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Mono(Mono 1.1.x)					      Mono(Mono 1.1.x)

       monodis - CIL image content dumper and disassembler.

       monodis	[-h]  [--help]	[--output=FILENAME]  [--mscorlib] [--assembly]
       [--assemblyref] [--classlayout] [--constant] [--customattr] [--declsec]
       [--event]  [--exported] [--fields] [--file] [--forward-decls] [--gener‐
       icpar] [--implmap] [--interface] [--manifest] [--marshal] [--memberref]
       [--method]   [--methodimpl]   [--methodsem]  [--methodspec]  [--module]
       [--moduleref]  [--mresources]   [--presources]	[--nested]   [--param]
       [--parconst] [--property] [--propertymap] [--standalonesig] [--typedef]
       [--typeref]   [--typespec]   [--blob]	[--strings]    [--userstrings]

       The  monodis program is used to dump the contents an ECMA/ISO CIL image
       (contained in .EXE files that contain extended PE/COFF CIL code).

       To roundtrip assemblies using ilasm, it is best	to  use	 the  --output
       argument,  as  that  will  make	monodis save the embedded resources in
       files that can later be properly embedded back by ilasm.

       Additionally, the tool can be used to dump the contents of the  various
       ECMA CIL metadata tables.

       The following Generic options are supported:

       --help , -h
	      Displays usage instructions.

	      Write  output  into  FILENAME  and  dump	any  embedded  managed

	      For non-corlib assemblies, use "mscorlib" as the assembly	 name.
	      This is useful for round-tripping the IL with ilasm.

	      Display tokens for disassembled methods.

       The  following  options	are used to display metadata tables instead of
       disassembling the CIL image.

	      Dumps the contents of the Assembly table.

	      Dumps the contents of the AssemblyRef table.

	      Dumps the contents of the ClassLayout table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Constant table.

	      Dumps the contents of the CustomAttribute table.

	      Dumps the contents of the DeclSec table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Event table.

	      Dumps the contents of the ExportedType table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Field table.

       --file Dumps the contents of the File table.

	      Dumps forward declarations for classes.

	      Dumps the contents of the GenericParam table.

	      Dumps the contents of the ImplMap table.

	      Dumps the contents of the InterfaceImpl table.

	      Dumps the contents of the ManifestResource table.

	      Dumps the contents of the FieldMarshal table.

	      Dumps the contents of the MemberRef table.

	      Dumps the contents of the MethodDef table.

	      Dumps the contents of the MethodImpl table.

	      Dumps the contents of the MethodSpec table.

	      Dumps the contents of the MethodSemantics table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Module table.

	      Dumps the contents of the ModuleRef table.

	      Saves all the managed resources embedded in  the	assembly  into
	      the current directory.   To get a list of the embedded resources
	      use the --manifest option.

	      Prints offsets and names of manifest resources embedded  in  the

	      Dumps the contents of the NestedClass table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Param table.

	      Dumps the contents of the GenericParameterConstraint table.

	      Dumps the contents of the Property table.

	      Dumps the contents of the PropertyMap table.

	      Dumps the contents of the StandAloneSig table.

	      Dumps the contents of the TypeDef table.

	      Dumps the contents of the TypeSpec table.

	      Dumps the contents of the TypeRef table.

       --blob Dumps the entire contents of the blob stream as hex.

	      Dumps the contents of the Strings heap.

	      Dumps the contents of the User-Strings heap

       If no flags are specified the program dumps the content of the image in
       a format that can be used to rountrip the code.

	      Provides a search path to	 mono  and  mint  where	 to  look  for
	      library  files.	Directories are separated by the platform path
	      separator	   (colons    on    unix).    Example:	   /home/user‐

       monodis	was  written by Miguel de Icaza, Paolo Molaro and Dietmar Mau‐


							      Mono(Mono 1.1.x)

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