IWN man page on OpenBSD

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IWN(4)			  OpenBSD Programmer's Manual			IWN(4)

     iwn - Intel WiFi Link 4965/5000/1000/6000 IEEE 802.11a/g/n wireless
     network devices

     iwn* at pci?

     The iwn driver provides support for Intel Wireless WiFi Link
     4965/5000/1000 and 6000 Series PCIe Mini Card network adapters.

     The Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN (codenamed Kedron) is a PCIe Mini
     Card network adapter that operates in the 2GHz and 5GHz spectra.  It has
     2 transmit paths and 3 receiver paths (2T3R).  It is part of the fourth-
     generation Centrino platform (codenamed Santa Rosa).

     The Intel WiFi Link 5000 series is a family of wireless network adapters
     that operate in the 2GHz and 5GHz spectra.	 They are part of the fifth-
     generation Centrino platform (codenamed Montevina).  These adapters are
     available in both PCIe Mini Card (model code ending by MMW) and PCIe Half
     Mini Card (model code ending by HMW) form factor.	The iwn driver
     provides support for the 5100 (codenamed Shirley Peak 1x2), 5150
     (codenamed Echo Peak-V), 5300 (codenamed Shirley Peak 3x3) and 5350
     (codenamed Echo Peak-P) adapters.	The 5100 and 5150 adapters have 1
     transmit path and 2 receiver paths (1T2R).	 The 5300 and 5350 adapters
     have 3 transmit paths and 3 receiver paths (3T3R).

     The Intel WiFi Link 1000 (codenamed Condor Peak) is a single-chip
     wireless network adapter that operates in the 2GHz spectrum.  It is part
     of the sixth-generation Centrino platform (codenamed Calpella).  It is
     available in both PCIe Mini Card (model code ending by MMW) and PCIe Half
     Mini Card (model code ending by HMW) form factor.	It has 1 transmit path
     and 2 receiver paths (1T2R).

     The Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (codenamed Puma Peak 3x3) is a single-
     chip wireless network adapter that operates in the 2GHz and 5GHz spectra.
     It has 3 transmit paths and 3 receiver paths (3T3R).  The Intel Centrino
     Advanced-N 6250 (codenamed Kilmer Peak) is a combo WiFi/WiMAX network
     adapter that operates in the 2GHz and 5GHz spectra.  It has 2 transmit
     paths and 2 receiver paths (2T2R).	 The Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200
     (codenamed Puma Peak 2x2) is a wireless network adapter that operates in
     the 2GHz and 5GHz spectra.	 It has 2 transmit paths and 2 receiver paths
     (2T2R).  These adapters are part of the sixth-generation Centrino
     platform (codenamed Calpella).

     These are the modes the iwn driver can operate in:

     BSS mode	    Also known as infrastructure mode, this is used when
		    associating with an access point, through which all
		    traffic passes.  This mode is the default.

     monitor mode   In this mode the driver is able to receive packets without
		    associating with an access point.  This disables the
		    internal receive filter and enables the card to capture
		    packets from networks which it wouldn't normally have
		    access to, or to scan for access points.

     The iwn driver can be configured to use Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) or
     Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK).  WPA is the de facto
     encryption standard for wireless networks.	 It is strongly recommended
     that WEP not be used as the sole mechanism to secure wireless
     communication, due to serious weaknesses in it.  The iwn driver offloads
     both encryption and decryption of unicast data frames to the hardware for
     the CCMP cipher.

     The iwn driver can be configured at runtime with ifconfig(8) or on boot
     with hostname.if(5).

     The driver needs at least version 5.6 of the following firmware files,
     which are loaded when an interface is brought up:


     These firmware files are not free because Intel refuses to grant
     distribution rights without contractual obligations.  As a result, even
     though OpenBSD includes the driver, the firmware files cannot be included
     and users have to download these files on their own.

     A prepackaged version of the firmware, designed to be used with
     pkg_add(1), can be found at:


     The following hostname.if(5) example configures iwn0 to join whatever
     network is available on boot, using WEP key ``0x1deadbeef1'', channel 11,
     obtaining an IP address using DHCP:

	   dhcp NONE NONE NONE nwkey 0x1deadbeef1 chan 11

     Configure iwn0 to join network ``my_net'' using WPA with passphrase

	   # ifconfig iwn0 nwid my_net wpakey my_passphrase

     Join an existing BSS network, ``my_net'':

	   # ifconfig iwn0 netmask 0xffffff00 nwid my_net

     iwn%d: device timeout  A frame dispatched to the hardware for
     transmission did not complete in time.  The driver will reset the
     hardware.	This should not happen.

     iwn%d: fatal firmware error  For some reason, the firmware crashed.  The
     driver will reset the hardware.  This should not happen.

     iwn%d: radio is disabled by hardware switch  The radio transmitter is off
     and thus no packet can go out.  The driver will reset the hardware.  Make
     sure the laptop radio switch is on.

     iwn%d: error %d, could not read firmware %s  For some reason, the driver
     was unable to read the firmware image from the filesystem.	 The file
     might be missing or corrupted.

     iwn%d: firmware file too short: %d bytes  The firmware image is corrupted
     and can't be loaded into the adapter.

     iwn%d: could not load firmware  An attempt to load the firmware into the
     adapter failed.  The driver will reset the hardware.

     pkg_add(1), arp(4), ifmedia(4), intro(4), netintro(4), pci(4),
     hostname.if(5), ifconfig(8)

     The iwn driver was written by Damien Bergamini <damien@openbsd.org>.

     The iwn driver does not support any of the 802.11n capabilities offered
     by the adapters.  Additional work is required in ieee80211(9) before
     those features can be supported.

OpenBSD 4.9			January 9, 2011			   OpenBSD 4.9

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