VNDCOMPRESS(1) General Commands Manual VNDCOMPRESS(1)


vndcompress, vnduncompresscompress/uncompress file system images to/from cloop2 format


vndcompress [-cd] disk/fs-image compressed-image [blocksize]

vnduncompress [-cd] compressed-image disk/fs-image


The vndcompress program compresses an existing file system image into a cloop2 compatible compressed file system image. An optional blocksize can be given. If omitted, the default of 64kB is used.

The vnduncompress command decompress a cloop2-compressed file system image back into a regular image.

The file system images that can be handled are not limited to any specific file system, i.e. it is possible to handle images e.g. in ISO 9660 or UFS/FFS format. File system images in the cloop2 format are intended to be used with the vnd(4) driver in compressed mode as configured by the -z option of the vnconfig(8) program, and later mounted with the appropriate -t option to mount(8).


The following options are available:
Always compress, even if the program was started as vnduncompress.
Always uncompress (decompress), even if the program was started as vndcompress.


The vndcompress and vnduncompress utilities exit with one of the following values:
The operation was performed successfully.
An error occurred.


To compress an existing CD-ROM file system image, run the following commands:

# vndcompress netbsd.iso netbsd.izo

Note that the resulting compressed image cannot be mounted directly via NetBSD's vnd(4) and mount_cd9660(8) commands any longer. Instead, you will have to use the -z option of vnconfig(8).

The following example decompresses an existing CD-ROM file system image that was compressed in the cloop2 format into a regular file that can then be mounted:

# vnconfig vnd0 KNOPPIX.iso 
# mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/vnd0d /mnt 
# vnduncompress /mnt/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /var/tmp/knoppix.iso 
# umount /mnt 
# vnconfig -u vnd0 
# vnconfig vnd1 /var/tmp/knoppix.iso 
# mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/vnd1d /mnt 
# ls /mnt 
.rr_moved cdrom     floppy    lib       opt       sbin      usr 
bin       dev       home      mnt       proc      sys       var 
boot      etc       initrd    none      root      tmp       vmlinuz 
# umount /mnt 
# vnconfig -u vnd1

As an alternative, if your vnd(4) was compiled with VND_COMPRESSION, you can use vnconfig(8) to access the cloop-compressed image directly, e.g.,

# vnconfig vnd0 KNOPPIX.iso 
# mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/vnd0d /mnt 
# vnconfig -z vnd1 /mnt/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX 
# mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/vnd1d /mnt2 
# ls /mnt2 
.rr_moved cdrom     floppy    lib       opt       sbin      usr 
bin       dev       home      mnt       proc      sys       var 
boot      etc       initrd    none      root      tmp       vmlinuz 
# df /mnt /mnt2 
Filesystem    Size      Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on 
/dev/vnd0a    692M     692M        0B   100%    /mnt 
/dev/vnd1a    1.9G     1.9G        0B   100%    /mnt2 
# umount /mnt2 
# vnconfig -u vnd1 
# umount /mnt 
# vnconfig -u vnd0

Note how the 1.9GB big filesystem on /mnt2 is mounted from the compressed file stored on the 692MB CD mounted on /mnt. To create a compressed file system image of an existing directory and mount it, run:

# makefs -t ffs include.fs /usr/include 
# vndcompress include.fs include.fs.cloop2 
# vnconfig -z vnd0 include.fs.cloop2 
# mount -o ro /dev/vnd0a /mnt 
# ls /mnt

To undo the steps, run:

# umount /mnt 
# vnconfig -u vnd0 
# rm /tmp/include.fs.cloop2 
# rm /tmp/include.fs


gzip(1), vnd(4), mount(8), mount_cd9660(8), vnconfig(8)


The vndcompress utility was written by Florian Stoehr <>. The vndcompress manual page was written by Florian Stoehr <> and Hubert Feyrer <>.
December 12, 2005 NetBSD 6.1