PATCHAGE man page on DragonFly

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PATCHAGE(1)							   PATCHAGE(1)

       patchage - Graphically connect JACK and ALSA Audio/MIDI ports

       Patchage provides a graphical interface to connect Jack/Alsa Audio/MIDI
       inputs and outputs.  Each application is represented on a canvas	 as  a
       "module"	 with inputs on the left and output on the right.  Modules can
       be arranged manually or automatically to have a clear  display  of  the
       current setup.

       -h, --help
	      Print the command line options.

       -A, --no-alsa
	      Do not automatically attach to ALSA.

       -J, --no-jack
	      Do not automatically attach to JACK.

       Patchage was written by David Robillard <>

				  15 Dec 2010			   PATCHAGE(1)

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