
scodb -- alternative kernel debugger


UnixWare 7 supports SCODB debugger as an alternative to the kdb(1M) debugger. For information about using SCODB on SCO OpenServer systems, see the SCO OpenServer documentation .

When SCODB is awaiting input, it displays the following prompt:


is a number indicating the entry level in the debugger. In general, the entry level will be 0; if SCODB is reentered or a panic occurs while in the debugger, the entry level will be incremented. The level is decremented when quitting the debugger.

indicates the engine number.

SCODB has a history mechanism similar to that of ksh(1). Pressing <Esc> puts the current input line into edit mode, where vi-style editing can be used.

Configuring SCODB

SCODB is an unconfigured pseudo-device driver in the kernel. Note that the kdb(1M) debugger must also be configured in order to run scodb.

To configure scodb:

  1. Compile the driver or other kernel source module with the -DDEBUG option and install it in the kernel.

  2. Load the scodb and kdb drivers into the kernel with the following commands:

    modadmin -l kdb
    modadmin -l scodb

    Be sure that the driver you are debugging is also linked into the kernel.

    NOTE: Do not edit the System(4dsp) file to statically configure the scodb driver. For UnixWare Releases 7.0.0, 7.0.1, and 7.1, a kernel with scodb statically linked does not boot.

Invoking SCODB

  1. Invoke the kernel debugger by pressing <Alt><Ctrl>D on the console, or by entering kdb on the command line (kdb comes up first by default).

  2. Issue the newdebug command at the kdb prompt to change to scodb and exit kdb by issuing the q or <Ctrl>D command.

    The newdebug command can also be issued in the kdb.rc file, which will cause scodb to automatically come up first when you enter the debugger.

    Any of the described SCODB commands can now be executed, including the newterm command which allows the input/output device to be switched. The following command switches the input/output device to COM1:

       newterm 0 iasy
    Likewise, the following command switches input/output control back to the console:
       newterm 0 kd

Quitting SCODB

Quit SCODB by using the following commands:

quit [address] or q [address]
If address is given, execution resumes there, otherwise the debugger makes a normal function return back to its calling point.

quitif expression
If expression then quit. If expression evaluates to a non-zero value, control returns to the kernel as in q.

SCODB commands

After SCODB is invoked, the following commands can be issued.

Note the following about issuing commands:


SCODB accepts a variety of expression types, including those which involve all C language operators. If an expression is given at the SCODB prompt, its value is printed (in hexadecimal, by default). If the value is near a symbol's address, the symbol will also be displayed.

The simplest expressions that can be given to SCODB are hexadecimal numbers:

   debug0:1> D012
Decimal input may be given by preceding the number with a dollar sign:
   debug0:2> $128
Octal input may be given by the number with a leading zero:
   debug0:3> 040


After SCODB has been loaded into the kernel, symbol data is automatically available. The address of a symbol, and its segment type (data or text) can always be found using the C address-of operator (&):
   debug0:4> &u
   E0000000        u      data
   debug0:5> &read
   D00A46D0        read    text
If not in the kstruct file, data symbols are assumed to be of type int, and text symbols are assumed to be of type int( ) (function returning an integer). This type can be modified using the declare command (see ``Displaying symbol and expression types''), or by the symbol being present in the kstruct file.

The value of a symbol with a value type (in other words, not a structure or union) can be obtained quite simply:

   debug0:6> sysdump_selective

Displaying symbol and expression types

Use the type command to display the type of an expression or the declared type of a symbol. Use the declare (or dcl) and undeclare (or undcl) commands to display the type modified or reset:
   type expression			/* Show type of expression */
   declare | dcl C declaration		/* Give a system variable a type */
   undeclare | undcl [*|variable...]	/* Undeclare system variables */
It can be useful to determine the type of an expression in case there is some question. For instance, if a symbol is not defined in the kstruct file, it will hold a default type:
   debug0:1> type u
   "u" is int
But, if it is defined in the kstruct file, it is shown with the proper type:
   debug0:2> type u
   "u" is struct user
If the type of a symbol is not defined in the kstruct file and it would be useful to use the symbol properly, use the declare command to override the original type assigned to the symbol:
   debug0:3> type cdevsw
   "cdevsw" is int
   debug0:4> declare struct cdevsw cdevsw[3C]
   debug0:5> type cdevsw
   "cdevsw" is struct cdevsw [3C]
It is not necessary to specify the number of elements when declaring an array.

