MrmInitialize man page on YellowDog

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MrmInitialize(library call)			   MrmInitialize(library call)

       MrmInitialize  —	 Prepares  an  application  to use MRM widget-fetching

       void MrmInitialize(void)

       The MrmInitialize function must be called to prepare an application  to
       use  MRM widget-fetching facilities.  You must call this function prior
       to fetching a widget.  However, it is good programming practice to call
       MrmInitialize prior to performing any MRM operations.

       MrmInitialize  initializes  the internal data structures that MRM needs
       to successfully perform type conversion on arguments  and  to  success‐
       fully  access  widget  creation	facilities.   An application must call
       MrmInitialize before it uses other MRM functions.

						   MrmInitialize(library call)

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