BTRFS man page on Manjaro

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BTRFS(8)			     btrfs			      BTRFS(8)

       btrfs - control a btrfs filesystem

       btrfs subvolume create [-i <qgroupid>] [<dest>/]<name>

       btrfs subvolume delete [options] <subvolume> [<subvolume>...]

       btrfs   subvolume   list	 [options]  [-G	 [+|-]value]  [-C  [+|-]value]
       [--sort=rootid,gen,ogen,path] <path>

       btrfs subvolume snapshot [-r] <source> <dest>|[<dest>/]<name>

       btrfs subvolume get-default <path>

       btrfs subvolume set-default <id> <path>

       btrfs subvolume find-new <subvolume> <lastgen>

       btrfs subvolume show <path>

       btrfs filesystem df <path>

       btrfs filesystem show [--mounted|--all-devices|<uuid>]

       btrfs filesystem sync <path>

       btrfs filesystem defragment [options] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]

       btrfs filesystem resize [devid:][+/-]<size>[gkm]|[devid:]max <path>

       btrfs filesystem label [<device>|<mount_point>] [<newlabel>]

       btrfs [filesystem] balance start [options] <path>

       btrfs [filesystem] balance pause <path>

       btrfs [filesystem] balance cancel <path>

       btrfs [filesystem] balance resume <path>

       btrfs [filesystem] balance status [-v] <path>

       btrfs device add [-Kf] <device> [<device>...] <path>

       btrfs device delete <device> [<device>...] <path>

       btrfs device scan [--all-devices|<device> P[<device>...]

       btrfs device ready <device>

       btrfs device stats [-z] {<path>|<device>}

       btrfs scrub  start  [-BdqrRf]  [-c  ioprio_class	 -n  ioprio_classdata]

       btrfs scrub cancel {<path>|<device>}

       btrfs  scrub  resume  [-BdqrR]  [-c  ioprio_class  -n ioprio_classdata]

       btrfs scrub status [-d] {<path>|<device>}

       btrfs check [options] <device>

       btrfs rescue chunk-recover [options] <path>

       btrfs rescue super-recover [options] <path>

       btrfs restore [options] <device>

       btrfs inspect-internal inode-resolve [-v] <inode> <path>

       btrfs inspect-internal  logical-resolve	[-Pv]  [-s  <size>]  <logical>

       btrfs inspect-internal subvolid-resolve <subvolid> <path>

       btrfs inspect-internal rootid <path>

       btrfs send [-ve] [-p <parent>] [-c <clone-src>] [-f <outfile>] <subvol>

       btrfs receive [-ve] [-f <infile>] <mount>

       btrfs quota enable <path>

       btrfs quota disable <path>

       btrfs quota rescan [-s] <path>

       btrfs qgroup assign <src> <dst> <path>

       btrfs qgroup remove <src> <dst> <path>

       btrfs qgroup create <qgroupid> <path>

       btrfs qgroup destroy <qgroupid> <path>

       btrfs qgroup show <path>

       btrfs qgroup limit [options] <size>|none [<qgroupid>] <path>

       btrfs replace start [-Bfr] <srcdev>|<devid> <targetdev> <mount_point>

       btrfs replace status [-1] <mount_point>

       btrfs replace cancel <mount_point>

       btrfs help|--help

       btrfs <command> --help

       btrfs is used to control the filesystem and the files  and  directories
       stored.	It  is the tool to create or destroy a snapshot or a subvolume
       for the filesystem, to defrag a file or a directory, flush the data  to
       the disk, to resize the filesystem, to scan the device.

       It  is  possible	 to  abbreviate	 the  commands unless the commands are
       ambiguous.  For example: it is possible to run btrfs sub snaps  instead
       of  btrfs subvolume snapshot.  But btrfs file s is not allowed, because
       file s may be interpreted both as filesystem  show  and	as  filesystem
       sync.   In this case btrfs returns filesystem sync If a command is ter‐
       minated by --help , the detailed help is showed. If the passed  command
       matches	more  commands,	 detailed  help of all the matched commands is
       showed. For example btrfs dev --help shows the help of all device* com‐

       subvolume create [-i <qgroupid>] [<dest>/]<name>
	      Create  a	 subvolume  <name>  in <dest>.	If <dest> is not given
	      subvolume <name> will be created in the current directory.


	      -i <qgroupid>
		   Add the newly created subvolume to a	 qgroup.  This	option
		   can be given multiple times.

       subvolume delete [options] <subvolume> [<subvolume>...]
	      Delete  the  subvolume(s) from the filesystem. If <subvolume> is
	      not a subvolume, btrfs returns an error but continues  if	 there
	      are more arguments to process.

