Driver instance attribute delete macro


#include <udi.h>

#define \


	callback, gcb, attr_name) \

		udi_instance_attr_set( \

			callback, gcb, attr_name, NULL, \


ARGUMENTS callback, gcb are standard arguments described in the "Asynchronous Service Calls" section of "Calling Sequence and Naming Conventions".

attr_name is the name of the attribute to delete.

DESCRIPTION The UDI_INSTANCE_ATTR_DELETE macro is a convenience macro which may be used to remove a driver instance attribute. As defined above, this macro utilizes the udi_instance_attr_set service call and sets the attr_length parameter to zero to effect the deletion of the corresponding attribute.

The callback function specified for this macro must be of the udi_instance_attr_set_call_t type.

REFERENCES udi_instance_attr_set

UDI Core Specification Contents