oggdec man page on CentOS

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oggdec(1)			 Vorbis Tools			     oggdec(1)

       oggdec  -  simple  decoder,  Ogg	 Vorbis file to PCM audio file (WAV or

       oggdec [ -Qhv ] [ -b bits_per_sample ] [ -e endianness ] [ -R  ]	 [  -s
       signedness ] [ -o outputfile ] file ...

       oggdec decodes Ogg Vorbis files into PCM-encoded ("uncompressed") audio
       files, either WAV or RAW format.

       For each input file, oggdec writes to a filename	 based	on  the	 input
       filename,  but with the extension changed to ".wav" or ".raw" as appro‐

       If the input file is specified as - , then oggdec will read from stdin,
       and  write  to stdout unless an output filename is specified. Likewise,
       an output filename of - will cause output to be to stdout.

       Writing WAV format to stdout is a bad idea.  WAV	 requires  a  seekable
       medium  for  the	 header	 to be rewritten after all the data is written
       out; stdout is not seekable.

       -Q, --quiet
	      Suppresses program output.

       -h, --help
	      Print help message.

       -v, --version
	      Display version information.

       -b n, --bits=n
	      Bits per sample.	Valid values are 8 or 16.

       -e n, --endian=n
	      Set endianness for 16-bit output.	 0 (default) is	 little-endian
	      (Intel byte order).  1 is big-endian (sane byte order).

       -R, --raw
	      Output  in  raw format.  If not specified, writes WAV file (RIFF

       -s n, --sign=n
	      Set signedness for output.  0  for  unsigned,  1	(default)  for

       -o filename, --output=filename
	      Write  output  to specified filename.  This option is only valid
	      if one input [file] is specified.

       Decode a file enabler.ogg to enabler.wav
	as little-endian unsigned 16-bit (default options):
	      oggdec enabler.ogg

       Decode a file enabler.ogg to enabler.raw	 as  headerless	 little-endian
       unsigned 16-bit:
	      oggdec --raw=1 enabler.ogg

       Decode enabler.ogg to enabler.crazymonkey as unsigned 8-bit:
	      oggdec -b 8 -s 0 -o enabler.crazymonkey enabler.ogg

       Decode  enabler.ogg  to enabler.raw as big-endian signed 16-bit (any of
       the following):
	      oggdec -R -e 1 -b 16 enabler.ogg
	      oggdec -R -e 1 -b 16 -o enabler.raw - < enabler.ogg
	      oggdec -R -e 1 -b 16 - < enabler.ogg > enabler.raw

       Mass decoding (foo.ogg to foo.wav,  bar.ogg  to	bar.wav,  quux.ogg  to
       quux.wav, etc.):
	      oggdec *.ogg


   Program Authors
       Michael Smith <msmith@xiph.org>

   Manpage Authors
       Frederick Lee <phaethon@linux.ucla.edu>, assisted by a few million mon‐
       keys armed with keyboards in irc://irc.openprojects.net/#vorbis

				 2002 July 03			     oggdec(1)

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