rle_get_setup - Read the header from an RLE file.
rle_get_setup_ok - Print error message and exit if rle_get_setup fails.
rle_get_error - Print error message for rle_get_setup failure.
rle_debug - Turn on or off debugging messages.
#include <rle.h>
rle_get_setup( the_hdr );
rle_hdr * the_hdr;
rle_get_setup_ok( the_hdr, prog_name, file_name );
rle_hdr * the_hdr;
char * prog_name, * file_name;
rle_get_error( code, prog_name, file_name )
int code;
char *prog_name, *file_name;
rle_debug( on_off )
int on_off;
Rle_get_setup is called to initialize the process of reading an RLE(5)
file. It will fill in the_hdr with the header information from the RLE
file, and will initialize state for rle_getrow(3) and rle_getraw(3).
The rle_file field of the_hdr should be initialized to the input stream
before calling rle_get_setup. The bits field is initialized by
rle_get_setup to enable reading of all the channels present in the
input file. To prevent rle_getrow or rle_getraw from reading certain
channels (e.g., the alpha channel), the appropriate bits should be
cleared before calling them. The error codes returned by rle_get_setup
are defined in rle.h.
Rle_get_setup_ok invokes rle_get_setup and checks the return code. If
an error occurred, it calls rle_get_error( err_code, prog_name,
file_name ) to print the appropriate error message on stderr, and the
program exits with the status code set.
Rle_get_error can be called to print an appropriate error message on
the standard error output for the failure code returned by rle_get_set‐
up. The prog_name and file_name parameters are used for the error mes‐
sage. If file_name is NULL or "-", the string "Standard input" is sub‐
The function rle_debug is used to enable or disable debug printing for
the rle_get functions. If on_off is non-zero, all input read from any
RLE file will be printed in a readable form on the standard error out‐
put. Calling rle_debug(0) will turn off this activity.
SEE ALSOrle_hdr(3), rle_getrow(3), rle_getraw(3), librle(3), RLE(5).
Spencer W. Thomas, Todd Fuqua
University of Utah
4th Berkeley Distribution 2/2/87 RLE_GET_SETUP(3)