psignal man page on DragonFly

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PSIGNAL(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		    PSIGNAL(3)

     psignal, strsignal, sys_siglist, sys_signame, sys_nsig — system signal

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <signal.h>

     psignal(unsigned sig, const char *s);

     extern const char * const sys_siglist[];
     extern const char * const sys_signame[];
     extern const int sys_nsig;

     #include <string.h>

     char *
     strsignal(int sig);

     The psignal() and strsignal() functions locate the descriptive message
     string for a signal number.

     The strsignal() function accepts a signal number argument sig and returns
     a pointer to the corresponding message string.

     The psignal() function accepts a signal number argument sig and writes it
     to the standard error.  If the argument s is non-NULL and does not point
     to the null character, s is written to the standard error file descriptor
     prior to the message string, immediately followed by a colon and a space.
     If the signal number is not recognized (sigaction(2)), the string
     “Unknown signal” is produced.

     The message strings can be accessed directly through the external array
     sys_siglist, indexed by recognized signal numbers.	 The external array
     sys_signame is used similarly and contains short, lower-case abbrevia‐
     tions for signals which are useful for recognizing signal names in user
     input.  The external variable sys_nsig contains a count of the strings in
     sys_siglist and sys_signame.  Note that the defined variable NSIG will
     typically be the same as sys_nsig, but might be different due to newer or
     older kernels and newer or older libc libraries.  For maximum portability
     you must use sys_nsig to limit-check the above arrays.  Additionally, you
     should check for NULL array entries and generate a generic signal name in
     those cases.

     sigaction(2), perror(3), strerror(3)

     The psignal() function appeared in 4.2BSD.

BSD			       February 27, 1995			   BSD

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