HERBSTLUFTWM man page on DragonFly

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       herbstluftwm - a manual tiling window manager for X

       herbstluftwm [OPTION ...]

       Starts the herbstluftwm window manager on DISPLAY. It also listens for
       calls from herbstclient(1) and executes them. The list of available
       COMMANDS is listed below.

       OPTION can be:

       -c, --autostart PATH
	   use PATH as autostart file instead of the one in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME

       -v, --version
	   print version and exit

       -l, --locked
	   Initially set the monitors_locked setting to 1

	   print verbose information to stderr

       This manual documents the scripting and configuration interface. For a
       more verbose introduction see herbstluftwm-tutorial(7).

       The basic tiling concept is that the layout is represented by a binary
       tree. On startup you see one big frame across the entire screen. A
       frame fulfills exactly one of the following conditions:

	1. Frame contains windows:

	   It shows some clients and arranges them. The current layout
	   algorithms are:

	   ·   0: vertical - clients are placed below each other

	   ·   1: horizontal - clients are placed next to each other

	   ·   2: max - all clients are maximized in this frame

	   ·   3: grid - clients are arranged in an almost quadratic grid

	2. Frame is split into subframes:

	   It is split into exactly two subframes in a configurable fraction
	   either in a vertical or horizontal way. So it produces two frames
	   which fulfill the same conditions (new frames always are about to
	   contain windows). If you split a frame that already contains
	   windows, the windows are inherited by the first new child frame.

       If a new window appears, it is put in the currently focused frame. Only
       the leaves of the frame tree can be focused.

       A frame can be removed, it is then merged with its neighbour frame. Due
       to the layout structure of a binary tree, each frame (i.e. node in
       binary tree) has exactly one neighbour.

       The analogy to a binary tree is explained the best way with a small
       example: On startup you have a simple binary tree, with one frame that
       can contain clients:


       When splitting it (e.g. with the command split vertical 0.5) you will
       get this:

	    / \
	   C   C

       You also can split the left frame horizontally and you will get:

	      / \
	     H	 C
	    / \
	   C   C

       If you change the focus to the client on the right and remove this
       frame, it will be merged with the left subtree and you will get:

	    / \
	   C   C

       The layout command prints the current layout of all tags as a tree.

       The exact position of a frame in the layout tree may be described by
       its index which is just a string of characters. The lookup algorithm
       starts at the root frame and selects one of its two subtrees according
       to the each character in the index.

       The characters are interpreted as follows:

       ·   0: select the first subtree

       ·   1: select the second subtree

       ·   .: select the subtree having the focus

       ·   /: select the subtree not having the focus

       Thus an empty string refers to the root frame, and "00" refers to the
       first subtree of the first subtree of the root frame.

       As a special case, the string "@" always refers to the currently
       focused frame.

       Tags are very similar to workspaces, virtual desktops or window groups.
       Each tag has one layout. There is a list of tags. You can add or remove
       tags dynamically.

       Monitors in herbstluftwm are totally independent of the actual physical
       screens. This means you can for example split your screen in two
       virtual monitors to view two tags at once on a big screen.

       Each monitor displays exactly one tag on a specified rectangle on the

       Each monitor may have a name, which can be set via add_monitor and
       rename_monitor. It can be unset with the rename_monitor command. A
       monitor name is an arbitrary non-empty string which must not start with
       +, - or any digit.

       A monitor can be referenced in different ways:

       ·   by its absolute index as listed in the list_monitors command.

       ·   by its relative index: a + or - followed by a delta, e.g.: +3

       ·   by its relative position to the focused monitor.  -l denotes the
	   monitor left of the focused monitor, -r right of, -u above of, and
	   -d below of, respectively.

       ·   by "" (an empty string) which represents the current monitor.

       ·   by its name.

       herbstluftwm is controlled by internal commands, which can be executed
       via herbstclient(1) or via keybindings.

	   Quits herbstluftwm.

	   Executes the autostart file.

	   Prints the version of the running herbstluftwm instance.

       echo [ARGS ...]
	   Prints all given ARGS separated by a single space and a newline

	   Ignores all arguments and always returns success, i.e. 0.

	   Ignores all arguments and always returns failure, i.e. 1.

	   Lists all available commands.

	   List currently configured monitors with their index, area (as
	   rectangle), name (if named) and currently viewed tag.

	   Lists all active rules. Each line consists of all the parameters
	   the rule was called with, plus its label, separated by tabs.

	   Lists all bound keys with their associated command. Each line
	   consists of one key combination and the command with its parameters
	   separated by tabs.

	   Tabs within command parameters are not escaped!

	   Increases the monitors_locked setting. Use this if you want to do
	   multiple window actions at once (i.e. without repainting between
	   the single steps). See also: unlock

	   Decreases the monitors_locked setting. If monitors_locked is
	   changed to 0, then all monitors are repainted again. See also: lock

       keybind KEY COMMAND [ARGS ...]
	   Adds a key binding. When KEY is pressed, the internal COMMAND (with
	   its ARGS) is executed. A key binding is a (possibly empty) list of
	   modifiers (Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, Mod5, Alt, Super, Control/Ctrl,
	   Shift) and one key (see keysymdef.h for a list of keys). Modifiers
	   and the key are concatenated with - or + as separator. If there is
	   already a binding for this KEY, it will be overwritten. Examples:

	   ·   keybind Mod4+Ctrl+q quit

	   ·   keybind Mod1-i toggle always_show_frame

	   ·   keybind Mod1-Shift-space cycle_layout -1

       keyunbind KEY|-F|--all
	   Removes the key binding for KEY. The syntax for KEY is defined in
	   keybind. If -F or --all is given, then all key bindings will be

       mousebind BUTTON ACTION [COMMAND ...]
	   Adds a mouse binding for the floating mode. When BUTTON is pressed,
	   the specified ACTION will be performed.  BUTTON has a similar
	   syntax to the KEY argument of keybind: It consists of a list of
	   modifiers (separated by - or +, valid modifiers are listed in the
	   description of keybind) and exactly one button name:

	   ·   B1 or Button1

	   ·   B2 or Button2

	   ·   B3 or Button3

	   ·   B4 or Button4

	   ·   B5 or Button5

	   ACTION must be one of the following actions:

	   ·   move: Moves the window by dragging the cursor.

	   ·   resize: Resizes the window by dragging a corner.

	   ·   zoom: Resizes the window into all four directions while keeping
	       the center of the window constant.

	   ·   call: Only calls the specified COMMAND while client.dragged
	       links to the client on which the BUTTON has been performed.

