MANDOC_CHAR man page on DragonFly

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MANDOC_CHAR(7)	     BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual	MANDOC_CHAR(7)

     mandoc_char — mandoc special characters

     This page documents the special characters and predefined strings
     accepted by mandoc(1) to format mdoc(7) and man(7) documents.

     Both mdoc(7) and man(7) encode special characters with ‘\X’ (for a
     one-character escape), ‘\(XX’ (two-character), and ‘\[N]’ (N-character).
     One may generalise ‘\(XX’ as ‘\[XX]’ and ‘\X’ as ‘\[X]’.  Predefined
     strings are functionally similar to special characters, using ‘\*X’ (for
     a one-character escape), ‘\*(XX’ (two-character), and ‘\*[N]’
     (N-character).  One may generalise ‘\*(XX’ as ‘\*[XX]’ and ‘\*X’ as

     Note that each output mode will have a different rendering of the charac‐
     ters.  It's guaranteed that each input symbol will correspond to a (more
     or less) meaningful output rendering, regardless the mode.

     These are the preferred input symbols for producing special characters.

	   Input    Description
	   \~	    non-breaking, non-collapsing space
	   \	    breaking, non-collapsing n-width space
	   \^	    zero-width space
	   \%	    zero-width space
	   \&	    zero-width space
	   \|	    zero-width space
	   \0	    breaking, non-collapsing digit-width space
	   \c	    removes any trailing space (if applicable)

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(ba	    |		bar
	   \(br	    │		box rule
	   \(ul	    _		underscore
	   \(rl			overline
	   \(bb	    ¦		broken bar
	   \(sl	    /		forward slash
	   \(rs	    \		backward slash

     Text markers:
	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(ci	    ○		circle
	   \(bu	    ·		bullet
	   \(dd	    ‡		double dagger
	   \(dg	    †		dagger
	   \(lz	    ◊		lozenge
	   \(sq	    □		white square
	   \(ps	    ¶		paragraph
	   \(sc	    §		section
	   \(lh	    ☜		left hand
	   \(rh	    ☞		right hand
	   \(at	    @		at
	   \(sh	    #		hash (pound)
	   \(CR	    ↵		carriage return
	   \(OK	    ✓		check mark

     Legal symbols:
	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(co	    ©		copyright
	   \(rg	    ®		registered
	   \(tm	    ™		trademarked

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(em	    —		em-dash
	   \(en	    –		en-dash
	   \(hy	    ‐		hyphen
	   \e	    \		back-slash
	   \.	    .		period
	   \(r!	    ¡		upside-down exclamation
	   \(r?	    ¿		upside-down question

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(Bq	    „		right low double-quote
	   \(bq	    ‚		right low single-quote
	   \(lq	    “		left double-quote
	   \(rq	    ”		right double-quote
	   \(oq	    ‘		left single-quote
	   \(cq	    ’		right single-quote
	   \(aq	    '		apostrophe quote (text)
	   \(dq	    "		double quote (text)
	   \(Fo	    «		left guillemet
	   \(Fc	    »		right guillemet
	   \(fo	    ‹		left single guillemet
	   \(fc	    ›		right single guillemet

	   Input		Rendered    Description
	   \(lB			[	    left bracket
	   \(rB			]	    right bracket
	   \(lC			{	    left brace
	   \(rC			}	    right brace
	   \(la			⟨	    left angle
	   \(ra			⟩	    right angle
	   \(bv			⎪	    brace extension
	   \[braceex]		⎪	    brace extension
	   \[bracketlefttp]	⎡	    top-left hooked bracket
	   \[bracketleftbp]		    bottom-left hooked bracket
	   \[bracketleftex]	⎢	    left hooked bracket extension
	   \[bracketrighttp]	⎤	    top-right hooked bracket
	   \[bracketrightbp]		    bottom-right hooked bracket
	   \[bracketrightex]	⎥	    right hooked bracket extension
	   \(lt			╭	    top-left hooked brace
	   \[bracelefttp]	⎧	    top-left hooked brace
	   \(lk			┥	    mid-left hooked brace
	   \[braceleftmid]	⎨	    mid-left hooked brace
	   \(lb			╰	    bottom-left hooked brace
	   \[braceleftbp]		    bottom-left hooked brace
	   \[braceleftex]	⎪	    left hooked brace extension
	   \(rt			╮	    top-left hooked brace
	   \[bracerighttp]	⎫	    top-right hooked brace
	   \(rk			┝	    mid-right hooked brace
	   \[bracerightmid]	⎬	    mid-right hooked brace
	   \(rb			╯	    bottom-right hooked brace
	   \[bracerightbp]		    bottom-right hooked brace
	   \[bracerightex]	⎪	    right hooked brace extension
	   \[parenlefttp]	⎛	    top-left hooked parenthesis
	   \[parenleftbp]		    bottom-left hooked parenthesis
	   \[parenleftex]	⎜	    left hooked parenthesis extension
	   \[parenrighttp]	⎞	    top-right hooked parenthesis
	   \[parenrightbp]		    bottom-right hooked parenthesis
	   \[parenrightex]	⎟	    right hooked parenthesis extension

