XkbAllocServerMap man page on RedHat

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XkbAllocServerMap(3)		 XKB FUNCTIONS		  XkbAllocServerMap(3)

       XkbAllocServerMap  -  Allocate  and  initialize	an  empty  server  map
       description record

       Status XkbAllocServerMap (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which,  unsigned
	      int count_acts);

       - xkb  keyboard description in which to allocate server map

       - which
	      mask selecting map components to allocate

       - count_acts
	      value of num_acts field in map to be allocated

       XkbAllocServerMap  allocates and initializes an empty server map in the
       server field of the keyboard description specified by xkb.   The	 which
       parameter  specifies the particular components of the server map struc‐
       ture to allocate, as specified in Table 1.

			 Table 1 XkbAllocServerMap Masks
       Mask			   Effect
       XkbExplicitComponentsMask   The min_key_code and max_key_code fields
				   of  the  xkb parameter are used to allo‐
				   cate the explicit field  of	the  server

       XkbKeyActionsMask	   The min_key_code and max_key_code fields
				   of the xkb parameter are used  to  allo‐
				   cate	 the  key_acts	field of the server
				   map. The count_acts parameter is used to
				   allocate  the  acts	field of the server

       XkbKeyBehaviorsMask	   The min_key_code and max_key_code fields
				   of  the  xkb parameter are used to allo‐
				   cate the behaviors field of	the  server

       XkbVirtualModMapMask	   The min_key_code and max_key_code fields
				   of the xkb parameter are used  to  allo‐
				   cate	 the  vmodmap  field  of the server

       If the server map of the keyboard  description  is  not	NULL  and  any
       fields  are already allocated in the server map, XkbAllocServerMap does
       not overwrite the existing values. The only exception is with the  acts
       array. If the count_acts parameter is greater than the current num_acts
       field of the server map, XkbAllocServerMap resizes the acts  array  and
       resets the num_acts field accordingly.

       If  XkbAllocServerMap  is successful, it returns Success. Otherwise, it
       can return either BadMatch or BadAlloc errors.

       BadAlloc	      Unable to allocate storage

       BadMatch	      A compatible version of Xkb was  not  available  in  the
		      server or an argument has correct type and range, but is
		      otherwise invalid

       BadValue	      An argument is out of range

       The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter  must  be
       legal  values.  If  they	 are not valid, XkbAllocServerMap returns Bad‐

X Version 11			 libX11 1.6.0		  XkbAllocServerMap(3)

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