	   While an ACTION is performed, client.dragged is the client which is
	   dragged. E.g.:

	   ·   mousebind Mod1-Button3 zoom

	   ·   mousebind Mod1-B4 call substitute WID clients.dragged.winid
	       spawn transset-df --inc -i WID 0.05

	   ·   mousebind Mod1-B5 call substitute WID clients.dragged.winid
	       spawn transset-df --dec -i WID -m 0.2 0.05

	   Removes all mouse bindings.

       spawn EXECUTABLE [ARGS ...]
	   Spawns an EXECUTABLE with its ARGS. For details see man 3 execvp.

	   ·   spawn xterm -e man 3 execvp

       wmexec [WINDOWMANAGER [ARGS ...]]
	   Executes the WINDOWMANAGER with its ARGS. This is useful to switch
	   the window manager in the running session without restarting the
	   session. If no or an invalid WINDOWMANAGER is given, then
	   herbstluftwm is restarted. For details see man 3 execvp. Example:

	   ·   wmexec openbox

       chain SEPARATOR [COMMANDS ...]
	   chain expects a SEPARATOR and a list of COMMANDS with arguments.
	   The commands have to be separated by the specified SEPARATOR. The
	   SEPARATOR can by any word and only is recognized as the separator
	   between commands if it exactly matches SEPARATOR. "chain" outputs
	   the appended outputs of all commands and returns the exit code of
	   the last executed command. Examples are:

	   ·   Create a tag called "foo" and directly use it:

	       chain , add foo , use foo

	   ·   Rotate the layout clockwise:

	       chain .-. lock .-. rotate .-. rotate .-. rotate .-. unlock

	   Counterexamples are:

	   ·   This will only create a tag called "foo,":

	       chain , add foo, use foo

	   ·   Separator "." defined, but "," is used:

	       chain . add foo , use foo

       and SEPARATOR [COMMANDS ...]
	   "and" behaves like the chain command but only executes the
	   specified COMMANDS while the commands return the exit code 0.

       or SEPARATOR [COMMANDS ...]
	   "or" behaves like the chain command but only executes the specified
	   COMMANDS until one command returns the exit code 0.

       ! COMMAND
	   "!" executes the provided command, but inverts its return value. If
	   the provided command returns a nonzero, "!" returns a 0, if the
	   command returns a zero, "!" returns a 1.

       try COMMAND
	   "try" executes the provided command, prints its output, but always
	   returns success, i.e. 0.

       silent COMMAND
	   "silent" executes the provided command, but discards its output and
	   only returns its exit code.

       focus_nth INDEX
	   Focuses the nth window in a frame. The first window has INDEX 0. If
	   INDEX is negative or greater than the last window index, then the
	   last window is focused.

       cycle [DELTA]
	   Cycles the selection within the current frame by DELTA. If DELTA is
	   omitted, DELTA = 1 will be used.  DELTA can be negative; DELTA = -1
	   means: cycle in the opposite direction by 1.

       cycle_all [--skip-invisible] [DIRECTION]
	   Cycles through all windows and frames on the current tag.
	   DIRECTION = 1 means forward, DIRECTION = -1 means backward,
	   DIRECTION = 0 has no effect.	 DIRECTION defaults to 1. If there are
	   multiple windows within on frame, then it acts similar to the cycle
	   command. (The cycle_all command focuses the next/previous leave in
	   the layout tree.). If --skip-invisible is given, then this only
	   cycles through all visible windows and skips invisible windows in
	   the max layout. The focused window is raised.

       cycle_frame [DIRECTION]
	   Cycles through all frames on the current tag.  DIRECTION = 1 means
	   forward, DIRECTION = -1 means backward, DIRECTION = 0 has no
	   effect.  DIRECTION defaults to 1.

       cycle_layout [DELTA [LAYOUTS ...]]
	   Cycles the layout algorithm in the current frame by DELTA.  DELTA
	   defaults to 1. You can find a list of layout algorithms above. If a
	   list of LAYOUTS is given, cycle_layout will cycle through those
	   instead of the default layout algorithm list. Each layout name
	   should occur at most once. Example:

	   ·   cycle_layout -1

	   ·   cycle_layout 1 vertical grid

       set_layout LAYOUT
	   Sets the layout algorithm in the current frame to LAYOUT. For the
	   list of layouts, check the list of layout algorithms above.

       close WINID
	   Closes the specified window gracefully or the focused window if
	   none is given explicitly. See the section on WINDOW IDS how to
	   reference a certain window.

	   Closes the focused window or removes the current frame if no window
	   is focused.

       split ALIGN [FRACTION]
	   Splits the focused frame into two subframes with a specified
	   FRACTION between 0 and 1 which defaults to 0.5.  ALIGN is one of

	   ·   top

	   ·   bottom (= vertical)

	   ·   left,

	   ·   right (= horizontal)

	   ·   explode

	   ·   auto (split along longest side)

	       It specifies which of the two halves will be empty after the
	       split. The other half will be occupied by the currently focused
	       frame. After splitting, the originally focuse frame will stay
	       focused. One special ALIGN mode is explode, which splits the
	       frame in such a way that the window sizes and positions are
	       kept as much as possible. If no FRACTION is given to explode
	       mode an optimal fraction is picked automatically. Example:

	   ·   split explode

	   ·   split bottom 0.5

	   ·   split horiz 0.3

	   ·   split vertical 0.5

	   ·   split h

       focus [-i|-e] DIRECTION
	   Moves the focus from current frame to the next frame or client in
	   DIRECTION which is in:

	   ·   l[eft]

	   ·   r[ight]

	   ·   u[p]

	   ·   d[own]

	   If -i (internal) is given or default_direction_external_only is
	   unset, then the next client in DIRECTION can also be within the
	   same frame. If there is no client within this frame or -e
	   (external) is given, then the next frame in specified DIRECTION
	   will be focused.

	   The direction between frames is defined as follows: The focus is in
	   a leaf of the binary tree. Each inner node in the tree remembers
	   the last focus direction (child 0 or child 1). The algorithm uses
	   the shortest possible way from the leaf (the currently focused
	   frame) to the root until it is possible to change focus in the
	   specified DIRECTION. From there the focus goes back to the leaf.

	   Example: The focus is at frame A. After executing focus right focus
	   will be at frame C.

