MAKEPP_BUILTINS man page on DragonFly

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       makepp_builtins -- Builtin commands in makepp

       A: awk,	C: &cat,
	 &cut,	D: date,  E: &echo,
	 &expr,	 F: false,
	 fmt,  G: &grep,  H: head,  I: &install,  L: &ln,  M: m4,
	 &mv,  P: &perl,
	 &printf,  R: &rm,
	 rmdir,	 S: &sed,
	 &sort,	 T: tail,
	 tr,  U: &uninstall,
	 &uniq,	 Y: &yes

       There is a special Shell-like possibility to call built-in commands in
       a rule.	The only metacharacters recognized are comment signs,
       backslashes, single and double quotes.  Only one command may be given
       per line, and I/O redirection is not available (see "-i" and "-o" below

       These commands start with "&", which is the function character in Perl
       and not a valid first character in Shell.  If no builtin command of
       that name can be found, this is also the syntax for calling an external
       script within the Perl instance performing the rule.  See "run".

       These commands, as well as your self defined ones and Perl scripts can
       also be called as a make function, returning the standard output.  The
       newlines are converted to spaces, except when evaluated within a
       "define" statement.

	   FIRST-WORDS ;= $(&cut -d' ' -f0 $(FILES))

       When these commands are not indented as rule actions, they get
       performed while reading the makefile.  You can also access these
       commands stand-alone, e.g. if you need some features not available in
       the Unix counterpart, via the makeppbuiltin command.

       These commands are mostly based on the GNU variant.  But many options
       (like --backup, --interactive or --recursive) don't really make sense
       in a makefile.  So, even though they'd be easy to implement in Perl,
       they have been left out.	 Also many Unix commands offer a variety of
       options that cover fairly complicated cases (e.g. sort field
       specifications) while still being inherently limited.  Allowing access
       to Perl, which is present anyway, gives much more power here.

       Lists of filenames may be empty, making it safe to call these commands
       with an unchecked list.	Options in their short form may be glued
       together as in "-ab" instead of "-a -b".	 In the long form arguments
       may be given either glued on with an "=" sign or separately.  In the
       short form they may be given either glued on directly or separately.  A
       few options are common to several builtins, though the short form is
       sometimes hidden by a command's own option (as in "&cut -f"):

       -A filename
	   Read the file and parse it as possibly quoted whitespace- and/or
	   newline-separated options.

	   Force the creation of the file(s) intended by the parameters, even
	   if a different kind of file or empty directory of that name already
	   exists.  This must precede the "-o, --output=filename" option if it
	   is to have any effect on that.

       -i shellcommand
	   Start the Shell command(s) and pipe the output into the builtin.
	   There may optionally be a trailing "|" character, to indicate this
	   is a pipe.  With this option no filenames need to be given.	But if
	   you want to perform the builtin on both files and the pipe output,
	   you must use "-" as a filename for the pipe output.	This option is
	   necessary because there is no redirection syntax.

	   If an "--inpipe" Shell command fails, that also causes the current
	   builtin to fail.

       -o filename
	   Write the output to this file, rather than stdout.  Filename may
	   have any of these forms:

	       Simply write to file.

	       Append to (not necessarily) existing file.

	       Also open the file for input, allowing inplace editing.	With
	       this option variant no input filenames need to be given.	 But
	       if you want to perform the builtin on more files, you must use
	       "-" as an input filename for this one.  In fact the output gets
	       written to a temporary file which gets moved to filename at the

	       Pipe the builtin's output to the Shell command(s).

	   This option is necessary because there is no redirection syntax.

	   If an "--output" Shell command fails, that also causes the current
	   builtin to fail.

       -r number
	   Locally sets $/ for the current builtin.  This splits input into
	   records of length number rather than line by line.  If number is
	   zero, each input file as a whole is one record.

       -s string
	   Locally sets $/ for the current builtin.  This splits input on
	   string rather than line by line.

	   Generate "#line ""NO"" """FILE"""" and "#line ""NO" lines,
	   understood by many C-like languages.

	   Document the changes to the file system.  This must precede other
	   options if it is to document their effect.  If you pass this option
	   to makepp itself, it is as if you had given it for every single
	   builtin command.

