
artic_pts -- find the articulation points of a connected component of an undirected Graph


   #define Graph_algdeclare(G,V,E)... 
   #define Graph_algimplement(G,V,E)... 
   Expanding Graph_algdeclare(G,V,E) produces the following text:
       Set_of_p<V> artic_pts(const G& g);
       Set_of_p<V> artic_pts(const G& g,
           const Set_of_p<V>& vpset);


An articulation point is a Vertex which, when removed from an undirected Graph, causes the connected component containing that Vertex to split into two or more connected components.

Set_of_p<V> artic_pts(const G& g); Returns the set of articulation points for all connected components in g.

Set_of_p<V> artic_pts(const G& g, const Set_of_p<V>& vpset); Returns the set of articulation points for the connected component identified by the Vertices in vpset. The function result will be meaningless if vpset is not a connected component of g.


O(max(v,e)), where v is the number of Vertices and e is the number of Edges in the connected component.


The value of vpset can be computed using comps(3C++).


Graph_alg(3C++), Set(3C++), comps(3C++)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004