		Tree:  V,0     Screen: .-----..-----. (before)
		       / \	       |  B  ||	 C  |
		      /	  \	       '-----''-----'
		    H,1	  H,0	       .-----..-----.
		    / \	  / \	       |  A* ||	 D  |
		   A*  B C   D	       '-----''-----'

		Tree:  V,0     Screen: .-----..-----. (after focus right)
		       / \	       |  B  ||	 C* |
		      /	  \	       '-----''-----'
		    H,1	  H,0	       .-----..-----.
		    / \	  / \	       |  A  ||	 D  |
		   A   B C*  D	       '-----''-----'

	   If the currently focused client is floated, then the next floating
	   window in the specified direction is focused and raised.

	   If focus_crosses_monitor_boundaries is set and no client or frame
	   is found in the specified DIRECTION, then the next monitor in that
	   DIRECTION is focused.

       focus_edge [-i|-e] DIRECTION
	   Focuses the window on the edge of the tag in the specified
	   DIRECTION. The DIRECTIONS and -e behave as specified at the focus

	   If -i (internal) is given or default_direction_external_only is
	   unset, then the window on the edge of the tag will be focused.
	   Else, only the frame on the edge of the tag will be focused, and
	   the window that was last focused in that frame will be focused.

       raise WINID
	   Raises the specified window. See the section on WINDOW IDS on how
	   to reference a certain window. Its result is only visible in
	   floating mode.

	   The WINID also can specify an unmanaged window, although the
	   completion for the raise command does not list the IDs of unmanaged

       jumpto WINID
	   Puts the focus to the specified window. See the section on WINDOW
	   IDS on how to reference a certain window.

       bring WINID
	   Moves the specified window to the current frame and focuses it. See
	   the section on WINDOW IDS on how to reference a certain window.

	   Changes the next fraction in specified DIRECTION by FRACTIONDELTA.
	   DIRECTION behaves as specified at the focus command. You should not
	   omit the sign - or +, because in future versions, the behaviour may
	   change if the sign is omitted. Example:

	   ·   resize right +0.05

	   ·   resize down -0.1

       shift_edge [-i|-e] DIRECTION
	   Shifts the focused window to the the edge of a tag in the specified
	   DIRECTION. The DIRECTIONS behave as specified at the focus command
	   and -i and -e behave as specified at the focus_edge command.

       shift [-i|-e] DIRECTION
	   Shifts the focused window to the next frame in the specified
	   DIRECTION. The DIRECTIONS and -i|-e behave as specified at the
	   focus command. If the focused client is floated instead of being
	   tiled, then client is shifted to the next window or screen edge.

       shift_to_monitor MONITOR
	   Moves the focused window to the tag on the specified MONITOR.

	   Removes focused frame and merges its windows to its neighbour

	   Rotates the layout on the focused tag counterclockwise by 90
	   degrees. This only manipulates the alignment of frames, not the
	   content of them.

       set NAME VALUE
	   Sets the specified setting NAME to VALUE. All SETTINGS are listed
	   in the section below.

       get NAME
	   Prints the value of setting NAME. All SETTINGS are listed in the
	   section below.

       toggle NAME
	   Toggles the setting NAME if it’s an integer setting: If its value
	   is unequal to 0, it becomes 0; else its previous value (which was
	   unequal to 0) is restored.

       cycle_value NAME VALUES ...
	   Cycles value of the setting NAME through VALUES: I.e. it searches
	   the first occurrence of the current value in VALUES and changes the
	   value to the next in the list or to the first one if the end is
	   reached or current value wasn’t found. Example:

	   ·   cycle_value frame_gap 0 5 10 15

	   ·   cycle_value frame_bg_normal_color red green blue

       cycle_monitor [DELTA]
	   Cycles monitor focused by DELTA.  DELTA defaults to 1.

       focus_monitor MONITOR
	   Puts focus to the specified monitor.

       add TAG
	   Creates a new empty tag named TAG.

       use TAG
	   Switches the focused monitor to specified TAG.

       use_index INDEX [--skip-visible]
	   Switches the focused monitor to the TAG with the specified INDEX.
	   If INDEX starts with + or -, then INDEX is treated relative to the
	   current TAG. If --skip-visible is passed and INDEX is relative,
	   then tags that are already visible on a monitor are skipped. E.g.
	   this cycles backwards through the tags:

	   ·   use_index -1 --skip-visible

	   Switches the focused monitor to the previously viewed tag.

       merge_tag TAG [TARGET]
	   Removes tag named TAG and moves all its windows to tag TARGET. If
	   TARGET is omitted, the focused tag will be used.

       rename OLDTAG NEWTAG
	   Renames tag named OLDTAG to NEWTAG.

       move TAG
	   Moves the focused window to the tag named TAG.

       move_index INDEX [--skip-visible]
	   Moves the focused window to the tag specified by INDEX. Analogical
	   to the argument for use_index: If INDEX starts with + or -, then it
	   is treated relative. If --skip-visible is passed with a relative
	   index, then already visible tags are skipped.

       lock_tag [MONITOR]
	   Lock the tag switching on the specified monitor. If no argument is
	   given, the currently focused monitor is used. When the tag
	   switching is disabled for a monitor, the commands use and use_index
	   have no effect when executed there. When swap_monitors_to_get_tag
	   is enabled, switching to a tag which is located on a locked
	   monitor, switches to that monitor instead of stealing it from
	   there. The lock state of a monitor is indicated by "[LOCKED]" in
	   the list_monitors output.

       unlock_tag [MONITOR]
	   Re-enables the tag switching on the specified monitor. If no
	   argument is given, the currently focused monitor is used. This is
	   the reverse operation to lock_tag and has no further side effects
	   but removing this lock.

       disjoin_rects RECTS ...
	   Takes a list of rectangles and splits them into smaller pieces
	   until all rectangles are disjoint, the result rectangles are
	   printed line by line. This command does not modify the current list
	   of monitors! So this can be useful in combination with the
	   set_monitors command.

	   ·   E.g.  disjoin_rects 600x400+0+0 600x400+300+250 prints this:


	   ·   In the above example two monitors are split into 5 monitors,
	       which graphically means:

		   11111111		    11111111
		   1  222222222		    333222224444
		   1  2	  1   2	  disjoin   3 32   24  4
		   11121111   2	 -------->  333222224444
		      2	      2		       555555555
		      222222222		       555555555

       set_monitors RECTS ...
	   Sets the list of monitors exactly to the list of given rectangles:

	   ·   The i’th existing monitor is moved to the i’th given RECT

	   ·   New monitors are created if there are more RECTS then monitors

	   ·   Existing monitors are deleted if there are more monitors then

       detect_monitors -l|--list|--no-disjoin
	   Sets the list of monitors to the available Xinerama monitors. If
	   the Xinerama extension is missing, it will fall back to one monitor
	   across the entire screen. If the detected monitors overlap, the
	   will be split into more monitors that are disjoint but cover the
	   same area using disjoin_rects.

