Dancer::Deployment man page on Fedora

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Dancer::Deployment(3) User Contributed Perl DocumentationDancer::Deployment(3)

       Dancer::Deployment - common ways to put your Dancer app into use

       Dancer has been designed to be flexible, and this flexibility extends
       to your choices when deploying your Dancer app.

   Running as a cgi-script (or fast-cgi)
       In providing ultimate flexibility in terms of deployment, your Dancer
       app can be run as a simple cgi-script out-of-the-box. No additional
       web-server configuration needed.	 Your web server should recognize .cgi
       files and be able to serve Perl scripts.	 The Perl module Plack::Runner
       is required.

       Start by adding the following to your apache configuration (httpd.conf
       or sites-available/*site*):

	   <VirtualHost *:80>
	       DocumentRoot /srv/

		       <Directory "/srv/">
		  AllowOverride None
		  Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
		  Order allow,deny
		  Allow from all
		  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

		       RewriteEngine On
		       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
		       RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]

	       ErrorLog	 /var/log/apache2/
	       CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ common

       Here, the mod_rewrite magic for Pretty-URLs is directly put in Apache's
       configuration.  But if your web server supports .htaccess files, you
       can drop those lines in a .htaccess file.

       To check if your server supports mod_rewrite type "apache2 -l" to list
       modules.	 To enable mod_rewrite (Debian), run "a2enmod rewrite". Place
       following code in a file called .htaccess in your application's root

	   # BEGIN dancer application htaccess
	   RewriteEngine On
	   RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
	   RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
	   RewriteRule (.*) /dispatch.cgi$1 [L]
	   # END dancer application htaccess

       Now you can access your dancer application URLs as if you were using
       the embedded web server.


       This option is a no-brainer, easy to setup, low maintenance but serves
       requests slower than all other options.

       You can use the same technique to deploy with FastCGI, by just changing
       the line:

	       AddHandler cgi-script .cgi


	       AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

       Of course remember to update your rewrite rules, if you have set any:

	   RewriteRule (.*) /dispatch.fcgi$1 [L]

   Running stand-alone
       At the simplest, your Dancer app can run standalone, operating as its
       own webserver using HTTP::Simple::PSGI.

       Simply fire up your app:

	   $ perl bin/
	   >> Listening on
	   == Entering the dance floor ...

       Point your browser at it, and away you go!

       This option can be useful for small personal web apps or internal apps,
       but if you want to make your app available to the world, it probably
       won't suit you.

       Running on Perl webservers with plackup

       A number of Perl web servers supporting PSGI are available on cpan:

	   "Starman" is a high performance web server, with support for
	   preforking, signals, ...

	   "Twiggy" is an "AnyEvent" web server, it's light and fast.

	   "Corona" is a "Coro" based web server.

       To start your application, just run plackup (see Plack and specific
       servers above for all available options):

	  $ plackup bin/
	  $ plackup -E deployment -s Starman --workers=10 -p 5001 -a bin/

       As you can see, the scaffolded Perl script for your app can be used as
       a PSGI startup file.

       Enabling content compression

       Content compression (gzip, deflate) can be easily enabled via a Plack
       middleware (see Plack#Plack::Middleware): Plack::Middleware::Deflater.
       It's a middleware to encode the response body in gzip or deflate, based
       on Accept-Encoding HTTP request header.

       Enable it as you would enable any Plack middleware. First you need to
       install Plack::Middleware::Deflater, then in the configuration file
       (usually environments/development.yml), add these lines:

	     - Plack::Middleware::Deflater
	     - ...

       These lines tell Dancer to add Plack::Middleware::Deflater to the list
       of middlewares to pass to Plack::Builder, when wrapping the Dancer app.
       The syntax is :

       ·   as key: the name of the Plack middleware to use

       ·   as value: the options to pass it as a list. In our case, there is
	   no option to specify to Plack::Middleware::Deflater, so we use an
	   empty YAML list.

