nwrevoke man page on Mandriva

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NWREVOKE(8)			   nwrevoke			   NWREVOKE(8)

       nwrevoke - Revoke a Trustee Right from a directory

       nwrevoke	 [  -h ] [ -S server ] [ -U user name ] [ -P password | -n ] [
       -C ] [ -o object name ] [ -t type ] [ -r rights ] file/directory

       nwrevoke revokes the specified bindery object  with  the	 corresponding
       trustee rights from the directory.

       nwrevoke	 looks	up  the	 file $HOME/.nwclient to find a file server, a
       user name and possibly a password. See nwclient(5)  for	more  informa‐
       tion.  Please  note that the access permissions of $HOME/.nwclient MUST
       be 600 for security reasons.

	  -h is used to print out a short help text.

       -S server
	  server is the name of the server you want to use.

       -U user
	  user is the user name to use for login.

       -P password
	  password is the password to use for login. If neither -n nor -P  are
	  given,  and  the user has no open connection to the server, nwrevoke
	  prompts for a password.

	  -n should be given if no password is required for the login.

	  By default, passwords are converted to  uppercase  before  they  are
	  sent	to the server, because most servers require this. You can turn
	  off this conversion by -C.

       -o object name
	  The name of the object to be added as trustee.

       -t object type
	  The type of the object. Object type must be specified as  a  decimal
	  value. Common values are 1 for user objects, 2 for group objects and
	  3 for print queues. Other values are allowed, but are	 usually  used
	  for  specialized  applications.  If  object  type  is not specified,
	  object name is taken as NDS name.

	  You must specify the file/directory from which to remove the	object
	  as  trustee. If you specified -S, it must be fully qualified NetWare
	  notation for DOS namespace. Otherwise it must be file	 or  directory
	  mounted to your system using ncpfs.


	  nwrevoke -S NWSERVER -o linus -t 1 'src:bsd_src'

	  With this example, user linus is removed as trustee from the bsd_src
	  directory on the src volume on server NWSERVER.

	  nwrevoke -o linus -t 1 /home/vana/ncpfs/nwserver/src/bsd_src

	  With this example, user linus is removed as trustee from the bsd_src

       nwrevoke	 was written by Volker Lendecke with the corresponding NetWare
       utility in mind. See the Changes file of ncpfs for other contributors.

nwrevoke			   7/9/1996			   NWREVOKE(8)

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