sc::DiscreteConnollyShape man page on DragonFly

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sc::DiscreteConnollyShape(3)	     MPQC	  sc::DiscreteConnollyShape(3)

       sc::DiscreteConnollyShape - DiscreteConnollyShape and ConnollyShape
       should produce the same result.

       #include <molshape.h>

       Inherits sc::UnionShape.

   Public Member Functions
       DiscreteConnollyShape (const Ref< KeyVal > &)
       void initialize (const Ref< Molecule > &, double probe_radius)

   Additional Inherited Members
Detailed Description
       DiscreteConnollyShape and ConnollyShape should produce the same result.

       The discrete version is a shape union of discrete subshapes and is
       slower. These classes describe the solvent accessible surface of a

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for MPQC from the source code.

Version 2.3.1			Fri Feb 19 2016	  sc::DiscreteConnollyShape(3)

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