	   If -l or --list is passed, the list of rectangles of detected
	   pyhsical monitors is printed. So hc detect_monitors is equivalent
	   to the bash command hc set_monitors $(hc disjoin_rects $(hc
	   detect_monitors -l)).

       add_monitor RECT [TAG [NAME]]
	   Adds a monitor on the specified rectangle RECT and displays TAG on
	   it.	TAG currently must not be displayed on any other monitor.
	   RECT is a string of the form WxH±X±Y. If no or an empty TAG is
	   given, then any free tag will be chosen. If a NAME is given, you
	   can reference to this monitor by its name instead of using an
	   index. Example:

	   ·   add_monitor 1024x768-20+0 mynewtag main

       remove_monitor MONITOR
	   Removes the specified monitor.

	   Moves the specified monitor to rectangle RECT.  RECT is defined as
	   in add_monitor. If no or an empty pad is given, it is not changed.

       raise_monitor [MONITOR]
	   Raises the specified monitor or the current one if MONITOR is

       rename_monitor MONITOR NAME
	   (Re)names an already existing monitor. If NAME is empty, it removes
	   the monitor’s name.

	   Prints the stack of monitors with the visible tags and their layers
	   as a tree. The order of the printed stack is top to bottom. The
	   style is configured by the tree_style setting.

       monitor_rect [[-p] MONITOR]
	   Prints the rectangle of the specified monitor in the format: X Y W
	   H If no MONITOR or cur is given, then the current monitor is used.
	   If -p is supplied, then the remaining rect without the pad around
	   this monitor is printed.

	   Sets the pad of specified monitor to the specified padding. If no
	   or an empty padding is given, it is not changed.

       list_padding [MONITOR]
	   Lists the padding of the specified monitor, or the currently
	   focused monitor if no monitor is given.

       layout [TAG [INDEX]]
	   Prints the layout of frame with INDEX on TAG, in a nice tree style.
	   Its style is defined by the tree_style setting. If no TAG is given,
	   the current tag is used. If no INDEX is given, the root frame is
	   used. To specify INDEX without specifying TAG (i.e. use current
	   tag), pass an empty string as TAG.

	   An example output is:

	       ╾─┐ horizontal 50% selection=1
		 ├─╼ vertical: 0xe00009
		 └─┐ vertical 50% selection=0
		   ├─╼ vertical: 0xa00009 [FOCUS]
		   └─╼ vertical: 0x1000009

       dump [TAG [INDEX]]
	   Prints the same information as the layout command but in a machine
	   readable format. Its output can be read back with the load command.

	   An example output (formatted afterwards) is:

	       (split horizontal:0.500000:1
		   (clients vertical:0 0xe00009)
		   (split vertical:0.500000:1
		       (clients vertical:0 0xa00009)
		       (clients vertical:0 0x1000009)))

       load [TAG] LAYOUT
	   Loads a given LAYOUT description to specified TAG or current tag if
	   no TAG is given.

	   LAYOUT is exactly one parameter. If you are calling it manually
	   from your shell or from a script, quote it properly!

       complete POSITION [COMMAND ARGS ...]
	   Prints the result of tab completion for the partial COMMAND with
	   optional ARGS. You usually do not need this, because there is
	   already tab completion for bash. Example:

	   ·   complete 0 m

	       prints all commands beginning with m

	   ·   complete 1 toggle fra

	       prints all settings beginning with fra that can be toggled

       complete_shell POSITION [COMMAND ARGS ...]
	   Behaves like complete with the following extras, useful for
	   completion on posix shells:

	   ·   Escape sequences are removed in COMMAND and ARGS.

	   ·   A space is appended to each full completion result.

	   ·   Special characters will be escaped in the output.

       emit_hook ARGS ...
	   Emits a custom hook to all idling herbstclients.

       tag_status [MONITOR]
	   Print a tab separated list of all tags for the specified MONITOR
	   index. If no MONITOR index is given, the focused monitor is used.
	   Each tag name is prefixed with one char, which indicates its state:

	   ·   .  the tag is empty

	   ·   : the tag is not empty

	   ·   + the tag is viewed on the specified MONITOR, but this monitor
	       is not focused.

	   ·   # the tag is viewed on the specified MONITOR and it is focused.

	   ·   - the tag is viewed on a different MONITOR, but this monitor is
	       not focused.

	   ·   % the tag is viewed on a different MONITOR and it is focused.

	   ·   !  the tag contains an urgent window

	   If you use a tab in one of the tag names, then tag_status is
	   probably quite useless for you.

       floating [[TAG] on|off|toggle|status]
	   Changes the current tag to floating/tiling mode on specified TAG or
	   prints it current status. If no TAG is given, the current tag is
	   used. If no argument is given, floating mode is toggled. If status
	   is given, then on or off is printed, depending of the floating
	   state of TAG.

       rule [[--]FLAG|[--]LABEL|[--]CONDITION|[--]CONSEQUENCE ...]
	   Defines a rule which will be applied to all new clients. Its
	   behaviour is described in the RULES section.

       unrule LABEL|--all|-F
	   Removes all rules named LABEL. If --all or -F is passed, then all
	   rules are removed.

       fullscreen [on|off|toggle]
	   Sets or toggles the fullscreen state of the focused client. If no
	   argument is given, fullscreen mode is toggled.

       pseudotile [on|off|toggle]
	   Sets or toggles the pseudotile state of the focused client. If a
	   client is pseudotiled, then in tiling mode the client is only moved
	   but not resized - the client size will stay the floating size. The
	   only reason to resize the client is to ensure that it fits into its
	   tile. If no argument is given, pseudotile mode is toggled.

       object_tree [PATH]
	   Prints the tree of objects. If the object path PATH is given, only
	   the subtree starting at PATH is printed. See the OBJECTS section
	   for more details.

       attr [PATH [NEWVALUE]
	   Prints the children and attributes of the given object addressed by
	   PATH. If PATH is an attribute, then print the attribute value. If
	   NEWVALUE is given, assign NEWVALUE to the attribute given by PATH.
	   See the OBJECTS section for more details.

       get_attr ATTRIBUTE
	   Print the value of the specified ATTRIBUTE as described in the
	   OBJECTS section.

       set_attr ATTRIBUTE NEWVALUE
	   Assign NEWVALUE to the specified ATTRIBUTE as described in the
	   OBJECTS section.

       new_attr [bool|color|int|string|uint] PATH
	   Creates a new attribute with the name and in the object specified
	   by PATH. Its type is specified by the first argument. The attribute
	   name has to begin with my_.

       remove_attr PATH
	   Removes the user defined attribute PATH.

