RSYNCRYPTO man page on DragonFly

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RSYNCRYPTO(1)		    Rsyncrypto User Manual		 RSYNCRYPTO(1)

       rsyncrypto - rsync friendly encryption

       rsyncrypto [options] srcfile dstfile keyfile key
       rsyncrypto [options] -r srcdir dstdir keysdir key

       This manual page documents the rsyncrypto command.

       rsyncrypto is a utility that encrypts a file (or a directory structure)
       in a way that ensures that local changes to the plain  text  file  will
       result in local changes to the cipher text file. This, in turn, ensures
       that doing rsync to synchronize the encrypted files to another  machine
       will have only a small impact on rsync's efficiency.

       rsyncrypto  will	 encrypt  files	 using a symmetric block cipher (AES).
       Each file is encrypted using a unique key. The file key	is  stored  in
       two  locations.	 One  is  the "key" file, and the second is inside the
       encrypted file itself. The second copy is encrypted using a RSA	public
       key, which can be shared for all encrypted files.

       Decrypting the file can take place in one of two forms:

       Warm Decryption
	      keyfile is used to decrypt srcfile into dstfile.

       Cold Decryption
	      If  keyfile  is  lost  and  key  is  the private key for the RSA
	      encryption, extract and create keyfile from the  encrypted  src‐
	      file, and create both keyfile and dstfile.

       If  both keyfile and the private key are not available, decryption can‐
       not take place. Typically, this means that you  would  either  want  to
       transfer	 the  encrypted files in whatever way (secure or insecure, but
       probably rsync :), and keep the plain text file, as  well  as  the  key
       file,  secure. As long as you saved the RSA private key, you can recon‐
       struct them both.

       The parameters meaning depend on the existence of the -r and -d flags.

       srcfile or srcdir
	      This is the source for the operation. This  will	be  the	 plain
	      text  file  for encryption, and the cipher text file for decryp‐
	      tion. If the -r option is given, srcdir is  the  directory  from
	      which files are to be encrypted/decrypted. Otherwise, srcfile is
	      the file to be encrypted/decrypted. In any case, src must	 exist
	      prior to running rsyncrypto.

       dstfile or dstdir
	      Similar  to  src,	 this  is the destination of the operation. It
	      will be the plain text to be created if -d  was  given,  or  the
	      encrypted file otherwise.

       keyfile or keydir
	      The  file	 holding  the  symmetric  key for the encryption, or a
	      directory in which symmetric key files reside. If the later, the
	      key files will have the same name as the plain text files.

       key    This file can either be a X509 certificate holding a public key,
	      or a PEM format private key. The private	key  is	 never	needed
	      unless  a cold decryption is required. See the req(1) or x509(1)
	      manual pages for more info.

       If dst does not exist, it will be created. The directory in which it is
       to be created must exist prior to running rsyncrypto.

       If  encrypting,	and  a	symmetric  key for the file is found, the same
       parameters will be used for the encryption  unless  the	--fr  or  --fk
       options	are  used.  If	that's	the  case, the key file is going to be
       replaced with the correct parameters.

       These programs follow the usual GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
       options starting with two dashes (`-').

       -h, --help
	      Show summary of options.

       -V, --version
	      Print out the current version number.

       -d, --decrypt
	      Decrypt  src  into  dst.	The default behavior is to encrypt src
	      into dst, and create keyfile if it does not exist.

       -r, --recurse
	      Recursively encrypt/decrypt an entire directory  structure.  All
	      files  under  srcdir will be encrypted to files of the same name
	      and path (almost, see  --trim)  under  dstdir.  If  not  already
	      there, a key file will be created for each file under keydir.

	      The  first  argument  is	a pointer to a file (or "-" for stdin)
	      that has a list of files to process. Any name ending with a  "/"
	      is taken to be a directory in recursive mode, and any other name
	      is a file name. The second argument is  a	 directory  where  the
	      files  are  encrypted  to. --filelist and -r are mutually exclu‐

       -c, --changed
	      Check the src and destination modified time  (see	 --modify-win‐
	      dow)  prior to performing the operation. If the modified time is
	      the same, assume that the files are also the same, and skip  the
	      operation.  Notice  that	unlike	rsync, file sizes are not com‐
	      pared. This is because the file size is expected to change  dur‐
	      ing the encryption (and thus decryption) operation.