       There are two motivations for having builtin commands in makepp.	 The
       first is to offer a set of utilities, which, unlike Shell commands, are
       guaranteed to work the same everywhere, like "&echo -n" or "&mkdir -p",
       and saving you the hassle of finding the path to &install and figuring
       out its wildly varying options.	In a compilation environment, it's
       useful to have the "--synclines" option, which normally only "m4"
       provides, on all filters.

       The other is a question of efficiency.  In general costly fork/execs
       should be avoided where reasonably possible.  On Unix emulations like
       Cygwin or BS2000/Posix, this becomes a noticeable win.  But, even on
       Linux, when the makepp test suite was converted from external commands
       to builtins, there was an overall saving of 3% user CPU usage and 15%
       system CPU usage.  (The tests are of course heavy on primitive actions
       and hardly call the compiler.)

       Consistency is also an issue, though we're not going to reform Unix.
       Normally commands have various nuances of regular expressions.  And
       many invent sort of languages, each different of course, for doing
       something (e.g. "expr", "sed" ...), or complex options for specifying
       fields, delimiters, columns (e.g. "cut", "sort" ...).

       Here instead, anything fancy simply gets handled by Perl, giving both
       consistency across all commands, and far more power than a whole bunch
       of options.  Better yet, any Perlcode these commands run for you, gets
       run in the package of the Makefile.  So, rather than stuff Perl code
       into the rule action, you can define functions and variables and use
       them within the commands:

	   sub my_filter {
	     # Return true iff $_ is desirable
	   %.out: Makeppfile
	       &grep &my_filter $(input) -o $(output)

       If you use Perl functions or variables in your commands, makepp does
       not recognize this as a dependency.  It is generally safer to tell
       makepp everything, so rules which use Perl elements should depend on
       the makefile or module providing those elements, as shown in the above

       On the other hand ignorance may be desirable if you have a program that
       mixes programmatic and configuration aspects in one file.  An example
       would be a WSDL file containing both a web service interface definition
       and an IP address.  You could preprocess this file with the &template
       command to patch in the configuration, but not let makepp notice.

       awk Not built in, but &sed is comparable.

       &cat [option ...] filename ...
	   Concatenates all the files into a single one.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -S, --synclines, -v, --verbose"

	   These commands are mostly not portable!  They will either quietly
	   do nothing or fail, depending on the system.	 Generally only root
	   may perform these operations, which is why they are only available
	   through the &install command.

       &chmod [option ...] mode filename ...
	   Sets mode for all given files.  Mode must be an octal string.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -v,

       &cp [option ...] sourcefile destfile
       &cp [option ...] sourcefile
       &cp [option ...] sourcefile ... destdir
	   Copy sourcefile to destfile, one sourcefile to current directory or
	   multiple sourcefiles to destdir with the same name.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -v, --verbose"

	       Try to link the files.  If that fails, try symbolic link, if
	       that is also requested, else copy.

	       Try to symbolically link the files.  If that fails, copy.

	   See the note under &ln.

       &cut [option ...] filename ...
	   Print selected parts of lines from each file or selected lines,
	   counting across all files.  The output is separated by the
	   delimiter which defaults to TAB for fields and empty string for

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -r, --record-size=number,
	   --separator=string, -S, --synclines, -v, --verbose"

	   -c list
	       Print all the characters specified by list.  List may be any
	       Perl expression returning a list of integers.  The integers can
	       be either positive, starting at zero to count from the
	       beginning, or negative to count from the end.  Unlike Unix
	       "cut", the order you request is respected.

	       Unlike in Perl's slice operator where a ".." range must be
	       either positive or negative, &cut allows starting with a
	       positive and ending with a negative.  But this is only
	       available if your expression consists only of numbers, commas
	       and "..".  E.g. "1..-2" means everything but the first (0) and
	       the last (-1).

	       The list expression can look at the whole line in $_.  Changes
	       to that will be ignored, however, because when this expression
	       is evaluated the line has already been split to Perl's
	       autosplit variable @::F.	 The numbers you return are in fact
	       indices to that list.