	      The  corresponding  directory  is removed instantly but the data
	      blocks are removed later.	 The deletion does  not	 involve  full
	      commit  by default due to performance reasons (as a consequence,
	      the subvolume may appear again after a crash).  Use one  of  the
	      --commit options to wait until the operation is safely stored on
	      the media.


		   wait for transaction commit at the end of the operation

		   wait for transaction commit after deleting each subvolume

       subvolume   list	  [options]   [-G    [+|-]value]    [-C	   [+|-]value]
       [--sort=rootid,gen,ogen,path] <path>

	      List  the subvolumes present in the filesystem <path>. For every
	      subvolume the following information is  shown  by	 default.   ID
	      <ID>  top level <ID> path <path> where path is the relative path
	      of the subvolume to the top level subvolume.

	      The subvolume's ID may be used by the subvolume set-default com‐
	      mand,  or	 at  mount  time  via  the subvolid= option.  If -p is
	      given, then parent <ID> is added to the output  between  ID  and
	      top  level.  The	parent's  ID may be used at mount time via the
	      subvolrootid= option.


	      -p   print parent ID.

	      -a   print all the subvolumes in the filesystem and  distinguish
		   between  absolute  and  relative  path  with respect to the
		   given <path>.

	      -c   print the ogeneration of the subvolume,  aliases:  ogen  or
		   origin generation.

	      -g   print the generation of the subvolume.

	      -o   print only subvolumes bellow specified <path>.

	      -u   print the UUID of the subvolume.

	      -q   print the parent uuid of subvolumes (and snapshots).

	      -t   print the result as a table.

	      -s   only snapshot subvolumes in the filesystem will be listed.

	      -r   only readonly subvolumes in the filesystem will be listed.

	      -G [+|-]value
		   list	 subvolumes  in	 the filesystem that its generation is
		   >=, <= or = value. '+' means >= value, '-' means <=	value,
		   If there is neither '+' nor '-', it means = value.

	      -C [+|-]value
		   list	 subvolumes  in the filesystem that its ogeneration is
		   >=, <= or = value. The usage is the same to '-g' option.

		   list subvolumes in order by specified items.	 you  can  add
		   '+' or '-' in front of each items, '+' means ascending, '-'
		   means descending. The default is ascending.

		   for --sort you can combine some items together by ',', just
		   like -sort=+ogen,-gen,path,rootid.

       subvolume snapshot [-r] <source> <dest>|[<dest>/]<name>
	      Create  a	 writable/readonly  snapshot of the subvolume <source>
	      with the name <name> in the <dest> directory.  If only <dest> is
	      given, the subvolume will be named the basename of <source>.  If
	      <source> is not a subvolume, btrfs returns an error.  If	-r  is
	      given, the snapshot will be readonly.

       subvolume get-default <path>
	      Get  the	default subvolume of the filesystem <path>. The output
	      format is similar to subvolume list command.

       subvolume set-default <id> <path>
	      Set the subvolume of the filesystem <path> which is  mounted  as
	      default.	The subvolume is identified by <id>, which is returned
	      by the subvolume list command.

       subvolume find-new <subvolume> <last_gen>
	      List  the	 recently  modified  files  in	a   subvolume,	 after
	      <last_gen> ID.

       subvolume show <path>
	      Show information of a given subvolume in the <path>.

       filesystem df <path>
	      Show space usage information for a mount point.

       filesystem show [--mounted|--all-devices|<uuid>]
	      Show  the	 btrfs	filesystem  with  some	additional info. If no
	      option or UUID is passed, btrfs shows  information  of  all  the
	      btrfs  filesystem	 both  mounted and unmounted.  If --mounted is
	      passed, it would	probe  btrfs  kernel  to  list	mounted	 btrfs
	      filesystem(s); If --all-devices is passed, all the devices under
	      /dev are scanned; otherwise the devices list is  extracted  from
	      the /proc/partitions file.

       filesystem sync <path>
	      Force a sync for the filesystem identified by <path>.

       filesystem defragment [options] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
	      Defragment file data and/or directory metadata. If -r is passed,
	      files in dir will be defragmented recursively.

	      The start position and the number of bytes to defragment can  be
	      specified	 by  start  and	 len. Any extent bigger than threshold
	      will be considered already defragged. Use 0 to take  the	kernel
	      default, and use 1 to say every single extent must be rewritten.
	      You can also turn on compression in defragment operations.


