sc::CartesianIter man page on DragonFly

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sc::CartesianIter(3)		     MPQC		  sc::CartesianIter(3)

       sc::CartesianIter - CartesianIter gives the ordering of the Cartesian
       functions within a shell for the particular integrals specialization.

       #include <cartiter.h>

       Inherited by MPQC::CartesianIterCCA, sc::CartesianIterCCA,
       sc::CartesianIterCints, and sc::CartesianIterV3.

   Public Member Functions
       CartesianIter (int l)
	   Initialize an iterator for the given angular momentum.
       virtual void start ()=0
	   Start the iteration.
       virtual void next ()=0
	   Move to the next Cartesian function.
       virtual operator int ()=0
	   Returns nonzero if the iterator currently hold valid data.
       int n ()
	   Returns the number of Cartesian functions.
       int a ()
	   Returns the exponent of x.
       int b ()
	   Returns the exponent of y.
       int c ()
	   Returns the exponent of z.
       int l ()
	   Returns the angular momentum.
       int l (int i)
	   Returns a() if i==0, b() if i==1, and c() if i==2.
       int bfn ()
	   Returns the number of the current basis function within the shell.

   Protected Attributes
       int a_
       int b_
       int c_
       int l_
       int bfn_

Detailed Description
       CartesianIter gives the ordering of the Cartesian functions within a
       shell for the particular integrals specialization.

Member Function Documentation
   int sc::CartesianIter::bfn () [inline]
       Returns the number of the current basis function within the shell. This
       starts at 0 and sequentially increases as next() is called.

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for MPQC from the source code.

Version 2.3.1			Fri Feb 19 2016		  sc::CartesianIter(3)

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