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(<-	    ←		left arrow
	   \(->	    →		right arrow
	   \(<>	    ↔		left-right arrow
	   \(da	    ↓		down arrow
	   \(ua	    ↑		up arrow
	   \(va	    ↕		up-down arrow
	   \(lA	    ⇐		left double-arrow
	   \(rA	    ⇒		right double-arrow
	   \(hA	    ⇔		left-right double-arrow
	   \(uA	    ⇑		up double-arrow
	   \(dA	    ⇓		down double-arrow
	   \(vA	    ⇕		up-down double-arrow

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(AN	    ∧		logical and
	   \(OR	    ∨		logical or
	   \(no	    ¬		logical not
	   \[tno]   ¬		logical not (text)
	   \(te	    ∃		existential quantifier
	   \(fa	    ∀		universal quantifier
	   \(st	    ∋		such that
	   \(tf	    ∴		therefore
	   \(3d	    ∴		therefore
	   \(or	    |		bitwise or

	   Input	    Rendered	Description
	   \(pl		    +		plus
	   \(mi		    −		minus
	   \-		    -		minus (text)
	   \(-+		    ∓		minus-plus
	   \(+-		    ±		plus-minus
	   \[t+-]	    ±		plus-minus (text)
	   \(pc		    ·		centre-dot
	   \(mu		    ×		multiply
	   \[tmu]	    ×		multiply (text)
	   \(c*		    ⊗		circle-multiply
	   \(c+		    ⊕		circle-plus
	   \(di		    ÷		divide
	   \[tdi]	    ÷		divide (text)
	   \(f/		    ⁄		fraction
	   \(**		    ∗		asterisk
	   \(<=		    ≤		less-than-equal
	   \(>=		    ≥		greater-than-equal
	   \(<<		    ≪		much less
	   \(>>		    ≫		much greater
	   \(eq		    =		equal
	   \(!=		    ≠		not equal
	   \(==		    ≡		equivalent
	   \(ne		    ≢		not equivalent
	   \(=~		    ≅		congruent
	   \(-~				asymptotically congruent
	   \(ap		    ∼		asymptotically similar
	   \(~~		    ≈		approximately similar
	   \(~=		    ≈		approximately equal
	   \(pt		    ∝		proportionate
	   \(es		    ∅		empty set
	   \(mo		    ∈		element
	   \(nm		    ∉		not element
	   \(sb		    ⊂		proper subset
	   \(nb		    ⊄		not subset
	   \(sp		    ⊃		proper superset
	   \(nc		    ⊅		not superset
	   \(ib		    ⊆		reflexive subset
	   \(ip		    ⊇		reflexive superset
	   \(ca		    ∩		intersection
	   \(cu		    ∪		union
	   \(/_		    ∠		angle
	   \(pp		    ⊥		perpendicular
	   \(is		    ∫		integral
	   \[integral]	    ∫		integral
	   \[sum]	    ∑		summation
	   \[product]	    ∏		product
	   \[coproduct]	    ∐		coproduct
	   \(gr		    ∇		gradient
	   \(sr		    √		square root
	   \[sqrt]	    √		square root
	   \(lc		    ⌈		left-ceiling
	   \(rc		    ⌉		right-ceiling
	   \(lf		    ⌊		left-floor
	   \(rf		    ⌋		right-floor
	   \(if		    ∞		infinity
	   \(Ah		    ℵ		aleph
	   \(Im		    ℑ		imaginary
	   \(Re		    ℜ		real
	   \(pd		    ∂		partial differential
	   \(-h		    ℏ		Planck constant over 2π