Use undeclare to return the type of a symbol to its original state, if it is not in the kstruct file:

   debug0:6> undeclare cdevsw
   debug0:7> type cdevsw
   "cdevsw" is int
This is usually done to free space in the declaration table.

undeclare can also be used to prevent SCODB from printing the return value after a function call. For example:

   debug0:8> patch_nop(&main)
   debug0:9> declare void patch_nop()
   debug0:10> patch_nop(&main)


SCODB accepts expressions that involve all C language operators, in proper precedence and evaluation order:
   debug0:7> 1+2
   debug0:8> (1+2)*3
Unlike in C, pointer arithmetic is no different than integer arithmetic.

The C pseudo-function sizeof is available and supports all integral data types.

If, given its type, a symbol is a C type lvalue, the symbol may appear on the left side of an assignment expression, and the increment/decrement operators can be used on it. For example:

   debug0:9> debugkey = 0
   debug0:10> i++
   debug0:11> ++i
Types are not checked on assignment.

SCODB treats expressions of void type the same as it treats those of int type, except that if given an expression of void type, no value is printed.

Debugger variables

Use the var and unvar commands to set special debugger variables:
   var [name initial value]		/* Create debugger variables */
   unvar [*|variable...]		/* Remove debugger variables */
When debugging, certain values come up time and time again, and re-entering the value each time it is needed can be tedious and gives great opportunity for error.

Use the var command to create a variable with an initial value and type:

   debug0:1> var ino (struct inode *)D01401A0
   debug0:2> d $ino
Variables are also useful for counting iterations in breakpoint commands:
   debug0:3> var x 0
   debug0:4> $x
   debug0:5> ++$x
   debug0:5> ++$x
The number of variables available is a configurable parameter. To reuse variables, unset them using the unvar command:
   debug0:9> unvar x
   debug0:10> $x
   Error: Unknown variable
unvar may be given the ``*'' argument, which clears all variables currently set.

Accessing debugger variables, breakpoint addresses, and registers

Debugger variables can be accessed by using a dollar sign ($), and are considered lvalues:
   debug0:14> $x
   debug0:15> ++$x

The address of a breakpoint can be obtained by using a hash symbol (#). Though breakpoint addresses are considered lvalues, be extremely careful when modifying their values.

Registers can be accessed by using a percent (%) in front of the register name, and are considered lvalues (though extreme care should be used in modifying them):

   debug0:12> %eax
   debug0:13> %eax = 0
The registers are:

General registers  
eax function return value
ebx general use
ecx general use, counter
edx general use
ebp stack frame base pointer
esp kernel stack pointer
uesp user process stack pointer
esi general use, source index
edi general use, destination index
Segment registers  
cs code
ds data
es extra data
fs extra data
gs extra data
ss stack
Memory management registers  
gdtr Global Descriptor Table Register
ldtr Local Descriptor Table Register
idtr Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
tr Task register
Control registers  
cr0 system control flags
cr1 unused
cr2 page fault linear address
cr3 page directory base
Other registers and pseudo-registers  
eip location processor is executing code
efl flags
trap system trap number
proc processor running on

 General registers
 eax                                    function return value
 ebx                                    general use
 ecx                                    general use, counter
 edx                                    general use
 ebp                                    stack frame base pointer
 esp                                    kernel stack pointer
 uesp                                   user process stack pointer
 esi                                    general use, source index
 edi                                    general use, destination index
 Segment registers
 cs                                     code
 ds                                     data
 es                                     extra data
 fs                                     extra data
 gs                                     extra data
 ss                                     stack
 Memory management registers
 gdtr                                   Global Descriptor Table Register
 ldtr                                   Local Descriptor Table Register
 idtr                                   Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
 tr                                     Task register
 Control registers
 cr0                                    system control flags
 cr1                                    unused
 cr2                                    page fault linear address
 cr3                                    page directory base
 Other registers and pseudo-registers
 eip                                    location processor is executing code
 efl                                    flags
 trap                                   system trap number
 proc                                   processor running on

The stack segment register, memory-management and control registers, as well as the pseudo-registers trap and proc, are not considered lvalues.

