rw_trywrlock(3scl)rw_trywrlock(3scl)NAMErw_trywrlock - Tries to lock a readers/writer lock for write access.
SCL Threads Library (
#include <synch.h>
int rw_trywrlock(
rwlock_t *rwlockp );
Address of the readers/writer lock to try to write-locked.
This routine tries to lock a readers/writer lock for write access. If
the readers/writer lock is already locked (either for read or write
access, by another thread), this routine returns EBUSY. Otherwise if 0
is returned, the readers/writer lock is acquired for write access.
SCL IMPLEMENTATION NOTESrw_trywrlock(3scl) is implemented by calling tis_write_trylock(3).
rw_trywrlock(3scl) first checks if the readers/writer lock is valid :
if it is not, then the readers/writer lock is initialized for intra-
process thread synchronization (type USYNC_THREAD).
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value
indicating the type of error.
Additional error return information may be written to the SCL error
log. Refer to scl_error_log(4scl) for details.
Possible return values are as follows: Successful completion. The
readers/writer lock is already locked (by another thread). Error from
tis_rwlock_init(3) or tis_write_trylock(3). A message is written to the
SCL errorlog which outlines the error-code mapping. Or:
An internal implementation error occurred. Refer to the SCL errorlog
for additional information.
Note: EFAULT is not returned if rwlockp is an illegal address. An ille‐
gal address generates a SIGSEGV signal, which by default will abort the
process and generate a core dump.
Functions: rw_rdlock(3scl), rw_tryrdlock(3scl), rw_unlock(3scl),
rw_wrlock(3scl)rwlock_destroy(3scl), rwlock_init(3scl),
scl_intro(3scl), scl_thread_intro(3scl), tis_rwlock_init(3),
Files: scl_error_log(4scl)
Manuals: Solaris Compatibility Libraries User's Guide