       To test if content compression works, trace the HTTP request and
       response before and after enabling this middleware. Among other things,
       you should notice that the response is gzip or deflate encoded, and
       contains a header "Content-Encoding" set to "gzip" or "deflate"

       Running multiple apps with Plack::Builder

       You can use Plack::Builder to mount multiple Dancer applications on a
       PSGI webserver like Starman.

       Start by creating a simple app.psgi file:

	   use Dancer ':syntax';
	   use Plack::Builder;

	   setting apphandler => 'PSGI';

	   my $app1 = sub {
	       my $env = shift;
	       local $ENV{DANCER_APPDIR} = '/Users/franck/tmp/app1';
	       setting appdir => '/Users/franck/tmp/app1';
	       load_app "app1";
	       my $request = Dancer::Request->new( env => $env );

	   my $app2 = sub {
	       my $env = shift;
	       local $ENV{DANCER_APPDIR} = '/Users/franck/tmp/app2';
	       setting appdir => '/Users/franck/tmp/app2';
	       load_app "app2";
	       my $request = Dancer::Request->new( env => $env );

	   builder {
	       mount "/app1" => builder {$app1};
	       mount "/app2" => builder {$app2};

       and now use Starman

	   plackup -a app.psgi -s Starman

       Using daemontools to create a service

       daemontools is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services. You
       can use it to easily start/restart/stop services.

       A basic script to start an application: (in /service/application/run)


	   # if your application is not installed in @INC path:
	   export PERL5LIB='/path/to/your/application/lib'

	   exec 2>&1 \
	   /usr/local/bin/plackup -s Starman -a /path/to/your/application/ -p 5000

       Running stand-alone behind a proxy / load balancer

       Another option would be to run your app stand-alone as described above,
       but then use a proxy or load balancer to accept incoming requests (on
       the standard port 80, say) and feed them to your Dancer app.

       This could be achieved using various software; examples would include:

       Using Apache's mod_proxy

       You could set up a VirtualHost for your web app, and proxy all requests
       through to it:

	   ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
	   ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/

       Or, if you want your webapp to share an existing VirtualHost, you could
       have it under a specified dir:

	   ProxyPass /mywebapp/ http://localhost:3000/
	   ProxyPassReverse /mywebapp/ http://localhost:3000/

       It is important for you to note that the Apache2 modules mod_proxy and
       mod_proxy_http must be enabled.

	   a2enmod proxy
	   a2enmod proxy_http

       It is also important to set permissions for proxying for security
       purposes, below is an example.

	   <Proxy *>
	     Order allow,deny
	     Allow from all

       Using perlbal

       "perlbal" is a single-threaded event-based server written in Perl
       supporting HTTP load balancing, web serving, and a mix of the two,
       available from <>

       It processes hundreds of millions of requests a day just for
       LiveJournal, Vox and TypePad and dozens of other "Web 2.0"

       It can also provide a management interface to let you see various
       information on requests handled etc.

       It could easily be used to handle requests for your Dancer apps, too.

       It can be easily installed from CPAN:

	   perl -MCPAN -e 'install Perlbal'

       Once installed, you'll need to write a configuration file.  See the
       examples provided with perlbal, but you'll probably want something

	   CREATE POOL my_dancers
	   POOL my_dancers ADD
	   POOL my_dancers ADD
	   POOL my_dancers ADD
	   POOL my_dancers ADD

	   CREATE SERVICE my_webapp
	   SET listen	       =
	   SET role	       = reverse_proxy
	   SET pool	       = my_dancers
	   SET persist_client  = on
	   SET persist_backend = on
	   SET verify_backend  = on
	   ENABLE balancer

       Using balance

       "balance" is a simple load-balancer from Inlab Software, available from

       It could be used simply to hand requests to a standalone Dancer app.
       You could even run several instances of your Dancer app, on the same
       machine or on several machines, and use a machine running balance to
       distribute the requests between them, for some serious heavy traffic

       To listen on port 80, and send requests to a Dancer app on port 3000:

	   balance http localhost:3000

       To listen on a specified IP only on port 80, and distribute requests
       between multiple Dancer apps on multiple other machines:

	   balance -b 80

       Using Lighttpd

       You can use Lighttp's mod_proxy:

	   $HTTP["url"] =~ "/application" {
	       proxy.server = (
		   "/" => (
		       "application" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 3000 )

       This configuration will proxy all request to the /application path to
       the path / on localhost:3000.

