mcs --
manipulate the comment section of an object file
mcs [-b format ] [-a string]
[-c] [-d] [-n
name] [-p] [-V] file . . .
The mcs command is used to manipulate a section, by
default the .comment section, in an object
file. mcs must be given one or more of the options
described below. It takes each of the options given and applies them
in order to each file.
If the input file is an archive (see
the archive is treated as a set of individual files. For example, if
the -a option is specified, the string is appended to the
comment section of each object file in the archive; if the archive
member is not an object file, then it is left unchanged.
mcs can manipulate both ELF and COFF
files. mcs scans each input file to determine
its file format and executes the appropriate binary. The file format
of the first module in an archive library is used as the file format
for all modules in that library. Use option -b to force
mcs to use a particular file format.
The following options are available.
-b format-
Do not scan input object files. Use format as the file
format for all files. format can be any one of
elf, coff and ibcs2. The case of
format is not important.
-b coff-
Invoke /usr/ccs/bin/coff/mcs and treat all file
arguments as COFF files. This option provides full
backward compatibility.
mcs fails if any file or module in a
file is in ELF format.
-b elf-
Invoke /usr/ccs/bin/elf/mcs and treat all file
arguments as ELF files. Add to, delete, print, and
compress the contents of a section in an ELF object file,
and only print the contents of a section in a COFF object
-b ibcs2-
Invoke /usr/ccs/bin/coff/mcs to treat all file
arguments as COFF files.
-a string -
Append string to the comment section of the object
files. If string contains embedded blanks, it must be
enclosed in quotation marks.
-c -
Compress the contents of the comment section of the object
files. All duplicate entries are removed. The ordering of the
remaining entries is not disturbed.
-d -
Delete the contents of the comment section from the object
files. The section header for the comment section is also removed.
-n name -
Specify the name of the comment section to access if other than
.comment. By default, mcs deals with the
section named .comment. This option can be used to
specify another section.
-p -
Print the contents of the comment section on the standard
output. Each section printed is tagged by the name of the file from
which it was extracted, using the format
filename[member_name]: for
archive files and filename: for other files.
-V -
Print, on standard error, the version number of mcs.
If mcs is executed on an archive file the archive symbol
table will be removed, unless only the -p option has been
specified. The archive symbol table must be restored by executing
the ar command with the -s option before the
archive can be linked by the
command. mcs will produce warning messages when this
situation arises.
International functions
Characters from supplementary code sets can be used in
files. Comments using characters from supplementary code
sets can be specified with the -a option.
mcs -p file-
Print file's comment section
mcs -a string file-
Append string to file's comment section
mcs cannot add to, delete, or compress the contents of a
section that is contained in a segment.
The section name specified in name with the -n
option must contain ASCII characters only.
temporary files
usually /var/tmp but can be redefined by setting the
environment variable TMPDIR (see
See also
Standards conformance
mcs is not part of any currently supported standard; it is
an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz
Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005