	   -d string
	       Set a new delimiter for input fields and output.	 Unlike Unix
	       "cut", this may have any length.

	       Treat "\" as normal literals for "-p, --printf=format".

	   -f list
	       Print all the groups specified by list.	List is as described
	       under "-c, --characters=list".  Note that this hides the
	       standard option "-f" which must be given as "--force".

	   -l list
	       Print all the lines specified by list.  List is as described
	       under "-c, --characters=list" with one major difference: The
	       first line has number 1, there is no line 0.  This is
	       definitely inefficient for big files, if you have a mixed
	       positive to negative range in your list, as it reads everything
	       to memory.  Otherwise Perl could optimize this, but I don't
	       know if it does.

	       Print only matching lines, i.e. ones which have enough
	       characters or fields.  This implies "--only-delimited", which
	       is why you will miss single-field lines with "--fields=0".

	   -p format
	       Apply format (with \escapes) to all fields or characters.

	       Print only lines containing delimiters.

	       &cut -c 10-20,-5,25- $(input)
	       &cut -c 'grep $$_ % 3, 0..99' $(input) # 1st 100 columns not multiple of 3
	       &cut -d: --fields 0,4 --printf='%10s is %s\n' /etc/passwd

	   Not built in, but either of these partially does the same thing:

	       &expr localtime
	       &expr gmtime

       &echo [option ...] string ...
       &printf [option ...] format argument ...
       &yes [option ...] string ...
	   Writes all strings to stdout or the given outfile.  Both &echo and
	   &yes add a newline at the end.  The strings, or for &printf the
	   format, may contain "\" escapes, as they are known from C or modern
	   Unix or Shell "echo".  They are however as in Perl double-quotes,
	   which means some differences, like that a single trailing "\" is
	   not allowed.	 Perl has a few more interesting escapes, but the ones
	   you might expect to do something different are:

	   \cA Is a control character ^A.

	   \u  Upcases the following letter.

	   \U  Upcases the rest, or up to the next "\L" if found.

	   \xHH, \x{HHHH}
	       Is the character value of the given Hex code.  Note that
	       numeric codes are not portable to EBCDIC platforms!

	   Unlike Unix "yes", &yes is exactly like &echo, except that it
	   repeats the output for as long as it can, typically until an
	   "--output '| command'" terminates.  And, if &yes has no arguments,
	   it defaults to "y".

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -o, --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -v, --verbose"

	       Treat "\" as normal literals.

	       Do not add a newline after the last string.  (Not understood by

       &expr [option ...] perlcode ...
	   Print the scalar value of perlcode, which may be written as one or
	   several arguments.  Note that builtin commands are not parsed by
	   the Shell, so "*", "(" or ">" are not special.  But string quotes
	   are parsed by makepp, so Perl strings must be quoted twice, unless
	   you want to use barewords.  If the value is false, this fails.
	   Note that -- unlike in Unix "expr" -- Perl's index function starts
	   at 0 (false) and returns -1 (true) for failure.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -o, --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -v, --verbose"

	       Do not add a newline after the output.

	       &expr ($(VAR) - 3) * 2 < 1 && -1 || 1
	       &expr "$(VAR) - 3 * 2 < 1 ? 'joy' : 'sorrow'" -o $(output)
	       -&expr $(VAR) - 3 * 2 -o >>$(output)

	   Not very constructive and thus not built in, but &expr with no
	   argument or 0 is comparable.

       fmt Not built in, but mentioned here since Perl provides a related
	   functionality.  However I had problems using the "format"
	   declaration in a makefile.  What does work is the underlying
	   "formline" function.	 E.g. to transform a csv file consisting of
	   names and prices to a tabular format:

	       sub csv2txt {
		 formline "\@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^###########.##\n", split ',';
		 $_ = $^A;
		 $^A = '';

	       %.txt: %.csv
		   &sed &csv2txt $(input) -o $(output)

       &grep [option ...] perlcode filename ...
       &perl [option ...] perlcode filename ...
       &sed [option ...] perlcode filename ...
	   All the files get read line by line (unless you gave a
	   "--separator" option), and perlcode gets evaluated for each line,
	   before it gets printed.  &sed is similar to "perl -pe", while &grep
	   only outputs those lines for which perlcode returns a true value.
	   &perl is similar to "perl -ne", only outputting whatever you
	   explicitly print in the perlcode.  The line content is available in
	   $_, which may be modified.