       Using Nginx

       with Nginx:

	   upstream backendurl {
	       server unix:THE_PATH_OF_YOUR_PLACKUP_SOCKET_HERE.sock;

	   server {
	     listen	  80;
	     server_name YOUR_HOST_HERE;

	     access_log /var/log/YOUR_ACCESS_LOG_HERE.log;
	     error_log	/var/log/YOUR_ERROR_LOG_HERE.log info;

	     root YOUR_ROOT_PROJECT/public;
	     location / {
	       try_files $uri @proxy;
	       access_log off;
	       expires max;

	     location @proxy {
		   proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
		   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
		   proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
		   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
		   proxy_pass	    http://backendurl;


       You will need plackup to start a worker listening on a socket :

	   sudo -u www plackup -E production -s Starman --workers=2 -l THE_PATH_OF_YOUR_PLACKUP_SOCKET_HERE.sock -a bin/

       A good way to start this is to use "daemontools" and place this line
       with all environments variables in the "run" file.

   Running from Apache
       You can run your Dancer app from Apache using the following examples:

       Running from Apache with Plack

       You can run your app from Apache using PSGI (Plack), with a config like
       the following:

	       DocumentRoot /websites/

	       <Directory /home/myapp/myapp>
		   AllowOverride None
		   Order allow,deny
		   Allow from all

	       <Location />
		   SetHandler perl-script
		   PerlHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
		   PerlSetVar psgi_app /websites/

	       ErrorLog	 /websites/
	       CustomLog /websites/ common

       To set the environment you want to use for your application (production
       or development), you can set it this way:

	       SetEnv DANCER_ENVIRONMENT "production"

       Running from Apache under appdir

       If you want to deploy multiple applications under the same VirtualHost,
       using one application per directory for example, you can do the

       This example uses the FastCGI dispatcher that comes with Dancer, but
       you should be able to adapt this to use any other way of deployment
       described in this guide. The only purpose of this example is to show
       how to deploy multiple applications under the same base

	   <VirtualHost *:80>
	       ServerName localhost
	       DocumentRoot "/path/to/rootdir"
	       RewriteEngine On
	       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

	       <Directory "/path/to/rootdir">
		   AllowOverride None
		   Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
		   Order allow,deny
		   Allow from all
		   AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

	       RewriteRule /App1(.*)$ /App1/public/dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]
	       RewriteRule /App2(.*)$ /App2/public/dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]
	       RewriteRule /AppN(.*)$ /AppN/public/dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]

       Of course, if your Apache configuration allows that, you can put the
       RewriteRules in a .htaccess file directly within the application's
       directory, which lets you add a new application without changing the
       Apache configuration.

   Running on lighttpd (CGI)
       To run as a CGI app on lighttpd, just create a soft link to the
       dispatch.cgi script (created when you run dancer -a MyApp) inside your
       system's cgi-bin folder. Make sure mod_cgi is enabled.

	   ln -s /path/to/MyApp/public/dispatch.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mycoolapp.cgi

   Running on lighttpd (FastCGI)
       Make sure mod_fcgi is enabled. You also must have FCGI installed.

       This example configuration uses TCP/IP:

	   $HTTP["url"] == "^/app" {
	       fastcgi.server += (
		   "/app" => (
		       "" => (
			   "host" => "",
			   "port" => "5000",
			   "check-local" => "disable",

       Launch your application:

	   plackup -s FCGI --port 8080 bin/

       This example configuration uses a socket:

	   $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/app" {
	       fastcgi.server += (
		   "/app" => (
		       "" => (
			   "socket" => "/tmp/fcgi.sock",
			   "check-local" => "disable",

       Launch your application:

	   plackup -s FCGI --listen /tmp/fcgi.sock bin/

perl v5.14.1			  2011-07-26		 Dancer::Deployment(3)

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