	   Replaces all exact occurrences of IDENTIFIER in COMMAND and its
	   ARGS by the value of the ATTRIBUTE. Note that the COMMAND also is
	   replaced by the attribute value if it equals IDENTIFIER. The
	   replaced command with its arguments then is executed. Example:

	   ·   substitute MYTITLE clients.focus.title echo MYTITLE Prints the
	       title of the currently focused window.

	   Replaces all exact occurrences of IDENTIFIER in COMMAND and its
	   ARGS by the string specified by FORMAT. Each %s in FORMAT stands
	   for the value of the next attribute in ATTRIBUTES, similar to the
	   printf(1) command. The replaced command with its arguments then is
	   executed. Examples:

	   ·   sprintf STR title=%s clients.focus.title echo STR Prints the
	       title of the currently focused window prepended by title=.

	   ·   sprintf X tag=%s tags.focus.name rule once X Moves the next
	       client that appears to the tag that is currently focused.

	   ·   sprintf X %s/%s tags.focus.index tags.count echo X Tells which
	       tag is focused and how many tags there are

	   ·   sprintf l somelongstring echo l l l Prints somelongstring three
	       times, separated by spaces.

       mktemp [bool|int|string|uint] IDENTIFIER COMMAND [ARGS ...]
	   Creates a temporary attribute with the given type and replaces all
	   occurrences of IDENTIFIER in COMMAND and ARGS by by the path of the
	   temporary attribute. The replaced command with its arguments is
	   executed then. The exit status of COMMAND is returned.

	   Compares the value of ATTRIBUTE with VALUE using the comparation
	   method OPERATOR. If the comparation succeeds, it returns 0, else 1.
	   The operators are:

	   ·   =: ATTRIBUTE's value equals VALUE

	   ·   !=: ATTRIBUTE's value does not equal VALUE

	   ·   le: ATTRIBUTE's value <= VALUE

	   ·   lt: ATTRIBUTE's value < VALUE

	   ·   ge: ATTRIBUTE's value >= VALUE

	   ·   gt: ATTRIBUTE's value > VALUE

	   The OPERATORsle,lt,ge,gt can only be used if ATTRIBUTE is of the
	   type integer or unsigned integer. Note that the first parameter
	   must always be an attribute and the second a constant value. If you
	   want to compare two attributes, use the substitute command:

	       substitute FC tags.focus.frame_count \
		   compare tags.focus.client_count gt FC

	   It returns success if there are more clients on the focused tag
	   than frames.

       getenv NAME
	   Gets the value of the environment variable NAME.

       setenv NAME VALUE
	   Set the value of the environment variable NAME to VALUE.

       unsetenv NAME
	   Unsets the environment variable NAME.

       Settings configure the behaviour of herbstluftwm and can be controlled
       via the set, get and toggle commands. There are two types of settings:
       Strings and integer values. An integer value is set, if its value is 1
       or another value unequal to 0. An integer value is unset, if its value
       is 0.

       frame_gap (Integer)
	   The gap between frames in the tiling mode.

       frame_padding (Integer)
	   The padding within a frame in the tiling mode, i.e. the space
	   between the border of a frame and the windows within it.

       window_gap (Integer)
	   The gap between windows within one frame in the tiling mode.

       snap_distance (Integer)
	   If a client is dragged in floating mode, then it snaps to neighbour
	   clients if the distance between them is smaller then snap_distance.

       snap_gap (Integer)
	   Specifies the remaining gap if a dragged client snaps to an edge in
	   floating mode. If snap_gap is set to 0, no gap will remain.

       mouse_recenter_gap (Integer)
	   Specifies the gap around a monitor. If the monitor is selected and
	   the mouse position would be restored into this gap, it is set to
	   the center of the monitor. This is useful, when the monitor was
	   left via mouse movement, but is reselected by keyboard. If the gap
	   is 0 (default), the mouse is never recentered.

       frame_border_active_color (String/Color)
	   The border color of a focused frame.

       frame_border_normal_color (String/Color)
	   The border color of an unfocused frame.

       frame_border_inner_color (String/Color)
	   The color of the inner border of a frame.

       frame_bg_active_color (String/Color)
	   The fill color of a focused frame.

       frame_bg_normal_color (String/Color)
	   The fill color of an unfocused frame (It is only visible if
	   always_show_frame is set).

       frame_bg_transparent (Integer)
	   If set, the background of frames are transparent. That means a
	   rectangle is cut out frome the inner such that only the frame
	   border and a stripe of width frame_transparent_width can be seen.
	   Use frame_active_opacity and frame_normal_opacity for real

       frame_transparent_width (Integer)
	   Specifies the width of the remaining frame colored with
	   frame_bg_active_color if frame_bg_transparent is set.

       frame_border_width (Integer)
	   Border width of a frame.

       frame_border_inner_width (Integer)
	   The width of the inner border of a frame. Must be less than
	   frame_border_width, since it does not add to the frame border width
	   but is a part of it.

       focus_crosses_monitor_boundaries (Integer)
	   If set, the focus command crosses monitor boundaries. If there is
	   no client in the direction given to focus, then the monitor in the
	   specified direction is focused.

       raise_on_focus (Integer)
	   If set, a window is raised if it is focused. The value of this
	   setting is only used in floating mode.

       raise_on_focus_temporarily (Integer)
	   If set, a window is raised temporarily if it is focused on its tag.
	   Temporarily in this case means that the window will return to its
	   previous stacking position if another window is focused.

       raise_on_click (Integer)
	   If set, a window is raised if it is clicked. The value of this
	   setting is only noticed in floating mode.

       window_border_width (Integer)
	   Border width of a window.

       window_border_inner_width (Integer)
	   The width of the inner border of a window. Must be less than
	   window_border_width, since it does not add to the window border
	   width but is a part of it.

       window_border_active_color (String/Color)
	   Border color of a focused window.

       window_border_normal_color (String/Color)
	   Border color of an unfocused window.

       window_border_urgent_color (String/Color)
	   Border color of an unfocused but urgent window.

       window_border_inner_color (String/Color)
	   Color of the inner border of a window.

       always_show_frame (Integer)
	   If set, all frames are displayed. If unset, only frames with focus
	   or with windows in it are displayed.

       frame_active_opacity (Integer)
	   Focused frame opacity in percent. Requires a running compositing
	   manager to take actual effect.

