TSWTCLMT man page on SmartOS

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       tswtclmt - Time Sliding Window Three Conformance Level Meter

       The Time Sliding Window Three Conformance level meter (tswtcl) meters a
       traffic stream and determines the conformance level of its packets.

       Packets are deemed to belong to one of the three levels, Red, Yellow or
       Green, depending on the committed and peak rate.

       The  meter  provides  an	 estimate of the running average bandwidth. It
       takes into account burstiness and smoothes out its estimate to  approx‐
       imate the longer-term measured sending rate of the traffic  stream.

       The  estimated  bandwidth approximates the running average bandwidth of
       the traffic stream over a specific window (time interval). tswtcl esti‐
       mates the average bandwidth using a time-based estimator. When a packet
       arrives for a class, tswtcl re-computes the average rate by  using  the
       rate  in	 the  last window (time interval) and the size of the arriving
       packet. The window is then slid to  start  at  the  current  time  (the
       packet  arrival	time). If the computed rate is less than the committed
       configuration parameter, the packet is deemed Green; else if  the  rate
       is  less	 than the peak rate, it is Yellow; else Red. To avoid dropping
       multiple packets within a TCP window, tswtcl probabilistically  assigns
       one of the three conformance level to the packet.

       The  tswtcl  module  exports  global  and  per-class statistics through

       Global statistics:

	 module: tswtclmt			  instance: <action id>
	   name: tswtclmt statistics		  class <action name>
		 green_bits			 <number of bit in green>
		 green_packets			 <number of packets in green>
		 red_bits			 <number of bits in red>
		 red_packets			 <number of packets in red>
		 yellow_bits			 <number of bits in yellow>
		 yellow_packets			 <number of packets in yellow>


	   64-bit module (SPARC only.)

       ipqosconf(1M),	  dlcosmk(7ipp),     dscpmk(7ipp),     flowacct(7ipp),
       ipqos(7ipp), ipgpc(7ipp), tokenmt(7ipp)

       RFC  2859,  A Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker (TSWTCM) W. Fang,
       N.  Seddigh, B. Nandy — The Internet Society, 2000

				 Sep 29, 2004			TSWTCLMT(7IPP)

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