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(ff	    ff		ff ligature
	   \(fi	    fi		fi ligature
	   \(fl	    fl		fl ligature
	   \(Fi	    ffi		ffi ligature
	   \(Fl	    ffl		ffl ligature
	   \(AE	    Æ		AE
	   \(ae	    æ		ae
	   \(OE	    Œ		OE
	   \(oe	    œ		oe
	   \(ss	    ß		German eszett
	   \(IJ	    IJ		IJ ligature
	   \(ij	    ij		ij ligature

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(a"	    ˝		Hungarian umlaut
	   \(a-	    ¯		macron
	   \(a.	    ˙		dotted
	   \(a^	    ^		circumflex
	   \(aa	    ´		acute
	   \'	    ´		acute
	   \(ga	    `		grave
	   \`	    `		grave
	   \(ab	    ˘		breve
	   \(ac	    ¸		cedilla
	   \(ad	    ¨		dieresis
	   \(ah	    ˇ		caron
	   \(ao	    ˚		ring
	   \(a~	    ~		tilde
	   \(ho	    ˛		ogonek
	   \(ha	    ^		hat (text)
	   \(ti	    ~		tilde (text)

     Accented letters:
	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \('A	    Á		acute A
	   \('E	    É		acute E
	   \('I	    Í		acute I
	   \('O	    Ó		acute O
	   \('U	    Ú		acute U
	   \('a	    á		acute a
	   \('e	    é		acute e
	   \('i	    í		acute i
	   \('o	    ó		acute o
	   \('u	    ú		acute u
	   \(`A	    À		grave A
	   \(`E	    È		grave E
	   \(`I	    Ì		grave I
	   \(`O	    Ò		grave O
	   \(`U	    Ù		grave U
	   \(`a	    à		grave a
	   \(`e	    è		grave e
	   \(`i	    ì		grave i
	   \(`o	    ì		grave o
	   \(`u	    ù		grave u
	   \(~A	    Ã		tilde A
	   \(~N	    Ñ		tilde N
	   \(~O	    Õ		tilde O
	   \(~a	    ã		tilde a
	   \(~n	    ñ		tilde n
	   \(~o	    õ		tilde o
	   \(:A	    Ä		dieresis A
	   \(:E	    Ë		dieresis E
	   \(:I	    Ï		dieresis I
	   \(:O	    Ö		dieresis O
	   \(:U	    Ü		dieresis U
	   \(:a	    ä		dieresis a
	   \(:e	    ë		dieresis e
	   \(:i	    ï		dieresis i
	   \(:o	    ö		dieresis o
	   \(:u	    ü		dieresis u
	   \(:y	    ÿ		dieresis y
	   \(^A	    Â		circumflex A
	   \(^E	    Ê		circumflex E
	   \(^I	    Î		circumflex I
	   \(^O	    Ô		circumflex O
	   \(^U	    Û		circumflex U
	   \(^a	    â		circumflex a
	   \(^e	    ê		circumflex e
	   \(^i	    î		circumflex i
	   \(^o	    ô		circumflex o
	   \(^u	    û		circumflex u
	   \(,C	    Ç		cedilla C
	   \(,c	    ç		cedilla c
	   \(/L	    Ł		stroke L
	   \(/l	    ł		stroke l
	   \(/O	    Ø		stroke O
	   \(/o	    ø		stroke o
	   \(oA	    Å		ring A
	   \(oa	    å		ring a

     Special letters:
	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(-D	    Ð		Eth
	   \(Sd	    ð		eth
	   \(TP	    Þ		Thorn
	   \(Tp	    þ		thorn
	   \(.i	    ı		dotless i
	   \(.j			dotless j

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(Do	    $		dollar
	   \(ct	    ¢		cent
	   \(Eu	    €		Euro symbol
	   \(eu	    €		Euro symbol
	   \(Ye	    ¥		yen
	   \(Po	    £		pound
	   \(Cs	    ¤		Scandinavian
	   \(Fn	    ƒ		florin

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(de	    °		degree
	   \(%0	    ‰		per-thousand
	   \(fm	    ′		minute
	   \(sd	    ″		second
	   \(mc	    µ		micro