Displaying registers

Use the r command to display kernel registers:
   r [-t][address]		/* Display registers */

Specifying the -t option toggles between two different forms of register display.

Output modification

By default, output values are in hexadecimal, and four bytes worth of value (a long) is printed out.

If an expression is of type char, unsigned char, short, or unsigned short, the appropriate amount of information is printed.

To modify output, a calculator input line is preceded by an open-curly-bracket ({), which is followed by a list of specifiers and ended with a close-curly-bracket (}). Strings may also be given to output before or after the value is given; normal character escapes as accepted by echo(1) are allowed. The specifiers are:

? list output modifiers
> no value output
b output value as a byte
s output value as a short
2 output value in binary
o output value in octal
d output value in decimal
: output string

 ?   list output modifiers
 >   no value output
 b   output value as a byte
 s   output value as a short
 2   output value in binary
 o   output value in octal
 d   output value in decimal
 :   output string
For instance, to preface output with the string Value and to have the string ok output after the value, with the value in decimal:
   debug0:24> {d:Value:ok}value
   Value 10 ok
Note that expressions of type void have an output length of zero (no value is given).


Breakpoints are used to suspend execution when certain conditions are met.

Breakpoints are normally set in code, so that when a given instruction is reached, execution is suspended and the debugger is called. The breakpoint occurs before the instruction is executed. These breakpoints are set by replacing the first byte of the instruction at the breakpoint address with an INT 3 instruction (0xCC), remembering the replaced byte. When a breakpoint occurs, the byte is restored so that the instruction can be executed.

Breakpoints can also be set such that the debugger will be invoked on a data reference. In this case, the breakpoint happens after the data reference. Data reference breakpoints are implemented using the processor's four debug registers, and may not be used when an ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) is in use on the system.

Commands may be given to the debugger to be executed when a breakpoint is encountered. If the debugger is in control after the breakpoint (in other words, the breakpoint commands did not call quit), the debugger displays the breakpoint value and name.

Use the breakpoint commands listed here to set, list, and clear breakpoints (see ``Setting breakpoints'', and``Listing breakpoints'', ``Clearing breakpoints''):

   bc addr|*|DRn			/* Breakpoint clear */
   bl [name]				/* Breakpoint list */
   bp [[rwi][b|s|l]|x]] address [condition value]	/* Breakpoint set */
   bp mod address			/* Modify breakpoint commands */
   bp name address			/* Breakpoint set with name */
   bp [en|dis] address			/* (En)able or (Dis)able previously set breakpoint */

Setting breakpoints

Use bp to set breakpoints and to modify the commands associated with a breakpoint. For code breakpoints, the simple form:
   bp address
is used to set a breakpoint at address, unless address is in ROM, in which case the data breakpoint form must be used:
   bp x address
See ``Accessing debugger variables, breakpoint addresses, and registers'' for more information on breakpoint addresses.

When setting data reference breakpoints, call bp with arguments that specify read (r) and/or write (w) references of a byte (b), short (s), or long (l). For example, to trap on references to write a long at F00F072C:

   debug0:7> bp wl F00F072C
This specifies that all accesses to location F00F072C will cause an entry into the debugger. If desired, data breakpoints can be set up to break only when the location is written with a certain value:
   debug0:7> bp wl &lbolt == 1200
This causes an entry into the debugger when lbolt is written with the value 1200. In this example, the optional condition is (==) and value is 1200. condition can be one of the following:

== equal
!= not equal
>= greater than or equal
<= less than or equal
& logical-and

 ==   equal
 !=   not equal
 >=   greater than or equal
 <=   less than or equal
 &    logical-and

The logical-and condition evaluates true when the location AND-ed with value is non-zero. value can be any SCODB expression; its value is only calculated once.

If name is used to set a breakpoint (for example: bp name read+1), the debugger prompts for a descriptive name to associate with the breakpoint. This descriptive name can be used as an alternative to reference the breakpoint. This is done by prefixing the descriptive name with a hash sign (#) (for example, bc #testpoint). The name can be up to 31 characters long. The default action is not to prompt for this name, but to use in its place the expression that the user typed to specify the breakpoint address. When the bp name form is used on a breakpoint that already exists, it changes only the name of the breakpoint.

