
aasd -- Address Allocation Server


in.aasd [ -D debug_level ]


The Address Allocation Server daemon, aasd, allocates addresses to network services, such as DHCP, which need to assign temporary addresses. It manages the information about allocated addresses, such as the service requesting the address and for how long the address is reserved.

At boot time, /etc/rc2.d/S85tcp starts the aasd daemon if the /etc/aasd.conf configuration file exists. The configuration file defines the address pools available for allocation along with server parameters.

aasd maintains an address database of current allocation information in memory and records changes to the database in a transaction log stored on disk. At startup, aasd rebuilds the database from the transaction log. aasd will compress the transaction log when the log reaches a configurable size.

At a ``checkpoint'' interval, aasd constructs a transaction log which represents the current allocation information and stores this log as a checkpoint file. aasd will rebuild the address database with the most recent checkpoint file if the current transaction log is lost or corrupted. The checkpoint interval along with the number and location of the checkpoint files are configurable parameters.


-D debug_level
Sets the debug_level variable that controls the amount of debugging messages generated. For example, -D 1 will set the debugging level to 1. Recognized values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 or greater. Zero generates no messages and 1 to 3 generate increasing amounts of messages. Specifying an integer greater than 3 has the same result as specifying 3. If aasd is running in ``standalone mode'' and you specify 3 or greater, messages will be directed to standard error (not to syslog) and aasd does not go into the background.
The Address Allocation Server Configuration Manager does not support an alternate configuration database to aasd.conf nor does it support an alternative location for this file.

See Also

aasd.conf(SFF), dhcpd(ADMN), bootpd(ADMN),
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005