       frame_normal_opacity (Integer)
	   Unfocused frame opacity in percent. Requires a running compositing
	   manager to take actual effect.

       default_frame_layout (Integer)
	   Index of the frame layout, which is used if a new frame is created
	   (by split or on a new tag). For a list of valid indices and their
	   meanings, check the list of layout algorithms above.

       default_direction_external_only (Integer)
	   This setting controls the behaviour of focus and shift if no -e or
	   -i argument is given. if set, then focus and shift changes the
	   focused frame even if there are other clients in this frame in the
	   specified DIRECTION. Else, a client within current frame is
	   selected if it is in the specified DIRECTION.

       gapless_grid (Integer)
	   This setting affects the size of the last client in a frame that is
	   arranged by grid layout. If set, then the last client always fills
	   the gap within this frame. If unset, then the last client has the
	   same size as all other clients in this frame.

       smart_frame_surroundings (Integer)
	   If set, frame borders and gaps will be removed when there’s no
	   ambiguity regarding the focused frame.

       smart_window_surroundings (Integer)
	   If set, window borders and gaps will be removed and minimal when
	   there’s no ambiguity regarding the focused window. This minimal
	   window decoration can be configured by the theme.minimal object.

       focus_follows_mouse (Integer)
	   If set and a window is focused by mouse cursor, this window is
	   focused (this feature is also known as sloppy focus). If unset, you
	   need to click to change the window focus by mouse.

	   If another window is hidden by the focus change (e.g. when having
	   pseudotiled windows in the max layout) then an extra click is
	   required to change the focus.

       focus_stealing_prevention (Integer)
	   If set, only pagers and taskbars are allowed to change the focus.
	   If unset, all applications can request a focus change.

       monitors_locked (Integer)
	   If greater than 0, then the clients on all monitors aren’t moved or
	   resized anymore. If it is set to 0, then the arranging of monitors
	   is enabled again, and all monitors are rearranged if their content
	   has changed in the meantime. You should not change this setting
	   manually due to concurrency issues; use the commands lock and
	   unlock instead.

       swap_monitors_to_get_tag (Integer)
	   If set: If you want to view a tag, that already is viewed on
	   another monitor, then the monitor contents will be swapped and you
	   see the wanted tag on the focused monitor. If not set, the other
	   monitor is focused if it shows the desired tag.

       auto_detect_monitors (Integer)
	   If set, detect_monitors is automatically executed every time a
	   monitor is connected, disconnected or resized.

       tree_style (String)
	   It contains the chars that are used to print a nice ascii tree. It
	   must contain at least 8 characters. e.g.  X|:#+*-.  produces a tree

		 #-. child 0
		 | #-* child 01
		 | +-* child 02
		 +-. child 1
		 : #-* child 10
		 : +-* child 01

	   Useful values for tree_style are: ╾│ ├└╼─┐ or -| |'--.  or ╾│

       wmname (String)
	   It controls the value of the _NET_WM_NAME property on the root
	   window, which specifies the name of the running window manager. The
	   value of this setting is not updated if the actual _NET_WM_NAME
	   property on the root window is changed externally. Example usage:

	   ·   cycle_value wmname herbstluftwm LG3D

       pseudotile_center_threshold (Int)
	   If greater than 0, it specifies the least distance between a
	   centered pseudotile window and the border of the frame or tile it
	   is assigned to. If this distance is lower than
	   pseudotile_center_threshold, it is aligned to the top left of the
	   client’s tile.

       update_dragged_clients (Int)
	   If set, a client’s window content is resized immediately during
	   resizing it with the mouse. If unset, the client’s content is
	   resized after the mouse button are released.

       Rules are used to change default properties for certain clients when
       they appear. Each rule matches against a certain subset of all clients
       and defines a set of properties for them (called CONSEQUENCEs). A rule
       can be defined with this command:

       rule [[--]FLAG|[--]LABEL|[--]CONDITION|[--]CONSEQUENCE ...]

       Each rule consists of a list of FLAGs, CONDITIONs, CONSEQUENCEs and,
       optionally, a LABEL. (each of them can be optionally prefixed with two
       dashes (--) to provide a more iptables(8)-like feeling).

       Each rule can be given a custom label by specifying the LABEL property:

       ·   [--]label=VALUE

       If multiple labels are specified, the last one in the list will be
       applied. If no label is given, then the rule will be given an integer
       name that represents the index of the rule since the last unrule -F
       command (which is triggered in the default autostart).

	   Rule labels default to an incremental index. These default labels
	   are unique, unless you assign a different rule a custom integer
	   LABEL. Default labels can be captured with the printlabel flag.

       If a new client appears, herbstluftwm tries to apply each rule to this
       new client as follows: If each CONDITION of this rule matches against
       this client, then every CONSEQUENCE is executed. (If there are no
       conditions given, then this rule is executed for each client)

       Each CONDITION consists of a property name, an operator and a value.
       Valid operators are:

       ·   ~ matches if client’s property is matched by the regex value.

       ·   = matches if client’s properly string is equal to value.

       Valid properties are:

	   the first entry in client’s WM_CLASS.

	   the second entry in client’s WM_CLASS.

	   client’s window title.

	   the client’s process id (Warning: the pid is not available for
	   every client. This only matches if the client sets _NET_WM_PID to
	   the pid itself).

	   matches if the age of the rule measured in seconds does not exceed
	   value. This condition only can be used with the = operator. If
	   maxage already is exceeded (and never will match again), then this
	   rule is removed. (With this you can build rules that only live for
	   a certain time.)

	   matches the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE property of a window.

	   matches the WM_WINDOW_ROLE property of a window if it is set by the

       Each CONSEQUENCE consists of a NAME=VALUE pair. Valid NAMES are:

	   moves the client to tag VALUE.

	   moves the client to the tag on monitor VALUE. If the tag
	   consequence was also specified, and switchtag is set for the
	   client, move the client to that tag, then display that tag on
	   monitor VALUE. If the tag consequence was specified, but switchtag
	   was not, ignore this consequence.

	   decides whether the client gets the input focus on his tag. The
	   default is off.  VALUE can be on, off or toggle.

	   if focus is activated and the client is put to a not focused tag,
	   then switchtag tells whether the client’s tag will be shown or not.
	   If the tag is shown on any monitor but is not focused, the client’s
	   tag only is brought to the current monitor if
	   swap_monitors_to_get_tag is activated.  VALUE can be on, off or

	   decides whether the client will be managed or not. The default is
	   on.	VALUE can be on, off or toggle.

	   moves the window to a specified index in the tree.  VALUE is a
	   frame index.

	   sets the pseudotile state of the client.  VALUE can be on, off or

	   sets whether the window state (the fullscreen state and the demands
	   attention flag) can be changed by the application via ewmh itself.
	   This does not affect the initial fullscreen state requested by the
	   window.  VALUE can be on, off or toggle, it defaults to on.

	   sets whether hlwm should let the client know about EMWH changes
	   (currently only the fullscreen state). If this is set, applications
	   do not change to their fullscreen-mode while still being
	   fullscreen.	VALUE can be on, off or toggle, it defaults to on.

	   sets the fullscreen flag of the client.  VALUE can be on, off or

	   emits the custom hook ruleVALUEWINID when this rule is triggered by
	   a new window with the id WINID. This consequence can be used
	   multiple times, which will cause a hook to be emitted for each
	   occurrence of a hook consequence.