	      -v   be verbose

	      -c   compress file contents while defragmenting

	      -r   defragment files recursively

	      -f   flush filesystem after defragmenting

	      -s start
		   defragment only from byte start onward

	      -l len
		   defragment only up to len bytes

	      -t size
		   defragment only files at least size bytes big

		   For start, len, size it is possible to append a suffix like
		   k for 1 KBytes, m for 1 MBytes...

		   NOTE:  defragmenting	 with kernels up to 2.6.37 will unlink
		   COW-ed copies of data, don't use it if you  use  snapshots,
		   have	 de-duplicated	your  data  or	made  copies  with  cp

       filesystem resize [devid:][+/-]<size>[gkm]|[devid:]max <path>
	      Resize a filesystem identified  by  <path>  for  the  underlying
	      device devid.  The devid can be found with btrfs filesystem show
	      and defaults to 1 if not specified.  The <size> parameter speci‐
	      fies  the	 new  size of the filesystem.  If the prefix + or - is
	      present the size is  increased  or  decreased  by	 the  quantity
	      <size>.	If  no	units  are  specified,	the unit of the <size>
	      parameter defaults to bytes. Optionally, the size parameter  may
	      be suffixed by one of the following units designators: 'K', 'M',
	      or 'G', kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, respectively.

	      If 'max' is passed, the filesystem  will	occupy	all  available
	      space on the device devid.

	      The  resize  command  does not manipulate the size of underlying
	      partition.  If you wish to enlarge/reduce a filesystem, you must
	      make  sure  you  can  expand  the partition before enlarging the
	      filesystem and shrink the partition after reducing the  size  of
	      the  filesystem.	 This  can done using fdisk(8) or parted(8) to
	      delete the existing partition  and  recreate  it	with  the  new
	      desired  size.   When  recreating the partition make sure to use
	      the same starting disk cylinder as before.

       filesystem label [<dev>|<mount_point>] [newlabel]
	      Show or update the  label	 of  a	filesystem.  [<device>|<mount‐
	      point>]  is  used	 to  identify  the  filesystem.	 If a newlabel
	      optional argument is passed, the label is changed. The following
	      constraints exist for a label:

	      - the maximum allowable length shall be less than 256 chars

       [filesystem] balance start [options] <path>
	      Balance chunks across the devices Balance and/or convert (change
	      allocation profile of) chunks  that  passed  all	filters	 in  a
	      comma-separated list of filters for a particular chunk type.  If
	      filter list is not given balance all chunks of  that  type.   In
	      case  none  of  the  -d,	-m  or -s options is given balance all
	      chunks in a filesystem.


		   act on data chunks

		   act on metadata chunks

		   act on system chunks (only under -f)

	      -v   be verbose

	      -f   force reducing of metadata integrity

       [filesystem] balance pause <path>
	      Pause running balance.

       [filesystem] balance cancel <path>
	      Cancel running or paused balance.

       [filesystem] balance resume <path>
	      Resume interrupted balance.

       [filesystem] balance status [-v] <path>
	      Show status of running or paused balance.


	      -v   be verbose

       device add [-Kf] <dev> [<dev>...] <path>
	      Add device(s) to the filesystem identified by <path>.  If appli‐
	      cable, a whole device discard (TRIM) operation is performed.


		   do not perform discard by default

		   force overwrite of existing filesystem on the given disk(s)

       device delete <dev> [<dev>...] <path>
	      Remove device(s) from a filesystem identified by <path>.

       device scan [--all-devices|<device> [<device>...]
	      If one or more devices are passed, these are scanned for a btrfs
	      filesystem.  If no devices are passed, btrfs uses block  devices
	      containing  btrfs	 filesystem  as	 listed by blkid.  Finally, if
	      --all-devices is passed, all the devices under /dev are scanned.

       device ready <device>
	      Check device to see if it has all of it's devices in  cache  for

       device stats [-z] {<path>|<device>}
	      Read  and	 print	the  device  IO	 stats	for all devices of the
	      filesystem identified by <path> or for a single <device>.


	      -z   Reset stats to zero after reading them.

       scrub   start   [-BdqrR]	  [-c	ioprio_class   -n    ioprio_classdata]
	      Start  a	scrub  on  all devices of the filesystem identified by
	      <path> or on  a  single  <device>.  Without  options,  scrub  is
	      started  as  a background process. Progress can be obtained with
	      the scrub status command. Scrubbing involves  reading  all  data
	      from  all	 disks	and  verifying checksums. Errors are corrected
	      along the way if possible.