Specify the mod argument to make bp prompt for commands to execute when the breakpoint occurs. Commands are entered in an editing mode very similar to vi. In vi mode, enter <Esc>Q to stop entering commands. Note that vi mode comes up in insert mode, and empty lines are automatically deleted. These commands are normal debugger commands, and are executed sequentially until there are no more commands or a quit command occurs:

   debug0:8> bp mod read
   Enter commands to execute at breakpoint:
   [1] quitif ++$x != 4
   [2] r
   [3] <Esc>:
The above example, assuming that $x is initialized as 0, causes the first three breakpoints at read to go by unnoticed, while the fourth will print the register contents and drop into the debugger. These commands can be later modified by using the mod argument to bp in exactly the same way.

Listing breakpoints

Use the bl command to list the breakpoints. If the optional name is given, the commands to be executed for the breakpoint name are also printed:
   debug0:9> bl
          D00A6B6F read+3       read
   debug0:10> bl read
          D00A6B6F read+3       read
          quitif ++$x != 4
When using bl to list breakpoints, they are listed in the order they were input, which is not necessarily alphabetic.

Clearing breakpoints

Use bc to clear breakpoints. Use the wildcard character ``*'' to clear all breakpoints. For data reference breakpoints, call bc with either DRn, (where n is 0, 1, 2, or 3) to denote which breakpoint it is, or the breakpoint's name. The following two examples are equivalent, with the breakpoints set in the ``Breakpoint example'':
   debug0:11> bc DR0
   debug0:12> bc &u.u_uid
A simple method of clearing a code breakpoint immediately after it occurs is:
   debug0:13> bc %eip
This clears a breakpoint at the current eip. Other breakpoints can be cleared by giving either the name of the breakpoint or its address. For example:
   debug0:14> bc s5readi

Breakpoint example

The following example illustrates:
   debug0:1> bp s5readi
   debug0:2> bp wl &u.u_uid
   debug0:3> bp wl &lbolt >= 1000
   debug0:4> bl
          F00620EF s5readi+3: s5readi
          E00010EA u+10EA: DR0: write long u.u_uid
          F0117660 lbolt: DR1: write long lbolt >= 00001000
   debug0:5> bc s5readi
   debug0:6> bc DR0
   debug0:7> bc DR1
   debug0:8> bl
   No breakpoints.

Dumping memory

The d commands are used to examine memory contents. Depending on the mode of the d command selected, memory is shown grouped as bytes (db), shorts (ds), longs (dl), or symbols (dn). If no mode is specified with the d command, memory is displayed grouped as longs:
   d address		/* Dump memory as longs */
   db address		/* Dump memory as bytes */
   ds address		/* Dump memory as shorts */
   dl address		/* Dump memory as longs */
   dn address		/* Dump memory as symbols */
If address is given that is known by SCODB to be a structure or union, SCODB automatically dumps it member by member. This can be overridden by typecasting address to (char *). For example:
   debug0:1> d (char *)&u
The ASCII value of each byte is displayed on the right of the screen, with a dot (.) denoting a non-printable character or white space, as in hd(1). Note that the bytes are displayed in the ASCII dump from low to high memory, while the memory dump displays memory in possibly larger memory groups which are byte-reversed.

After each line of memory is displayed, the user may move around the dump using the following vi(1) movement keys: <j>, <k>, <l>, <h>, <Tab> , and <Space> . The <Return> key acts as a quit character and exits from the dump.

