KinoSearch::Docs::CookUser:ConKinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQueryParser(3)NAMEKinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQueryParser - Sample subclass of
Implement a custom search query language using
KinoSearch::Search::QueryParser and Parse::RecDescent.
Grammar-based vs. hand-rolled
There are two classic strategies for writing a text parser.
1. Create a grammar-based parser using Perl modules like
Parse::RecDescent or Parse::YAPP, C utilities like lex and yacc,
2. Hand-roll your own parser.
We'll start off with hand-rolling, but we'll ultimately move to the
grammar-based parsing technique because of its superior flexibility.
The language
At first, our query language will support only simple term queries and
phrases delimited by double quotes. For simplicity's sake, it will not
support parenthetical groupings, boolean operators, or prepended
plus/minus. The results for all subqueries will be unioned together --
i.e. joined using an OR -- which is usually the best approach for
small-to-medium-sized document collections.
Later, we'll add support for trailing wildcards.
Single-field regex-based parser
Hand-rolling a parser can be labor-intensive, but our proposed query
language is simple enough that chewing up the query string with some
simple regular expressions will do the trick.
We'll use a fixed field name of "content", and a fixed choice of
English PolyAnalyzer.
package FlatQueryParser;
use KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery;
use KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery;
use KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery;
use Carp;
sub new {
my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
language => 'en',
return bless {
field => 'content',
analyzer => $analyzer,
}, __PACKAGE__;
Some private helper subs for creating TermQuery and PhraseQuery objects
will help keep the size of our main parse() subroutine down:
sub _make_term_query {
my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
return KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery->new(
field => $self->{field},
term => $term,
sub _make_phrase_query {
my ( $self, $terms ) = @_;
return KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery->new(
field => $self->{field},
terms => $terms,
Our private _tokenize() method treats double-quote delimited material
as a single token and splits on whitespace everywhere else.
sub _tokenize {
my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
my @tokens;
while ( length $query_string ) {
if ( $query_string =~ s/^\s*// ) {
next; # skip whitespace
elsif ( $query_string =~ s/^("[^"]*(?:"|$))// ) {
push @tokens, $1; # double-quoted phrase
else {
$query_string =~ s/(\S+)//;
push @tokens, $1; # single word
return \@tokens;
The main parsing routine creates an array of tokens by calling
_tokenize(), runs the tokens through through the PolyAnalyzer, creates
TermQuery or PhraseQuery objects according to how many tokens emerge
from the PolyAnalyzer's split() method, and adds each of the sub-
queries to the primary ORQuery.
sub parse {
my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
my $tokens = $self->_tokenize($query_string);
my $analyzer = $self->{analyzer};
my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
for my $token (@$tokens) {
if ( $token =~ s/^"// ) {
$token =~ s/"$//;
my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
else {
my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
if ( @$terms == 1 ) {
my $query = $self->_make_term_query( $terms->[0] );
elsif ( @$terms > 1 ) {
my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
return $or_query;
Single-field Parse::RecDescent-based parser
Instead of using regular expressions to tokenize the string, we can use
my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
{ $item{'leaf_query(s?)'} }
| term_query
{ $1 }
/("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
{ $1 }
sub new {
my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
language => 'en',
my $rd_parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
return bless {
field => 'content',
analyzer => $analyzer,
rd_parser => $rd_parser,
}, __PACKAGE__;
The behavior of a Parse::RecDescent parser based on the grammar above
is exactly the same as that of our regex-based tokenization routine
from before, so we can leave parse() intact and simply change
sub _tokenize {
my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
return $self->{rd_parser}->leaf_queries($query_string);
Multi-field Parse::RecDescent-based parser
Most often, the end user will want their search query to match not only
a single 'content' field, but also 'title' and so on. To make that
happen, we have to turn queries such as this...
foo AND NOT bar
... into the logical equivalent of this:
(title:foo OR content:foo) AND NOT (title:bar OR content:bar)
Rather than continue with our own from-scratch parser class and write
the routines to accomplish that expansion, we're now going to subclass
QueryParser and take advantage of some of its existing methods.
Our first parser implementation had the "content" field name and the
choice of English PolyAnalyzer hard-coded for simplicity, but we don't
need to do that this time -- QueryParser's constructor requires a
Schema which conveys field and Analyzer information, so we can just
defer to that.
package FlatQueryParser;
use base qw( KinoSearch::Search::QueryParser );
use KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery;
use KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery;
use KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery;
use KinoSearch::Search::NoMatchQuery;
use PrefixQuery;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use Carp;
our %rd_parser;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$rd_parser{$$self} = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
return $self;
my $self = shift;
delete $rd_parser{$$self};
If we modify our Parse::RecDescent grammar slightly, we can eliminate
the _tokenize(), _make_term_query(), and _make_phrase_query() helper
subs, and our parse() subroutine can be chopped way down. We'll have
the "term_query" and "phrase_query" productions generate LeafQuery
objects, and add a "tree" production which joins the leaves together
with an ORQuery.
my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
$return = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
$return->add_child($_) for @{ $item[1] };
{ $item{'leaf_query(s)'} }
| term_query
{ KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
/("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
{ KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
sub parse {
my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
my $tree = $self->tree($query_string);
return $tree ? $self->expand($tree) :
sub tree {
my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
return $rd_parser{$$self}->tree($query_string);
The magic happens in QueryParser's expand() method, which walks the
ORQuery object we supply to it looking for LeafQuery objects, and calls
expand_leaf() for each one it finds. expand_leaf() performs field-
specific analysis, decides whether each query should be a TermQuery or
a PhraseQuery, and if multiple fields are required, creates an ORQuery
which mults out e.g. "foo" into "(title:foo OR content:foo)".
Extending the query language
To add support for trailing wildcards to our query language, first we
need to modify our grammar, adding a "prefix_query" production and
tweaking the "leaf_query" production to accommodate it.
| prefix_query
| term_query
{ KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
Second, we need to override expand_leaf() to accommodate PrefixQuery,
while deferring to its original implementation on TermQuery and
sub expand_leaf {
my ( $self, $leaf_query ) = @_;
my $text = $leaf_query->get_text;
if ( $text =~ /\*$/ ) {
my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
for my $field ( @{ $self->get_fields } ) {
my $prefix_query = PrefixQuery->new(
field => $field,
query_string => $text,
return $or_query;
else {
return $self->SUPER::expand_leaf($leaf_query);
Insert any of our custom parsers into the search.cgi sample app to get
a feel for how they behave:
my $parser = FlatQueryParser->new( schema => $searcher->get_schema );
my $query = $parser->parse( $cgi->param('q') || '' );
my $hits = $searcher->hits(
query => $query,
offset => $offset,
num_wanted => $hits_per_page,
Copyright 2008-2010 Marvin Humphrey
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.14.1KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQueryParser(3)