	      The default IO priority of scrub is the idle class. The priority
	      can be configured similar to the ionice(1) syntax.


	      -B   Do not background and print scrub statistics when finished.

	      -d   Print separate statistics for each device of the filesystem
		   (-B only).

	      -q   Quiet. Omit error messages and statistics.

	      -r   Read only mode. Do not attempt to correct anything.

	      -R   Raw print mode. Print full data instead of summary.

	      -c ioprio_class
		   Set IO priority class (see ionice(1) manpage).

	      -n ioprio_classdata
		   Set IO priority classdata (see ionice(1) manpage).

	      -f   force to check whether scrub	 has  started  or  resumed  in
		   userspace.	this  is useful when scrub stat record file is

       scrub cancel {<path>|<device>}
	      If a scrub is running on the filesystem  identified  by  <path>,
	      cancel  it.   Progress  is  saved in the scrub progress file and
	      scrubbing can be resumed later using the scrub  resume  command.
	      If  a  <device>  is given, the corresponding filesystem is found
	      and scrub cancel behaves as if it was called on that filesystem.

       scrub   resume	[-BdqrR]   [-c	 ioprio_class	-n   ioprio_classdata]
	      Resume  a	 canceled or interrupted scrub cycle on the filesystem
	      identified by <path> or on a given <device>. Does	 not  start  a
	      new scrub if the last scrub finished successfully.


	      see scrub start.

       scrub status [-d] {<path>|<device>}
	      Show  status of a running scrub for the filesystem identified by
	      <path> or for the specified <device>.  If no scrub  is  running,
	      show  statistics of the last finished or canceled scrub for that
	      filesystem or device.


	      -d   Print separate statistics for each device of	 the  filesys‐

       check [options] <device>
	      Check an unmounted btrfs filesystem.


	      -s|--support <superblock>
		   use this superblock copy.

		   try to repair the filesystem.

		   create a new CRC tree.

		   create a new extent tree.

       rescue chunk-recover [options] <device>
	      Recover the chunk tree by scanning the devices one by one.


	      -y   assume an answer of 'yes' to all questions.

	      -v   verbose mode.

	      -h   help.

       rescue super-recover [options] <device>
	      Recover bad superblocks from good copies.


	      -y   assume an answer of 'yes' to all questions.

	      -v   verbose mode.

       restore [options] <device>
	      Try to restore files from a damaged filesystem(unmounted).


	      -s   get snapshots.

	      -x   get extended attributes.

	      -v   verbose.

	      -i   ignore errors.

	      -o   overwrite.

	      -t <location>
		   tree location.

	      -f <offset>
		   filesystem location.

	      -u <block>
		   super mirror.

	      -r <rootid>
		   root objectid.

	      -d   find dir.

	      -l   list tree roots.

       inspect-internal inode-resolve [-v] <inode> <path>
	      Resolves an <inode> in subvolume <path> to all filesystem paths.


	      -v   verbose  mode.  print  count	 of returned paths and ioctl()
		   return value

       inspect-internal logical-resolve [-Pv] [-s bufsize] <logical> <path>
	      Resolves a <logical> address in the filesystem mounted at <path>
	      to  all  inodes.	 By  default, each inode is then resolved to a
	      file system path (similar to the inode-resolve subcommand).


	      -P   skip the path resolving and print the inodes instead

	      -v   verbose mode. print count of returned paths and all ioctl()
		   return values

	      -s <bufsize>
		   set	inode container's size. This is used to increase inode
		   container's size in case it is not enough to read  all  the
		   resolved results. The max value one can set is 64k.

       inspect-internal subvolid-resolve <subvolid> <path>
	      Get file system paths for the given subvolume ID.

       inspect-internal rootid <path>
	      For  a  given file or directory, return the containing tree root
	      id. For a subvolume return it's own tree id.

	      The result is  undefined	for  the  so-called  empty  subvolumes
	      (identified by inode number 2).

       send  [-ve]  [-p	 <parent>]  [-c	 <clone-src>]  [-f <outfile>] <subvol>
	      Send the subvolume(s) to stdout.	Sends the subvolume(s)	speci‐
	      fied  by	<subvol>  to  stdout.	By default, this will send the
	      whole subvolume. To do an incremental send, use  '-p  <parent>'.
	      If  you  want  to allow btrfs to clone from any additional local
	      snapshots, use '-c <clone-src>' (multiple times  where  applica‐
	      ble).  You  must	not specify clone sources unless you guarantee
	      that these snapshots are exactly	in  the	 same  state  on  both
	      sides,  the  sender  and the receiver. It is allowed to omit the
	      '-p <parent>' option when '-c <clone-src>' options are given, in
	      which  case  'btrfs send' will determine a suitable parent among
	      the clone sources itself.