	   Of these three, only &grep will fail if it outputs nothing.	Note
	   that there is no ignore-case option, since you would do that with

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -r, --record-size=number, -s,
	   --separator=string, -S, --synclines, --verbose"

	   The option "--synclines" only makes sence with &perl if you use
	   &Mpp::Cmds::print to output $_.  Only &grep has extra options:

	       Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching
	       lines.  With the "-v, --invert-match" option (see below), count
	       non-matching lines.

	       Output only the name of those files with matches.  When this is
	       combined with "-v, --invert-match", output the name of files
	       with lines that don't match (a bit absurdly but compatible with
	       Unix -vl).  When this is combined with a doubled "-vv", output
	       the name of files with no matches.

	       Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
	       Note that this hides the standard option "-v" which must be
	       given as "--verbose".

	   -w filename
	       An optional waste basket for collecting the rejected lines.
	       This is not only for debugging your selection code, but also
	       for splitting your input in two.	 As with the normal output,
	       you may modify $_ before returning false.

	       &sed s/foo/bar/ f1 f2 f3 -o outfile # like sed s/foo/bar/ f1 f2 f3 >outfile
	       &sed '$$_ = uc' f1 f2 f3 -o outfile # like tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' f1 f2 f3
	       &grep '$$. % 3' f1 f2 f3 -o outfile # eliminate every 3rd line
	       &grep -c /match/i f1 f2 f3	   # count the lines matching 'match' to STDOUT

	   Without pushing you to mass generate accessors, here's how you
	   could do it by simply putting a comment of RO or RW between each
	   type and desired variable name, all on one line.  The generated
	   getter and optionally setter methods go into the next found public
	   or protected section:

	       # Create get and maybe set method from "type /* R[OW] */ member;".
	       sub cxx_accessors {
		 $acc ||= '';		   # Candidate for 5.10.0 state
		 if( m!^\s*(.+?)\s*/\*\s*R([OW])\s*\*/\s*(.+?)\s*;! ) {
		   $acc .= "#line $.\n";   # Tell C++ where this came from
		   $acc .= "void set\u$3( const $1 &__tmp ) { $3 = __tmp; }"
		     if $2 eq 'W';
		   $acc .= "const $1 &get\u$3() const { return $3; }\n";
		 } elsif( /^\s*(?:public|protected)\s*:/ ) {
		   $_ .= $acc;
		   $acc = '';
	       }		   # Use &sed for I/O handling
		   &sed --sync-lines &cxx_accessors $(input) -o $(output)

	   These are not provided, but you can achieve the same result with
	   &grep or "&cut --lines":

	       &grep 1..10 file		   # first ten lines
	       &grep 10..eof file	   # all lines from tenth onwards
	       &cut --lines -10..-1 file   # last ten lines

	   Note that 1..10 in &grep is Perl's line number flip-flop operator,
	   which annoyingly starts at 1.  Don't start at 0, or the flip-flop
	   will never become true.

       &install [option ...] sourcefile destfile
       &install [option ...] sourcefile ... destdir
       &install --directory [option ...] directory ...
	   Move or rename sourcefile to destfile, or multiple sourcefiles to
	   destdir with the same name.	This is the preferred way of
	   transferring build results to their final installation locations.

	   Every file system modification performed by &install gets logged to
	   the end of the file pointed to by the environment variable
	   $INSTALL_LOG, or, if that is not set but we are under a directory
	   with a RootMakeppfile(.mk), to a file of .install_log in that
	   directory, or else to that file in the current directory.  You may
	   want to delete the logfile before a series of &install invocations.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -v,

	       Copy the files rather than moving them.	This is preferable, as
	       it doesn't force makepp to rebuild the file next time.  But it
	       is not the default, for compatibility with other install

	       In the third form form of this command create all the given
	       directories and any necessary parent directories.

