this case.

       -W, --wipesignatures {y|n}
	      Controls wiping of detected signatures on newly created  Logical
	      Volume.  If this option is not specified, then by default signa‐
	      ture wiping is done each time the zeroing (-Z/--zero)  is	 done.
	      This default behaviour can be controlled by allocation/wipe_sig‐
	      natures_when_zeroing_new_lvs setting found in lvm.conf(5).
	      If blkid wiping is used (allocation/use_blkid_wiping setting  in
	      lvm.conf(5))  and	 LVM2  is  compiled with blkid wiping support,
	      then blkid(8) library is used  to	 detect	 the  signatures  (use
	      blkid  -k	 command  to list the signatures that are recognized).
	      Otherwise, native LVM2 code is used  to  detect  signatures  (MD
	      RAID, swap and LUKS signatures are detected only in this case).
	      Logical Volume is not wiped if the read only flag is set.

       -Z, --zero {y|n}
	      Controls	zeroing	 of  the first 4KiB of data in the new logical
	      Default is yes.
	      Volume will not be zeroed if the read only flag is set.
	      Snapshot volumes are zeroed always.

	      Warning: trying to mount an unzeroed logical  volume  can	 cause
	      the system to hang.

       Creates	a striped logical volume with 3 stripes, a stripe size of 8KiB
       and a size of 100MiB in the volume group named vg00.  The logical  vol‐
       ume name will be chosen by lvcreate:

       lvcreate -i 3 -I 8 -L 100M vg00

       Creates a mirror logical volume with 2 sides with a useable size of 500
       MiB.  This operation would require 3 devices  (or  option  --alloc any‐
       where ) - two for the mirror devices and one for the disk log:

       lvcreate -m1 -L 500M vg00

       Creates a mirror logical volume with 2 sides with a useable size of 500
       MiB.  This operation would require 2 devices - the log is "in-memory":

       lvcreate -m1 --mirrorlog core -L 500M vg00

       Creates a snapshot logical volume named /dev/vg00/snap which has access
       to the contents of the original logical volume named /dev/vg00/lvol1 at
       snapshot logical volume creation time. If the original  logical	volume
       contains a file system, you can mount the snapshot logical volume on an
       arbitrary directory in order to access the contents of  the  filesystem
       to run a backup while the original filesystem continues to get updated:

       lvcreate --size 100m --snapshot --name snap /dev/vg00/lvol1

       Creates	a  sparse device named /dev/vg1/sparse of size 1TiB with space
       for just under 100MiB of actual data on it:

       lvcreate --virtualsize 1T --size 100M --snapshot --name sparse vg1

       Creates a linear logical volume	"vg00/lvol1"  using  physical  extents
       /dev/sda:0-7 and /dev/sdb:0-7 for allocation of extents:

       lvcreate -L 64M -n lvol1 vg00 /dev/sda:0-7 /dev/sdb:0-7

       Creates	a 5GiB RAID5 logical volume "vg00/my_lv", with 3 stripes (plus
       a parity drive for a total of 4 devices) and a stripesize of 64KiB:

       lvcreate --type raid5 -L 5G -i 3 -I 64 -n my_lv vg00

       Creates a RAID5 logical volume "vg00/my_lv",  using  all	 of  the  free
       space in the VG and spanning all the PVs in the VG:

       lvcreate --type raid5 -l 100%FREE -n my_lv vg00

       Creates	a 5GiB RAID10 logical volume "vg00/my_lv", with 2 stripes on 2
       2-way mirrors.  Note that the -i and -m arguments  behave  differently.
       The -i specifies the number of stripes.	The -m specifies the number of
       additional copies:

       lvcreate --type raid10 -L 5G -i 2 -m 1 -n my_lv vg00

       Creates 100MiB pool logical volume for thin provisioning build  with  2
       stripes 64KiB and chunk size 256KiB together with 1TiB thin provisioned
       logical volume "vg00/thin_lv":

       lvcreate -i 2 -I 64 -c 256 -L100M -T vg00/pool -V 1T --name thin_lv

       Creates a thin snapshot volume "thinsnap" of thin volume "thinvol" that
       will  share  the same blocks within the thin pool.  Note: the size MUST
       NOT be specified, otherwise the non-thin snapshot is created instead:

       lvcreate -s vg00/thinvol --name thinsnap

       Creates a thin snapshot volume of read-only  inactive  volume  "origin"
       which  then becomes the thin external origin for the thin snapshot vol‐
       ume in vg00 that will use an existing thin pool "vg00/pool":

       lvcreate -s --thinpool vg00/pool origin

       Create a cache pool LV that can later be used to cache one logical vol‐

       lvcreate --type cache-pool -L 1G -n my_lv_cachepool vg /dev/fast1

       If  there  is  an  existing cache pool LV, create the large slow device
       (i.e. the origin LV) and link it to the supplied cache pool LV,	creat‐
       ing a cache LV.

       lvcreate --type cache -L 100G -n my_lv vg/my_lv_cachepool /dev/slow1

       If there is an existing logical volume, create the small and fast cache
       pool LV and link it to the supplied existing logical volume  (i.e.  the
       origin LV), creating a cache LV.

       lvcreate --type cache -L 1G -n my_lv_cachepool vg/my_lv /dev/fast1

       lvm(8),	lvm.conf(5),  lvconvert(8),  lvchange(8),  lvextend(8),	 lvre‐
       duce(8), lvremove(8), lvrename(8) lvs(8), lvscan(8), vgcreate(8)

Sistina Software UK   LVM TOOLS 2.02.106(2) (2014-04-10)	   LVCREATE(8)

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