
mmdf -- route mail locally and over any supported network


MMDF (the Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility) is one of two methods the operating system can use to route mail locally and over Micnet, UUCP, or other networks that provide MMDF support. The other mail router is sendmail(ADMN). The custom(ADM) utility installs MMDF and configures a basic system for sending mail on a local machine.

MMDF is a very versatile and configurable mail routing system. MMDF configuration begins with the /usr/mmdf/mmdftailor file, which defines the machine and domain names, the various tables (alias, domain, channel), and other configuration information. To change the configuration of MMDF on your system, you can log in as mmdf and edit the configuration files. Whenever you change MMDF alias or routing information in any way, you must rebuild the hashed database using dbmbuild(ADM).



See also

custom(ADM), dbmbuild(ADM), deliver(ADM), mmdfalias(ADM), mmdftailor(F), mnlist(ADM), submit(ADM), tables(F), uulist(ADM)

``Managing mail with MMDF'' in Managing Mail with MMDF

Standards conformance

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005