	   -g group
	       Change the group ownership of the destination files.  The group
	       may be given by name or numerically.

	       Try to link the files.  If that fails, copy.

	       Use filename instead of normal logfile.

	   -m mode
	       Sets mode for all destination files or directories.  Mode must
	       be an octal string.

	   -o owner
	       Change the ownership of the destination files.  The owner may
	       be given by name or numerically.

	       Creates symbolic links instead of moving.  These options are
	       passed to &ln and are described there.

	       Calls the "strip" utility, which must be in the $PATH, on the
	       destination files.

       &ln [option ...] sourcefile destfile
       &ln [option ...] sourcefile
       &ln [option ...] sourcefile ... destdir
	   Link sourcefile to destfile, one sourcefile to current directory or
	   multiple sourcefiles to destdir with the same name.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -v, --verbose"

	       This is what you always wanted "ln -s" to do.  Create symbolic
	       rather than hard links, not to the strings specified, but
	       really to the given files.

	       Create symbolic rather than hard links.

	   Note: On various file or operating systems, this operation is not
	   supported.  Or it is, e.g. by Cygwin, but not understood by native
	   Windows compilers, if you use one.  For a makefile you can't
	   change, to get at least some sort of result, &ln and "&cp -l -s"
	   can copy the files for you instead (not directories though).	 To
	   achieve this, you need to export the following variable before
	   calling makepp:

	   export MAKEPP_LN_CP=1
	       &ln --resolve or --symbolic will copy the files instead of
	       creating a symbolic link.

	   export MAKEPP_LN_CP=2
	       &ln will copy the files instead of creating a hard link.

	   export MAKEPP_LN_CP=3
	       All invocations of &ln will copy the files instead of creating
	       either kind of link.

       &mkdir [option ...] directory ...
	   Create the directories.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -v, --verbose"

	   -m mode
	       Sets mode for all created directories, irrespective of the
	       umask.  Mode must be an octal string.

	       Also create any necessary parent directories.  Ignore directory
	       creation failure due to the directory already existing (even if
	       it was created concurrently by another process).

       &mv [option ...] sourcefile destfile
       &mv [option ...] sourcefile
       &mv [option ...] sourcefile ... destdir
	   Move or rename sourcefile to destfile, one sourcefile to current
	   directory or multiple sourcefiles to destdir with the same name.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -v, --verbose"

       m4  Not built in, but &preprocess is, and &template is almost as

       &preprocess [option ...] variable=definition ... filename ...
	   This preprocesses the files exactly the same way makepp does for
	   makefiles.  This is more powerful than &template but syntactically
	   not suited to files with lots of "$"-signs, like Makefiles or

	   Conditional statements, as well as the statements
	   "include"/"_include" (which here neither build the file nor search
	   upwards), "perl"/"makeperl"/"perl_begin" or "sub"/"makesub", or any
	   statements you define within the file, are processed.  Empty and
	   comment lines are eliminated.

	   But, instead of learning build rules, it will output all remaining
	   lines after "$(...)" expression expansion.  To prevent statement
	   from being recognized as such, you can precede them with an empty
	   expression "$()".  The same applies to lines you want to stay empty
	   or which shall retain a leading comment sign.  Likewise, if a
	   trailing backslash is not to join a line with the next, put "$()"
	   after it.

	       A normal line gets output as is.
	       A line with $(MAKEEXPRESSIONS) gets expanded and output.
	       ifdef WANTTHIS	   # does not get output whether defined or not
	       might not get output
	       include some files
	       _include some files that might not exist # or -include
	       $()include empty expression prevents keyword from being recognized.
	       # Comment lines and empty lines get swallowed.

	       $()# Unless they get masked with an empty expression.
	       Empty expression prevents \$()
	       backslash continuation from being recognized.

	   might give:

	       A normal line gets output as is.
	       A line with whatever gets expanded and output.
	       lots of slurped in content here...
	       include empty expression prevents keyword from being recognized.
	       # Unless they get masked with an empty expression.

