
sysfs -- get file system type information


   #include <sys/fstyp.h>
   #include <sys/fsid.h>

int sysfs(int opcode, const char *fsname);

int sysfs(int opcode, int fs_index, char *buf);

int sysfs(int opcode);


sysfs returns information about the file system types configured in the system. The number of arguments accepted by sysfs varies and depends on the opcode. The currently recognized opcodes and their functions are:

Translate fsname, a null-terminated file-system type identifier, into a file-system type index.

Translate fs_index, a file-system type index, into a null-terminated file-system type identifier and write it into the buffer pointed to by buf; this buffer must be at least of size FSTYPSZ as defined in sys/fstyp.h.

Return the total number of file system types configured in the system.

Return values

On success, sysfs returns the file-system type index if the opcode is GETFSIND, 0 if the opcode is GETFSTYP, or the number of file system types configured if the opcode is GETNFSTYP.

On failure, sysfs returns -1 and sets errno to identify the error.

In the following conditions, sysfs fails and sets errno to:

fsname points to an invalid file-system identifier; fs_index is zero, or invalid; opcode is invalid.

buf or fsname points to an invalid user address.


fstyp(1M), mkfs(1M), vfstab(4)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004