The following are some examples of dumping memory:

   debug0:2> d &init_tbl
   init_tbl      D0089368 D009C544 D007E09C D0085CBC
   init_tbl+10   D0083F3C D008265C D00863A8 D00826C8
   debug0:3> ds &dmapage
   dmapage       0087 0083 0081 0082 0000 008B 0089 008A
   debug0:4> db &maptab
   maptab+60     00 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
   maptab+70     50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 00 00 00 00 00
   debug0:5> dn &u+d00
   u+D00          selwait 0000011A u+E34 sysent+2B8

Changing memory

Use the memory change commands to change memory:
   c address		/* Change memory as longs */
   cb address		/* Change memory as bytes */
   cs address		/* Change memory as shorts */

Changing arbitrary memory

If an address is given that is known by SCODB to be a structure or union, it will automatically change it field by field. This can be overridden by typecasting the address to (char *). For example:
   debug0:1> c (char *)&u
Commands can be given to change location and value of memory:

Key Action
<Space> move right one digit in field
j move to next line
k move to previous line
h move to previous field
l, <Tab> move to next field
<Bksp> move left one digit in field, or to last field
hexadecimal digit change current digit
<Esc> enter calculator-input mode
u undo last digit-change
U undo all changes to current field
<Return> or quit character (other than <Esc>) exit change mode

 Key                        Action
 Space                      move right one digit in field
 j                          move to next line
 k                          move to previous line
 h                          move to previous field
 l, Tab                     move to next field
 Bksp                       move left one digit in field, or to last field
 hexadecimal digit          change current digit
 Esc                        enter calculator-input mode
 u                          undo last digit-change
 U                          undo all changes to current field
 Return or quit character   exit change mode
 (other than Esc)
Hexadecimal input will change the digit on which the cursor is located, advancing the cursor until the end of the cell. The most significant or left-most digit of the cell is changed first.

Pressing the <Esc> key allows the user to give input to the SCODB calculator so that complex address expressions can be evaluated and entered as value for that field:

   debug0:2> c &init_tbl
   init_tbl       D0089368 D009C544 D007E09C D0085CBC
   init_tbl+10    D0083F3C D008265C D00863A8 D00826C8
To exit the change mode, enter a newline or quit character (such as the delete key) other than <Esc>.

A <Tab> advances the cursor to the next cell, while a <Bksp> entered at the beginning (left) of a cell causes the cursor to go to the beginning of the previous cell.

A space advances to the next digit, up to the end of the cell (the right side), with no modification to the contents. Incorrect entry is signaled by a bell.

Changing memory as structures

If the address is given with a known structure-pointer type, the c command gives the user memory to be changed on a field-by-field basis.

Use the j and k commands to go to the next and previous fields, respectively.

On a numeric field (1, 2, or 4-byte, including pointer types) , hexadecimal input can be given to modify the value of the field. An <Esc> can be given to enter calculator mode.

On an array, bit field, structure or union field, a prompt will be given:

   debug0:3> c &u
           0000  0E84 char u_stack[E84]            Change [ynq]?
If y (for ``yes'') is entered, the memory region to change is given. Modification of memory past the range given (in this case, 0xE84 bytes) is not permitted, and a beep to signals the error.

Modification of bit fields is not currently guarded: use the calculator features of SCODB for changing bit field values.

Stack backtrace

Use the stack command to print a stack backtrace:
   stack				/* Print stack backtrace */
   stack address			/* Start backtrace at address */
   stack [stack_addr | -p pid | -p proc_addr]	/* Print backtrace for process */

Stack backtraces, which are indispensable in debugging, are obtained by examining the stack. Refer to the kdb(1M) manual page for details of the stack command output.


Use the dis or u (unassemble) command to disassemble code:

dis address
Disassemble from address.

Following is an example of unassembly of a function:

   debug0:1> u open
   open                  pushl  %edi
   open+1                movl   8(%esp),%edi
   open+5                mov1   C(%esp),%edx
   open+9                pushl  %edx
   open+A                mov1   8(%edi),%ecx
   open+D                pushl  %ecx
   open+E                movl   4(%edi),%eax

The following vi-style keys can be used for movement when in the disassembly mode:

Key Action
<Space>, j forward one line
<Ctrl>d forward half a screen

 Key        Action
 Space, j   forward one line
 Ctrld      forward half a screen


Use the s or step command to resume execution in single-step mode:
   s [-r]	/* Single-step */
Single-stepping is used when precise control over instruction execution is required. As each instruction is executed, control is passed back to the debugger, which disassembles the next instruction to be executed. The user must give input at this point before execution will continue.