	      Usually, when rsyncrypto writes a file, it uses a temporary name
	      and moves the file to its final  name  when  successfully	 done.
	      This  serves two purposes.  During encryption, this prevents the
	      false sense of security that may arise in case of an  rsyncrypto
	      interruption  by	preventing  a  partial file from being present
	      (and in case of an update, by keeping the old backup). This also
	      ensures  that  restarting rsyncrypto will enable it to correctly
	      detect whether  the  operation  needs  to	 be  repeated.	During
	      decryption,  this	 prevents overwriting a file until we are cer‐
	      tain we can decrypt its source.

	      The main problem with this approach is that, if the  file	 being
	      written is large, the file system needs to have enough space for
	      two copies of it for the duration of  the	 operation.  Also,  if
	      hard  links are maintained, the default rsyncrypto behavior will
	      break the link.

	      Specify --risky-writes to make rsyncrypto directly overwrite the
	      existing file using the final name.

	      Only  applicable when -c is in effect. When comparing file modi‐
	      fication times, treat as equal modification times that  are  num
	      seconds apart. Default value is zero.

	      This  option is most useful when the encrypted file is stored on
	      a FAT file system.  FAT can only store modification time with  a
	      2	 seconds  accuracy.  This  may result in the modification time
	      changing between original and encrypted file. In	such  a	 case,
	      --modify-window=1 should be used.

	      Whenever encrypting or deleting a file, write the file's name to
	      logfile. This allows  passing  logfile  to  rsync(1)  using  the
	      --include-from rsync option.

	      This option is mostly useful if rsyncrypto is used to repeatedly
	      encrypt a huge directory tree, and then using rsync to  synchro‐
	      nize  it	remotely. The use of this option allows focusing rsync
	      on only those files that are known to have changed, rather  than
	      have  it send the entire file list to the remote machine, making
	      the rsync operation faster. It should be noted that  rsync  ver‐
	      sion  3 starts the actual file transfer while it is still trans‐
	      ferring the file list, making the	 performance  gain  from  this
	      option less noticeable.

	      When  using  this option in conjunction with rsync, keep in mind
	      that logfile is zeroed out before being written into. This means
	      that  unless  there  is at least one completely successful rsync
	      operation for each rsyncrypto invocation, it is possible to have
	      files that have been changed on disk by a previous invocation of
	      rsyncrypto, but were over written by a later invocation  and  do
	      not show up in the latest version of logfile. In other words, if
	      rsyncrypto is run more than once between two completely success‐
	      ful  invocations	of rsync, it is possible for logfile not to be
	      complete. Use this option at your own risk!

	      It is highly recommended that you upgrade to rsync version 3  or
	      higher rather than rely on this option.

       -n, --name-encrypt=translation_file
	      Encrypt  the  file name. If this option is specified, this means
	      that file names are encrypted as well. This is done by  changing
	      the name of the encrypted file to a random string of characters,
	      and storing the translation in the file given as parameter.   If
	      working  in  recursive  mode,  this  file	 is automatically also
	      included	in  the	 encryption,  and  is  given  the  fixed  name
	      "filemap".  This is done so that decryption of the file names is
	      possible when the symmetric keys are lost.

	      When the --name-encrypt option is used, by default  all  mangled
	      file  names  are	stored	in a single directory. When encrypting
	      large directory trees, this can result in	 rather	 big  directo‐
	      ries.  Using "--ne-nesting" will split the files to sub directo‐
	      ries, according to random bits that are part  of	the  encrypted
	      file name. "n" is the number of directories to nest.

	      Determine	 how  many directory levels to trim from the beginning
	      of the srcdir path when creating directories under  dstdir.  The
	      default value is 1. See THE TRIM OPTION for more details.

	      When  in recursive mode, delete files and directories under dst‐
	      dir that do not exist under srcdir.

	      When deleting files, also delete their symmetric	key  and  file
	      name  mapping  (if  applicable). When only --delete is used, the
	      symmetric key and file mapping are kept, so that if the file  is
	      recreated,  it  will  be	rsyncable with the original file. This
	      option implies --delete.