     Greek letters:
	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \(*A	    Α		Alpha
	   \(*B	    Β		Beta
	   \(*G	    Γ		Gamma
	   \(*D	    Δ		Delta
	   \(*E	    Ε		Epsilon
	   \(*Z	    Ζ		Zeta
	   \(*Y	    Η		Eta
	   \(*H	    Θ		Theta
	   \(*I	    Ι		Iota
	   \(*K	    Κ		Kappa
	   \(*L	    Λ		Lambda
	   \(*M	    Μ		Mu
	   \(*N	    Ν		Nu
	   \(*C	    Ξ		Xi
	   \(*O	    Ο		Omicron
	   \(*P	    Π		Pi
	   \(*R	    Ρ		Rho
	   \(*S	    Σ		Sigma
	   \(*T	    Τ		Tau
	   \(*U	    Υ		Upsilon
	   \(*F	    Φ		Phi
	   \(*X	    Χ		Chi
	   \(*Q	    Ψ		Psi
	   \(*W	    Ω		Omega
	   \(*a	    α		alpha
	   \(*b	    β		beta
	   \(*g	    γ		gamma
	   \(*d	    δ		delta
	   \(*e	    ε		epsilon
	   \(*z	    ζ		zeta
	   \(*y	    η		eta
	   \(*h	    θ		theta
	   \(*i	    ι		iota
	   \(*k	    κ		kappa
	   \(*l	    λ		lambda
	   \(*m	    μ		mu
	   \(*n	    ν		nu
	   \(*c	    ξ		xi
	   \(*o	    ο		omicron
	   \(*p	    π		pi
	   \(*r	    ρ		rho
	   \(*s	    σ		sigma
	   \(*t	    τ		tau
	   \(*u	    υ		upsilon
	   \(*f	    ϕ		phi
	   \(*x	    χ		chi
	   \(*q	    ψ		psi
	   \(*w	    ω		omega
	   \(+h	    ϑ		theta variant
	   \(+f	    φ		phi variant
	   \(+p	    ϖ		pi variant
	   \(+e	    ϵ		epsilon variant
	   \(ts	    ς		sigma terminal

     These are not recommended for use, as they differ across implementations:

	   Input    Rendered	Description
	   \*(Ba    |		vertical bar
	   \*(Ne    ≠		not equal
	   \*(Ge    ≥		greater-than-equal
	   \*(Le    ≤		less-than-equal
	   \*(Gt    >		greater-than
	   \*(Lt    <		less-than
	   \*(Pm    ±		plus-minus
	   \*(If    ∞		infinity
	   \*(Pi    π		pi
	   \*(Na    NaN		NaN
	   \*(Am    &		ampersand
	   \*R			restricted mark
	   \*(Tm		trade mark
	   \*q	    "		double-quote
	   \*(Rq    ”		right-double-quote
	   \*(Lq    “		left-double-quote
	   \*(lp    (		right-parenthesis
	   \*(rp    )		left-parenthesis
	   \*(lq		left double-quote
	   \*(rq		right double-quote
	   \*(ua    ↑		up arrow
	   \*(va		up-down arrow
	   \*(<=    ≤		less-than-equal
	   \*(>=    ≥		greater-than-equal
	   \*(aa    ´		acute
	   \*(ga    `		grave

     For backward compatibility with existing manuals, mandoc(1) also supports


     escape sequence, inserting the character number from the current charac‐
     ter set into the output.  Of course, this is inherently non-portable and
     is already marked as deprecated in the Heirloom roff manual.  For exam‐
     ple, do not use \N'34', use \(dq, or even the plain ‘"’ character where

     This section documents compatibility between mandoc and other other troff
     implementations, at this time limited to GNU troff ("groff").

     -	 In -Tascii, the \(ss, \(nm, \(nb, \(nc, \(ib, \(ip, \(pp, \[sum],
	 \[product], \[coproduct], \(gr, \(-h, and \(a. special characters
	 render differently between mandoc and groff.
     -	 In -Thtml and -Txhtml, the \(~=, \(nb, and \(nc special characters
	 render differently between mandoc and groff.
     -	 The -Tps and -Tpdf modes format like -Tascii instead of rendering
	 glyphs as in groff.
     -	 The \[radicalex], \[sqrtex], and \(ru special characters have been
	 omitted from mandoc either because they are poorly documented or they
	 have no known representation.


     The mandoc_char manual page was written by Kristaps Dzonsons

     The ‘\*(Ba’ escape mimics the behaviour of the ‘|’ character in mdoc(7);
     thus, if you wish to render a vertical bar with no side effects, use the
     ‘\(ba’ escape.

BSD				 June 4, 2024				   BSD

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