	       Empty expression prevents \
	       backslash continuation from being recognized.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -o, --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -S, --synclines, -v,

	       Also treat assignments within the files as makepp would.	 Alas
	       such lines can't be masked with an empty "$()", because it is
	       legal to construct variable names with expressions.  This
	       additionally recognizes the statements "define",
	       "export"/"unexport" and "override" (these can be masked with

	   -h \\%hash
	       This allows preallocation of the variable values, including
	       long ones not easily passed in a command.  The passed
	       expression may be any Perl code that returns a hash reference.
	       This is merged with any other variables passed to the command,
	       including from another "--hashref" option.

       &rm [option ...] filename ...
	   Delete files if you have directory write permission.	 This is what
	   Unix "rm -f" would delete, since it has a special protection for
	   interactive use not needed in a Makefile.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -v,

	       This prevents complaining about inexistent files.  That is a
	       side effect this option has in Unix, and the only one that
	       makes sense here.

	       In addition to the given files, this also deletes the meta
	       information makepp stores about them in the .makepp directory.
	       Thus makepp forgets all it ever knew about the given files.  If
	       the .makepp directory becomes empty after this, it too is

	   This will also delete given directories, but only if they are
	   empty.  To facilitate this, it will delete directories last, in the
	   order of descending depth.  So you can use "**" expressions to
	   delete whole hierarchies.  Here's an example to be found in many
	   top level make files.  Note that there is a "makeppclean" utility
	   that can do this more efficiently.

	       $(phony cleanold):
		   &rm -fm $(only-stale **/*)

	       $(phony clean): cleanold
		   &rm -f $(wildcard **/*.[ao])

	       $(phony distclean): clean
		   &rm -fm $(only-targets **/*)

	   Not built in, but &rm can handle this.

       &sort [option ...] filename ...
	   Sorts all files together in lexicographic order.  This is
	   inefficient for rather big files, because it happens completely in
	   memory.  It will fail if the combined size of all files exceeds the
	   memory you are entitled to.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, --record-size=number, -s,
	   --separator=string, -v, --verbose"

	   -c perlcode
	       perlcode represents a Perl sort block, with the two sorting
	       candidates in $a and $b.

	       This sorts sorts numerically on the beginnings of records.
	       Leading whitespace is skipped.  You can use "--transform" and
	       "--detransform" if the numbers are not at the beginning.

	       Output the results in the reverse order.	 Note that this hides
	       the standard option "-r" which must be given as

	   -t perlcode
	   -d perlcode
	       If you have a complex code, sorting gets more and more
	       expensive in proportion to the number of records n, because the
	       code gets called O(n log(n)) times.  To avoid that, you can
	       allow Perl to concentrate on sorting, by first modifying the
	       strings, such that complicated search criteria extraction
	       happens once per record, and modifying them back, once they are

	       If these options are given, the "--transform" perlcode gets
	       mapped to the records in $_ one after another, and can modify
	       them.  After sorting, the "--detransform" perlcode gets mapped
	       to the modified records in $_ one after another, and can modify
	       them back.  You will usually use neither or both of these
	       options, unless you want to output modified lines.

	       Turning the strings into a structure of extracted sort
	       criteria, which your "--compare" perlcode can pick up is known
	       as the Schwartzian Transform (ST).  Packing everything into the
	       string itself, so that no "--compare" perlcode is needed,
	       allowing the whole sorting to happen without performing
	       expensive Perl code, is known as the Guttmann-Rosler Transform
	       (GRT).  You can find tips by searching for those names on the

		   # Expensively sort numerical expressions by value ($$ protects $ from makepp expansion)
		   &sort --compare 'eval( $$a ) <=> eval( $$b )' $(input) -o >>$(output)

		   # ST for case insensitive sorting
		   &sort -t '$$_ = [lc, $$_]' -c '$$a->[0] cmp $$b->[0]' -d '$$_->[1]' $(input) -o >>$(output)

		   # GRT using modification functions defined elsewhere in the Makeppfile
		   &sort -t &transform -d &detransform $(input) -o >>$(output)

	       After sorting, eliminate duplicates.  These are either
	       identical lines, or if the "--compare" option is given, ones
	       which that perlcode reports as equivalent.