       -bnum --keybits=num
	      Specify the block cipher's key size. For AES, these can be  128,
	      192 or 256.  Note that unless the --fr or --fkP options are also
	      specified, this will only affect	files  for  which  no  keyfile

	      (Only  on some platforms, most notably Linux). The platform usu‐
	      ally keeps track of when files were last being  accessed.	 Since
	      rsyncrypto  is  typically used for backup, it opens the files it
	      encrypts with the O_NOATIME option, which is  a  Linux  specific
	      extension	 that tells the system not to update the file's access
	      time. When opening a file where the opening process is not owned
	      by  the  file  owner, an attempt to open the file with O_NOATIME
	      will cause the open to fail with "permission denied".

	      num can be one of these options: 0 means do not use O_NOATIME at
	      all.   1	(the  default)	means attempt to only use O_NOATIME if
	      rsyncrypto thinks it will not cause a permission	denied	error.
	      2 means to use O_NOATIME always.

	      Do  not  try to preserve timestamps. This option is incompatible
	      with -c.

	      By default, rsyncrypto will compress the	plain  text  prior  to
	      encrypting  it.  In  order not to become rsync unfriendly due to
	      the compression, rsyncrypto will search the path for an instance
	      of gzip(1) that supports the --rsyncable option. If the system's
	      default gzip does not support this option (all Debian and deriv‐
	      atives,  as well as some others, support it), use this option to
	      tell rsyncrypto to use a different instance of gzip.  The	 tests
	      directory	 of rsyncrypto's source has a file called "gzip", that
	      does NULL compression by redirecting the	input  and  output  to

       --roll-win=num, --roll-min=num, --roll-sensitivity=num
	      Affects the rolling block algorithm. See NOTES.

       --fk, --fr
	      If  command  line, or a version with different defaults, dictate
	      different values for the --roll-*	 options  or  the  -b  option,
	      these  will  only	 affect	 files	for which keyfile does not yet
	      exist. specifying the --fk or --fr will recreate keyfile	if  it
	      has values different than those in the previous key file.

       -v, --verbose
	      Increase	verbosity level. Specify several times to be more ver‐

       encrypting stdin

       If srcfile is given as `-', the plain text data will be read fro stdin.
       This does not yet work for decompression (see BUGS).

       --roll-win=num, --roll-min=num, --roll-sensitivity=num

       These values affect some of the inner workings of rsyncrypto's decision
       making.	In particular, these affect how	 rsyncrypto  decides  when  to
       revert to the IV.

       These  options should not be played with unless you understand what you
       are doing. They are not dangerous, in that they will never  cause  data
       loss. Any value should still allow decryption of the file. They do have
       an affect on rsync's efficiency.

       These options are only there to allow quick response in case a security
       problem pops up with their default values. If that happens, an advisory
       may come out giving new values to fill in as a workaround.  Until  that
       happens, most users are advised to leave these options alone.

       When  running  rsyncrypto  in  recursive	 mode, the directory structure
       under srcdir is re-created under dstdir, with  one  directory  stripped
       from  the  path. In other words, if we have a directory structure which


       running rsyncrypto with srcdir of "a/b", and dstdir of "f" will	create

       The --trim options lets the user say how many parts to trim from srcdir
       when creating directories under dstdir and keydir.  If,	in  the	 above
       example,	 we said --trim=0 then "f/a/b/c/file" would have been created.
       Likewise, if we said --trim=2 then "f/c/file" would have been created.

       It is an error to give a trim value which is higher than the number  of
       directory  parts	 actually  in  srcdir.	In the above example, --trim=3
       would result in an error.

       The roll values affect, to a not totally known degree, how much	infor‐
       mation is "leaked" between plain text and cipher text. The default val‐
       ues are supposed to leak less than 20 bits  of  aggregated  information
       about  the plain text file for every 8KB, in the worst case. These val‐
       ues, we hope, will be considered secure enough for  most	 usages.  How‐
       ever,  if  your	country's  fate is at stake, use a non-rsync optimized
       encryption, such as the one provided by openssl(1).

       Before starting to use rsyncrypto you will need a public	 key  in  X509
       certificate  format. The quickest way to generate one of these is using
       the openssl(1)  package.	 To  generate  a  new  1536  bit  RSA  key  as
       "backup.key",  and  store  the  corresponding unencrypted public key in
       "backup.crt", use the following command:

	      openssl req -nodes -newkey  rsa:1536  -x509  -keyout  backup.key
	      -out backup.crt

       It does not matter what you answer for the certificate details, or when
       you set it to expire. Rsyncrypto ignores everything in the  certificate
       but the actual key.

