
OFReturnBmipResponse -- send BMIP response


OFReturnBmipResponse handleId bmipResponseVar [ continueFlag ] ]


This routine sends a BMIP response messages back to the client that called the OSA through the SCOadmin services library. It will be used to return the responses returned from invocations of OFEvaluateOperation or generated by the OSA writer in response to an error in the request processor. OFReturnBmipResponse frees the space used by the BMIP response.


the handle with which the Server API stores extra information about the current BMIP request. This is passed to the request processor, or it can be generated with the OFGenerateHandleId function.

the name of the variable which will hold the BMIP response keyed list forwarded by the OFEvaluateOperation routine. If this argument is left empty then the function will assume that the BMIP response has already been stored with the handleId structure by the OFEvaluateOperation command.

set to TRUE only if this request to the OFReturnBmipResponse is not the last one associated with the given BMIP request. If there is only one response, or the last response is to be forwarded to these routines, then this flag should be set to FALSE. When this argument is left off, it has a default value of FALSE.


The handleId named does not corrispond to an existing class in the Server APIs internal lookup table.

The function was called without first calling OFEvaluateOperation with it's bmipResponseVar parameter set to empty.


proc RequestProcessor {osaDataString handleId bmipRequest} {

set object [keylget bmipRequest objectInstance]

OFEvaluateOperation $handleId $object bmipResponse OFReturnBmipResponse $handleId bmipResponse FALSE }


proc RequestProcessor {osaDataString handleId bmipRequest} {

set object [keylget bmipRequest objectInstance]

OFEvaluateOperation $handleId $object {} OFReturnBmipResponse $handleId {} FALSE }


OFEvaluateFilter(3tlib), OFEvaluateOperation(3tlib).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004