
rmtab -- remotely mounted filesystem table




The /etc/rmtab file contains a record of all clients that have done remote mounts of filesystems from this machine. Whenever a remote mount is done, an entry is made in the rmtab file of the machine serving that filesystem. The corresponding umount on the remote client will remove the entry.

The table is a series of lines of the form shown in the ``Format'' section. This table is used only to preserve information between crashes and is read only by mountd(NADM) when it starts up. mountd maintains an in-core table to handle requests from programs like showmount(NADM) and shutdown(ADM).


Although the rmtab is generally correct, it is not always completely accurate.



See also

mount(ADM), mountd(NADM), showmount(NADM), shutdown(ADM), umount(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005