	   Sets the keymask for an client. A keymask is an regular expression
	   that is matched against the string represenation (see
	   list_keybinds). If it matches the keybinding is active when this
	   client is focused, otherwise it is disabled. The default keymask is
	   an empty string (""), which does not disable any keybinding.

       A rule’s behaviour can be configured by some special FLAGS:

       ·   not: negates the next CONDITION.

       ·   !: same as not.

       ·   once: only apply this rule once (and delete it afterwards).

       ·   printlabel: prints the label of the newly created rule to stdout.

       ·   prepend: prepend the rule to the list of rules instead of appending
	   it. So its consequences may be overwritten by already existing


       ·   rule --class=Netscape --tag=6 --focus=off Moves all Netscape
	   instances to tag 6, but doesn’t give focus to them.

       ·   rule not class~.*[Tt]erm tag=2 Moves all clients to tag 2, if their
	   class does not end with term or Term.

       ·   rule class=Thunderbird index=/0 Insert all Thunderbird instances in
	   the tree that has no focus and there in the first child.

       ·   rule --windowtype=_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG --focus=on Sets focus
	   to new dialogs which set their _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE correctly.

       Several commands accept a window as reference, e.g. close. The syntax
       is as follows:

       ·   an empty string — or missing argument — references the currently
	   focused window.

       ·   urgent references some window that is urgent.

       ·   0xHEXID — where HEXID is some hexadecimal number — references the
	   window with hexadecimal X11 window id is HEXID.

       ·   DECID — where DECID is some decimal number — references the window
	   with the decimal X11 window id DECID.

	   The object tree is not stable yet, i.e. its interface may change
	   until the next stable release. So check this documentation again
	   after upgrading the next time.

       The object tree is a collection of objects with attributes similar to
       /sys known from the Linux kernel. Many entities (like tags, monitors,
       clients, ...) have objects to access their attributes directly. The
       tree is printed by the object_tree command and looks more or less as

	   $ herbstclient object_tree
	     ├─┐ tags
	     │ ├─┐ by-name
	     │ │ ├─╼ 1
	     │ │ ...
	     │ │ └─╼ 9
	     │ └─╼ focus
	     ├─┐ clients
	     │ ├─╼ 0x1400022
	     │ └─╼ focus
	     └─┐ monitors
	       ├─╼ by-name
	       └─╼ focus

       To print a subtree starting at a certain object, pass the PATH of the
       object to object_tree. The object PATH is the path using the separator
       . (dot), e.g. tags.by-name:

	   $ herbstclient object_tree tags.by-name.
	   ╾─┐ tags.by-name.
	     ├─╼ 1
	     ├─╼ 2
	     └─╼ 9

       To query all attributes and children of a object, pass its PATH to

	   $ herbstclient attr tags.
	   2 children:

	   1 attributes:
	    .---- type
	    | .-- writeable
	    V V
	    u - count		     = 9

	   $ herbstclient attr tags.focus.
	   0 children.
	   6 attributes:
	    .---- type
	    | .-- writeable
	    V V
	    s w name		     = "1"
	    b w floating	     = false
	    i - frame_count	     = 2
	    i - client_count	     = 1
	    i - curframe_windex	     = 0
	    i - curframe_wcount	     = 1

       This already gives an intuition of the output: attr first lists the
       names of the child objects and then all attributes, telling for each

       ·   its type

	   ·   s for string

	   ·   i for integer

	   ·   b for boolean

	   ·   u for unsigned integer

       ·   if it is writeable by the user: w if yes, - else.

       ·   the name of the attribute

       ·   its current value (only quoted for strings)

       To get the unquoted value of a certain attribute, address the attribute
       using the same syntax as for object paths and pass it to attr or

	   $ herbstclient attr clients.focus.title
	   herbstluftwm.txt = (~/dev/c/herbstluftwm/doc) - VIM
	   $ herbstclient get_attr  clients.focus.title
	   herbstluftwm.txt = (~/dev/c/herbstluftwm/doc) - VIM

       To change a writeable attribute value pass the new value to attr or to

	   $ herbstclient attr tags.focus.floating
	   $ herbstclient attr tags.focus.floating true
	   $ herbstclient attr tags.focus.floating
	   $ herbstclient set_attr tags.focus.floating false
	   $ herbstclient attr tags.focus.floating

       Just look around to get a feeling what is there. The detailed tree
       content is listed as follows:

       ·   tags: subtree for tags.

	   │u - count │ number of tags │

	   ·   by-name

	       ·   TAG: a object for each tag with the name TAG

		   │s w name		│ name of the tag	     │
		   │b w floating	│ if it is in floating mode  │
		   │i - index		│ index of this tag	     │
		   │i - frame_count	│ number of frames	     │
		   │i - client_count	│ number of clients on this  │
		   │			│ tag			     │
		   │i - curframe_windex │ index of the focused	     │
		   │			│ client in the select frame │
		   │i - curframe_wcount │ number of clients in the   │
		   │			│ selected frame	     │

	   ·   focus: the object of the focused tag

       ·   clients

	   ·   WINID: a object for each client with its WINID

	       │s - winid	       │ its window id		    │
	       │s - title	       │ its window title	    │
	       │s - tag		       │ the tag it’s currently on  │
	       │i - pid		       │ the process id of it (-1   │
	       │		       │ if unset)		    │
	       │s - class	       │ the class of it (second    │
	       │		       │ entry in WM_CLASS)	    │
	       │s - instance	       │ the instance of it (first  │
	       │		       │ entry in WM_CLASS)	    │
	       │b w fullscreen	       │			    │
	       │b w pseudotile	       │			    │
	       │b w ewmhrequests       │ if ewmh requests are	    │
	       │		       │ permitted for this client  │
	       │b w ewmhnotify	       │ if the client is told	    │
	       │		       │ about its state via ewmh   │
	       │b w urgent	       │ its urgent state	    │
	       │b w sizehints_tiling   │ if sizehints for this	    │
	       │		       │ client should be respected │
	       │		       │ in tiling mode		    │
	       │b w sizehints_flaoting │ if sizehints for this	    │
	       │		       │ client should be respected │
	       │		       │ in floating mode	    │