	      -v   Enable verbose debug output. Each occurrence of this option
		   increases the verbose level more.

	      -e   If sending multiple subvols at once, use the new format and
		   omit the <end cmd> between the subvols.

	      -p <parent>
		   Send an incremental stream from <parent> to <subvol>.

	      -c <clone-src>
		   Use this snapshot as a clone source for an incremental send
		   (multiple allowed).

	      -f <outfile>
		   Output  is  normally written to stdout. To write to a file,
		   use this option.  An alternative would be to use pipes.

       receive [-ve] [-f <infile>] <mount>
	      Receive subvolumes from stdin.  Receives one or more  subvolumes
	      that  were previously sent with btrfs send. The received subvol‐
	      umes are stored into <mount>.  btrfs receive will fail with  the
	      following case:

	      1.a receiving subvolume already exists.

	      2.a  previously  received	 subvolume  was	 changed  after it was

	      3.default subvolume is changed or you don't mount btrfs filesys‐
	      tem with fs tree.

	      After receiving a subvolume, it is immediately set to read only.


	      -v   Enable verbose debug output. Each occurrence of this option
		   increases the verbose level more.

	      -f <infile>
		   By default, btrfs receive uses stdin to receive the subvol‐
		   umes.  Use this option to specify a file to use instead.

	      -e   Terminate  after receiving an <end cmd> in the data stream.
		   Without this option, the receiver  terminates  only	if  an
		   error is recognized or on EOF.

       quota enable <path>
	      Enable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.

       quota disable <path>
	      Disable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.

       quota rescan [-s] <path>
	      Trash  all  qgroup  numbers and scan the metadata again with the
	      current config.


	      -s   show status of a running rescan operation.

       qgroup assign <src> <dst> <path>
	      Enable subvolume qgroup support for a filesystem.

       qgroup remove <src> <dst> <path>
	      Remove a subvol from a quota group.

       qgroup create <qgroupid> <path>
	      Create a subvolume quota group.

       qgroup destroy <qgroupid> <path>
	      Destroy a subvolume quota group.

       qgroup show <path>
	      Show all subvolume quota groups.

       qgroup limit [options] <size>|none [<qgroupid>] <path>
	      Limit the size of a subvolume quota group.

       replace start [-Bfr] <srcdev>|<devid> <targetdev> <path>
	      Replace device of a btrfs filesystem.   On  a  live  filesystem,
	      duplicate	 the  data  to	the  target  device which is currently
	      stored on the source device. If the source device is not	avail‐
	      able anymore, or if the -r option is set, the data is built only
	      using the RAID redundancy mechanisms. After  completion  of  the
	      operation, the source device is removed from the filesystem.  If
	      the <srcdev> is a numerical value,  it  is  assumed  to  be  the
	      device  id  of  the  filesystem which is mounted at mount_point,
	      otherwise is is the path to the source  device.  If  the	source
	      device  is  disconnected,	 from  the system, you have to use the
	      devid parameter format.  The <targetdev> needs to be  same  size
	      or larger than the <srcdev>.


	      -r   only	 read  from  <srcdev>  if  no other zero-defect mirror
		   exists (enable this if your drive has lots of read  errors,
		   the access would be very slow)

	      -f   force  using	 and  overwriting <targetdev> even if it looks
		   like containing a valid btrfs filesystem. A valid  filesys‐
		   tem	is  assumed  if a btrfs superblock is found which con‐
		   tains a  correct  checksum.	Devices	 which	are  currently
		   mounted are never allowed to be used as the <targetdev>

	      -B   do not background

       replace status [-1] <mount_point>
	      Print  status  and  progress  information	 of  a	running device
	      replace operation.


	      -1   print once instead of print continuously until the  replace
		   operation finishes (or is canceled)

       replace cancel <mount_point>
	      Cancel a running device replace operation.

       btrfs  returns a zero exist status if it succeeds. Non zero is returned
       in case of failure.

       btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Btrfs filesystem is currently under heavy
       development,  and not suitable for any uses other than benchmarking and
       review.	Please refer to the  btrfs  wiki
       for further details.

       mkfs.btrfs(8), ionice(1)

btrfs								      BTRFS(8)

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