LESSECHO man page on Raspbian

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LESSECHO(1)							   LESSECHO(1)

       lessecho - expand metacharacters

       lessecho [-ox] [-cx] [-pn] [-dn] [-mx] [-nn] [-ex] [-a] file ...

       lessecho	 is a program that simply echos its arguments on standard out‐
       put.  But any argument containing spaces is enclosed in quotes.

       A summary of options is included below.

       -ox    Specifies "x" to be the open quote character.

       -cx    Specifies "x" to be the close quote character.

       -pn    Specifies "n" to be the open quote character, as an integer.

       -dn    Specifies "n" to be the close quote character, as an integer.

       -mx    Specifies "x" to be a metachar.

       -nn    Specifies "n" to be a metachar, as an integer.

       -ex    Specifies "x" to be the escape char for metachars.

       -fn    Specifies "n" to be the escape char for metachars, as  an	 inte‐

       -a     Specifies	 that  all arguments are to be quoted.	The default is
	      that only arguments containing spaces are quoted.


       This manual page was written by	Thomas	Schoepf	 <schoepf@debian.org>,
       for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

       Send bug reports or comments to bug-less@gnu.org.

			   Version 436: 07 Jul 2009		   LESSECHO(1)

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