	   ·   focus: the object of the focused client, if any

	   ·   dragged: the object of a client which is dragged by the mouse,
	       if any. See the documentation of the mousebind command for

       ·   monitors

	   │u - count │ number of monitors │

	   ·   INDEX: a object for each monitor with its INDEX

	   ·   by-name

	       ·   NAME: a object for each named monitor

		   │s - name	 │ its name		    │
		   │i - index	 │ its index		    │
		   │s - tag	 │ the tag currently viewed │
		   │		 │ on it		    │
		   │b - lock_tag │			    │

	   ·   focus: the object of the focused monitor

       ·   settings has an attribute for each setting. See SETTINGS for a

       ·   theme has attributes to configure the window decorations.  theme
	   and many of its child objects have the following attributes

	   │i w border_width	 │ the base width of the      │
	   │			 │ border		      │
	   │i w padding_top	 │ additional border width on │
	   │			 │ the top		      │
	   │i w padding_right	 │ on the right		      │
	   │i w padding_bottom	 │ on the bottom	      │
	   │i w padding_left	 │ and on the left of the     │
	   │			 │ border		      │
	   │c w color		 │ the basic background color │
	   │			 │ of the border	      │
	   │i w inner_width	 │ width of the border around │
	   │			 │ the clients content	      │
	   │c w inner_color	 │ its color		      │
	   │i w outer_width	 │ width of an additional     │
	   │			 │ border close to the edge   │
	   │c w outer_color	 │ its color		      │
	   │c w background_color │ color behind window	      │
	   │			 │ contents visible on resize │
	   │s w reset		 │ Writing this resets all    │
	   │			 │ attributes to a default    │
	   │			 │ value		      │

		     ╻	      outer_color/outer_width
		     │			╻
		     │			│
	       ┌────╴│╶─────────────────┷─────┐ ╮ border_width
	       │     │	    color	      │ ┝     +
	       │  ┌──┷─────────────────────┐  │ ╯ padding_top
	       │  │====================....│  │
	       │  │== window content ==....│  │
	       │  │====================..╾──────── background_color
	       │  │........................│  │
	       │  └────────────────────────┘  │ ⎱ border_width +
	       └──────────────────────────────┘ ⎰ padding_bottom

	   Setting an attribute of the theme object just propagates the value
	   to the respective attribute of the tiling and the floating object.

	   ·   tiling configures the decoration of tiled clients, setting one
	       of its attributes propagates the respective attribute of the
	       active, normal and urgent child objects.

	       ·   active configures the decoration of focused and tiled

	       ·   normal configures the decoration of unfocused and tiled

	       ·   urgent configures the decoration of urgent and tiled

	   ·   floating behaves analogously to tiling

	   ·   minimal behaves analogously to tiling and configures those
	       minimal decorations triggered by smart_window_surroundings.

	   ·   active propagates the attribute values to tiling.active and

	   ·   normal propagates the attribute values to tiling.normal and

	   ·   urgent propagates the attribute values to tiling.urgent and

       There is no configuration file but an autostart file, which is executed
       on startup. It is also executed on command reload. If not specified by
       the --autostart argument, autostart file is located at
       $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/herbstluftwm/autostart or at
       ~/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart. Normally it consists of a few
       herbstclient calls. If executing the autostart file in a user’s home
       fails the global autostart file (mostly placed at
       /etc/xdg/herbstluftwm/autostart) is executed as a fallback.

       For a quick install, copy the default autostart file to

       On special events, herbstluftwm emits some hooks (with parameters). You
       can receive or wait for them with herbstclient(1). Also custom hooks
       can be emitted with the emit_hook command. The following hooks are
       emitted by herbstluftwm itself:

       fullscreen [on|off] WINID STATE
	   The fullscreen state of window WINID was changed to [on|off].

       tag_changed TAG MONITOR
	   The tag TAG was selected on MONITOR.

       focus_changed WINID TITLE
	   The window WINID was focused. Its window title is TITLE.

       window_title_changed WINID TITLE
	   The title of the focused window was changed. Its window id is WINID
	   and its new title is TITLE.

	   The flags (i.e. urgent or filled state) have been changed.

       tag_added TAG
	   A tag named TAG was added.

       tag_removed TAG
	   The tag named TAG was removed.

       urgent [on|off] WINID
	   The urgent state of client with given WINID has been changed to

       rule NAME WINID
	   A window with the id WINID appeared which triggerd a rule with the
	   consequence hook=NAME.

       There are also other useful hooks, which never will be emitted by
       herbstluftwm itself, but which can be emitted with the emit_hook

	   Tells a panel to quit. The default panel.sh quits on this hook.
	   Many scripts are using this hook.

	   Tells all daemons that the autostart file is reloaded — and tells
	   them to quit. This hook should be emitted in the first line of
	   every autostart file.

       Every tag has its own stack of clients that are on this tag. Similar to
       the EWMH specification each tag stack contains several layers, which
       are from top to bottom:

       ·   the focused client (if raise_on_focus_temporarily is enabled)

       ·   clients in fullscreen

       ·   normal clients

       ·   frame decorations

       All monitors are managed in one large stack which only consists of the
       stacks of the visible tags put above each other. The stacking order of
       these monitors is independent from their indices and can be modified
       using the raise_monitor command. The current stack is illustrated by
       the stack command.

	   Specifies the DISPLAY to use.

       Returns 0 on success. Returns EXIT_FAILURE if it cannot startup or if
       wmexec fails.

       See the herbstluftwm distribution BUGS file.

       Feel free to join the IRC channel #herbstluftwm on irc.freenode.net.

       herbstluftwm was written by Thorsten Wißmann. All contributors are
       listed in the herbstluftwm distribution AUTHORS file.

       Homepage: http://herbstluftwm.org

       Gitweb: http://git.cs.fau.de/?p=re06huxa/herbstluftwm

       Patch submission and bug reporting:


       Copyright 2011-2014 Thorsten Wißmann. All rights reserved.

       This software is licensed under the "Simplified BSD License". See
       LICENSE for details.

  herbstluftwm 0.6.2\		  2014-03-27		       HERBSTLUFTWM(1)

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