SCODB can dump the system registers at each instruction; Specifying the -r option toggles on and off the automatic displaying of registers during the single-stepping. This mode is useful for observing register value changes from each instruction.

User input

Enter a <Space> to execute the displayed instruction, or a quit character to return to the debugger; an r can be given to cause SCODB to finish executing the current function, stopping after a return:
   debug0:1> s
   read+3                inc    sysinfo+5C <Space>
   read+9                pushb  1 r
   systrap+207           cmpl   &aud_cont+1,0 q
If the next instruction is a call, the user is prompted for input:
   debug0:2> s
   read+B                call   rdwr [ejr]? q
The call can be ``jumped over'' by entering a j:
   debug0:3> s
   read+B                call   rdwr [ejr]? j
   read+10               leave <Space>
   read+11               ret q
The function called can be entered by entering an e:
   debug0:4> s
   read+B                call   rdwr [ejr]? e
   rdwr                  pushl  %ebp <Space>
   rdwr+1                movl   %ebp,%esp <Space>
   rdwr+3                subl   %esp,1C <Space>
   rdwr+6                pushl  %ebx r
   read+10               leave q
Other instructions are executed by entering a <Space>. The e and j keys are aliases to <Space> and also cause the displayed instruction to be executed. When held down and used in a repeat fashion, these keys allow continuous single-stepping without interruptions for call instructions.

The C key causes instructions to be single-stepped until the next control transfer instruction is encountered (that is, up until the next jmp/call/ret instruction).

No breakpoints are in effect while single-stepping.

Display of conditional jump instructions in single-step mode

When a conditional jump instruction is encountered during single-stepping, SCODB prints either [yes] or [no] after the instruction, stating whether or not the jump will be taken:
   debug0:4> s
   rdwr+22               je     rdwr+339 [no]

When not to single-step

Single-stepping should not be performed on the transition between kernel and user mode.

Using the r command to return from the current function will have unexpected results in the rare case that the function does not have an explicit return instruction (for example, longjmp( ), which uses a jump to return control).


Single stepping over calls is implemented using normal breakpoints; note that this will not work on code in ROM. Stepping through other instructions is implemented using the Trap Flag (bit 8 of the EFLAGS register in the 80386).

Structure members

Use the struct command to print structure member values, offsets, and declarations:
   struct stname [-> member] [member...] address   /* Show structure field values */
The stname (structure name) argument does not have to be given if the type of address can be determined.

The following example illustrates dumping memory from address &u (the user structure) as a struct user:

   debug0:1> struct user &u
   struct user size = 1390 bytes
   &u = E0000000:
           0000  0E84 char u_stack[E84]
           0E84  00F8 union u_fps u_fps
           10EA  0002 unsigned short u_uid        0304
           10EC  0002 unsigned short u_gid        000A
           1148  0018 int u_arg[6]

Bit fields of a structure are printed in the format:

   offset  declaration                hexval = binaryval
For example:
   0010   unsigned int a_base0015:16      0000 = 0000000000000000
Other fields in the structure are printed in the format:
   offset size declaration                value   <symbol>
For example:
   10EA  0002 unsigned short u_uid        0304
For bit fields, offset is the offset, in bits, from the beginning of the structure (in the bit field example, 10 (hexadecimal) bits offset). For other fields, offset is given in bytes (in this case, 10EA).

size is the size of the field (in the example, 2 bytes). The size of a bit field is given in its declaration, in decimal (in the first example above, 16 bits).

declaration is the declaration of the field as given in C (in the example, unsigned short u_uid). If the debugger does not know the name of a structure pointer field, the declaration field reads as struct ??? fieldname. A type cast may be used to access the structure field.

Two values are given for bit fields, hexval and binaryval. binvaryval is printed with the least significant bit (bit 0) to the right. For other fields, value is given for 1, 2, and 4 byte-sized fields (here, 0304) in hexadecimal. If value is near a symbol, the symbol and offset are printed. Fields of other sizes can be dumped using the d command (for example, to dump the u.u_arg array: d u.u_arg).

By default, struct starts printing structures at addr, and continues incrementing addresses by the size of the structure until the user issues a quit command.

Following linked lists

Use the -> field argument to specify that the structure is a linked list, with field given as the ``next'' pointer. In this case, struct prints a structure at address, then another at *(address+(field offset)), and so on.