       &template [option ...] macro=definition ... filename ...
	   This is a macro preprocessor, not quite as powerful as "m4", but
	   covers more than is found in many makefiles.	 See &preprocess for a
	   more powerful alternative.  Any normal text goes through unchanged.
	   It replaces all occurrences of "@macro@", "@macro(arg1,arg2...)@"
	   or everything between "@@macro@@", "@@macro(arg1,arg2...)@@" and
	   "@@" with definition.  If there are args, they replace $1 through
	   $9 or "${number}" in definition.  One level of macro nesting is
	   possible in that the args in parenthesis may contain plain
	   "@macro@" invocations, as in "@f(@x@)@", where @x@ gets expanded
	   before being replaced into the body of "f".

	   The simple "@...@" cases are single line, but may mask a trailing
	   newline if the closing "@" is immediately followed by a backslash.
	   The multiline "@@...@@" cases must also fit on one line, but the
	   corresponding "@@" may be on a different line.  This is useful if
	   you have a workaround code block in an unprocessed script, which is
	   to get replaced with the configured code.

	   In addition to passing macro definitions on the command line, you
	   can also put "@macro=definition@" or "@macro?=definition@" into the
	   file.  The latter only takes effect if the macro was not defined,
	   presumably on the command line.  You can also call "@{ Perlcode }@"
	   or "@@{ Perlcode }@@ ... @@" in the file.  The Perl variable $ARGV
	   contains the name of the current input file.	 If you call "@macro {
	   Perlcode }@", then you define a new macro, the body of which is a
	   Perl sub.  The arguments, if there are any, get passed in as @_.

	       @m1=some definition@\
	       @m2=foo $1 bar@\
	       @m1@ @m2(m@middle_of_arg@e)@
	       @@m2(many lines)@@
	       @@ plain text 1 + 2 = @{ 1 + 2 }@


	       some definition foo middle bar
	       foo many lines bar plain text 1 + 2 = 3

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -S, --synclines, -v, --verbose"

	   -h \\%hash
	       This allows preallocation of the macro values, including long
	       ones not easily passed in a command.  The passed expression may
	       be any Perl code that returns a hash reference.	This is merged
	       with any other macros passed to the command, including from
	       another "--hashref" option.  A hash value may also be a code
	       reference, in that case the function gets called, as with
	       "@macro { Perlcode }@" definitions.

	   -s /prefix/suffix/
	       This replaces "@" before and after var with prefix and suffix
	       respectively.  The first character is the separator and need
	       not be a slash.

	   -m /prefix/suffix/afterprefix/[aftersuffix/]
	       This replaces "@@" before and after var and at the end of the
	       block with prefix, suffix and afterprefix respectively.	If
	       aftersuffix is also given, the var name must get repeated
	       before it.  The first character is the separator and need not
	       be a slash.  E.g. an XML-ish

		   --simple=|<|/>| --multiline=|<|>|</|>|

	       Replace only instances of macros which are actually defined.

       &touch [option ...] filename ...
	   Updates the modification and access timestamps of each file to now.
	   If the file doesn't exist, it gets created.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -v,

       &uninstall [option ...] [filename ...]
	   Uninstall files previously installed by &install.  The filenames
	   are logfiles written by &install.  If none are given, nor an
	   "--inpipe" option, reads the default logfile of &install.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -i,
	   --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -v, --verbose"

       &uniq [option ...] filename ...
	   Discard all but one of successive equal lines.

	   Standard options: "-A, --args-file, --arguments-file=filename, -f,
	   --force, -i, --inpipe=shellcommand, -I, --infail, -o,
	   --output=filename, -O, --outfail, -r, --record-size=number, -s,
	   --separator=string, -S, --synclines, -v, --verbose"

	   -c perlcode
	       This Perlcode gets the previous and current lines in $a and $b
	       and shall return true if it considers the two lines equal.

	       &uniq --compare='lc( $$a ) eq lc $$b' $(inputs) -o $(output)

       tr  Not built in, but &sed can handle this.

       Daniel Pfeiffer (

perl v5.20.3			  2012-02-07		    MAKEPP_BUILTINS(1)

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