       To encrypt file "data" into "data.enc", storing the file's specific key
       at "data.key", run:

	      rsyncrypto data data.enc data.key backup.crt

       Anywhere in these examples that "backup.crt" is used, "backup.key"  can
       be  used	 as  well.  The above could also have "backup.key" as the last
       argument. If these examples list	 "backup.key"  specifically,  then  it
       means that "backup.crt" cannot be used instead.

       "data.enc"  will	 be created. If "data.key" exists from a previous run,
       then the newly created "data.enc" will have the same symmetric key  and
       other  attributes,  thus	 maintaining  the  rsync  friendliness	of the
       encryption. It is therefor important to provide any previous  key  file
       for the data if one is available.

       The  command  line  to decrypt the file depends on whether you have the
       key file used when the file was encrypted. If you do,  then  decryption
       can take place using only the public key, with the following command:

	      rsyncrypto -d data.enc data.dec data.key backup.crt

       If  the	key  file was lost, the private key must be used to recover it
       from the encrypted file using the following command:

	      rsyncrypto -d data.enc data.dec data.key backup.key

       "data.key" will be created by the above command, as well as "data.dec".

       Use of rsyncrypto to encrypt whole directories is similar, with	direc‐
       tory  names  replacing  file names in the above example. To encrypt the
       content of a directory called "data" to a directory called "enc", stor‐
       ing  the symmetric keys in a directory called "keys", run the following

	      rsyncrypto -r data enc keys backup.crt

       As before the directories "enc" and "keys" will be created if  they  do
       not already exist. The directory structure under "plain" will be dupli‐
       cated under "enc" and under "keys". That is, if there is a file	called
       "foo"  under  "data",  an  encrypted files called "foo" will be created
       under "enc", and a key file named "foo" will be created	under  "keys".
       In other words, the first part of the path to "data/foo" (the part that
       says "data") is eliminated from the path, and this determines the  name
       of the files under "enc" and "keys".

       If  a different trimming is required, the --trim option can be used. To
       have rsyncrypto create "enc/data/foo" instead of	 the  above,  use  the
       following command:

	      rsyncrypto -r --trim=0 data enc keys backup.crt

       Instead	of taking all files from a single directory, it is possible to
       supply rsyncrypto with  a  list	of  files  and	directories  which  to
       encrypt. This is done using the --filelist option, like so:

	      rsyncrypto --filelist --trim=0 list enc keys backup.crt

       "enc"  and  "keys"  retain the same meaning as before. "list" is a text
       file with a list, one per line,	of  files  to  encrypt.	 The  --trim=0
       option  says  that if list contains a line saying "/home/foo/bar" which
       states  the  name  of  a	 file,	 then	an   encrypted	 file	called
       "enc/home/foo/bar" will be created. Without it, the file will be called
       "enc/foo/bar". Likewise, with --trim=2, the file would  be  created  as

       It is often a problem that the file names are not encrypted. If that is
       the case, we can ask rsyncrypto to encrypt the file names, as  well  as
       the  actual files. Rsyncrypto does not actually encrypt the file names.
       Instead, it replaces the actual file name with a random series of char‐
       acters.	The  mapping between the actual file name and the garbled name
       is stored in a mapping file.

	      rsyncrypto  --name-encrypt=map  --trim=0	-r  plain   enc	  keys

       This  will encrypt the "plain" directory structure into enc, exactly as
       before.	Unlike before, all files will  be  directly  under  the	 "enc"
       directory,  and	will  be  named as a meaningless garble. A file called
       "map" will be created under the current directory that contains	a  map
       between	the  gabled  and  the  real name of the file. In addition, two
       files, called "enc/filemap" and "keys/filemap", will also  be  created.
       These  are  the	encrypted and key file corresponding to the "map" file
       mentioned above. During decryption, if "map" does not exist, it will be
       created by decrypting "enc/filemap".

       Important  note:	 When  performing  file name encryption, it is vitally
       important to give the correct --trim values, both during encryption and
       during decryption. Failing to do so will cause rsyncrypto to search for
       non-existing file names, and to fail to locate the files to decrypt.

       It is not yet possible to decrypt using password protected private key.

       Decrypting from stdin is not yet supported.

       rsync(1), gzip(1), openssl(1), x509(1), req(1).

       rsyncrypto was written by Shachar Shemesh for Lingnu Open  Source  Con‐
       sulting ltd.

       This manual page was written by Shachar Shemesh <>


Lingnu Open Source Consulting	 July 22, 2008			 RSYNCRYPTO(1)

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