For example, to dump the STREAMS data block freelist as a linked list following the db_freep member of the structure:

   debug0:2> struct datab -> db_freep &dbfreelist
If structure fields are given (other than that required by the -> argument, if present), only those members of the structure are printed. (In this example, db_freep is listed twice in the command, once to declare it as the ``next'' pointer, once to have it printed):
   debug0:3> struct datab -> db_freep db_freep db_base
   struct datab size = 10 bytes
           0000  0000 struct datab *db_freep   D00EFB18
           0004  0004 unsigned char *db_base   D00EEB18

D00EFB18: 0000 0000 struct datab *db_freep 00000000 0004 0004 unsigned char *db_base D12D5BFC End of list reached.


Command aliasing

Use the alias and unalias commands to display or set up and unset aliases:
   alias [word [new command...]]	/* Set or list aliases */
   unalias aliases...    		/* Unset alias */
Aliases allow the user to customize the SCODB environment by simplifying the use of commonly-used complex commands. When SCODB is given a command by the user, it checks the command against the list of aliases. If the command matches word of an alias, substitution is performed. When performing alias substitution of simple aliases (those without argument substitution), the first word of the user's command is substituted by the entire alias, with the arguments to the user's command appended to the end. Aliases may reference other aliases, as long as no loop results. Loops are detected by restricting the number of alias substitutions per command.

unalias is used to unset aliases. Given an argument of ``*'', unalias clears all aliases; otherwise it clears only those listed.

alias used with no arguments lists the currently set aliases. Given one argument, alias lists the alias for that word. An example of a simple alias:

   debug0:1> alias dbp bp wl
   debug0:2> alias
   dbp               bp wl
   debug0:3> dbp &u.u_error
   debug0:4> alias dbpe dbp &u.u_error
   debug0:5> alias
   dbpe              dbp &u.u_error
   dbp               bp wl
   debug0:6> dbpe
More complex aliases can be made that will perform argument substitution by replacing part of the alias with a given argument to that alias. Argument substitution is done when a ``!'' is found inside an alias:

0-9 argument number
^ first argument (same as !1)
$ last argument
* all arguments (^ through $, inclusive)

 0-9   argument number
 ^     first argument (same as !1)
 $     last argument
 *     all arguments (^ through $, inclusive)
The character following determines which argument is substituted. When resolving complex aliases, the command arguments are used only in argument substitution, and are not appended to the resultant command:
   debug0:7> unalias *
   Clear all aliases? Yes
   debug0:8> alias dbp bp wl &!1
All alias information is lost when the computer reboots. To configure aliases to be present automatically in SCODB, modify the alias table in the SCODB space.c file (/etc/conf/pack.d/scodb/space.c).

As released, the alias table is empty:

   struct alias dbalias[NDBALIAS];
To add, for example, the following alias:
   debug0:11> alias dbp bp wl &!1
Modify the table to:
   struct alias dbalias[NDBALIAS] = {
           { "dbp", "bp wl &!1" },
SCODB does not necessarily detect errors in such a configured table, so exercise caution when modifying the configuration. Note that the NDBALIAS constant is a tunable parameter and should not be modified inside the space.c file.

Structure/union and variable definition files

SCODB can be manually configured to accommodate new structure definitions. In order to add new structure definitions to scodb, do the following:

  1. Generate an object module (a .o file) which #include's the structures of interest. This must be compiled with the cc -g -W0,-d1 command to generate DWARF I format debugging information. Ensure that you build the object with make(1) flags matching the DEBUG/non-DEBUG UNIPROC/non-UNIPROC status of the kernel in which scodb is installed.

    NOTE: Do not use the filename ``kstruct.o'' for this module, as this file already exists and contains the core kernel structure definitions.

  2. Copy the new object module into the /etc/conf/pack.d/scodb/info directory.

  3. At this point, the structure definitions will be automatically added to scodb.


alias table can be modified within this file

new object module gets copied into this directory

newdebug can be issued in this file to bring scodb up first by default

includes file definitions and types


echo(1), hd(1), kdb(1M), ksh(1), make(1), vi(1)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004