
mkds -- make datastream image for Install Diskette installation


:mkds -s set -l locale [-v] [-F] [-D dir] [-i dir] [-o dir] [-I dir] [-f file] [-G script]


The :mkds script provides the mechanism by which a datastream image suitable for a UnixWare 2.1 Install Diskette installation is created. This datastream image is used for both tape media and cdrom media.

-s set
Required to specify set name. For UnixWare 2.1, the 1 set supported is UnixWare.

-l locale
Required to specify target locale. For UnixWare 2.1, the 2 sets supported are efigs and ja. Also available are each individual component of efigs: C, fr, it, de and es. Note that no official SCO media is created for the C, fr, it, de and es locales.

Provides more verbose output.

Forces complete processing, default is incremental processing of only those packages which have been remade since the last execution of :mkds.

-i spool_dir
The input spool directory.

Default is $ROOT/$SPOOL.

-o stage_dir
The spool directory used as an intermediate staging area. Once :mkds is completed, the contents of this directory are no longer required for future incremental executions of :mkds and can be removed if space is required.

Default is $ROOT/$SPOOL/stage.

-I image_dir
The directory where processed images for each package are stored. These images along with some header information comprise the Install Diskette datastream image. Once :mkds is completed, the contents of this directory are used by later incremental executions of :mkds.

Default is $ROOT/$SPOOL/image.

-f output_file
Specifies the filename to be used for the Install Diskette datastream image.

Default is $ROOT/$SPOOL/image/set_name.image.locale. Or if the -I option is used, the default becomes image_dir/set_name.image.locale.

-G getpkginfo_file
Uses the provided getpkginfo_file in place of the default getpkginfo file. This file is used to gain knowledge of the individual UnixWare 2.1 packages.

Default is $ROOT/usr/src/$WORK/build/tools/getpkginfo.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004