
tc.index -- configuration index file for mass-storage devices


The tc.index file provides the correlation between device-specific inquiry strings and the files used by sdimkdev, sdimkdtab, and disksetup to control their execution. If no matching inquiry string is found in tc.index, generic entries found at the end of the file are used.

The generic entries should be sufficient for most types of mass-storage devices. Before spending time to generate a device-specific entry for a new mass-storage device, you should try the existing generic entry. If the generic entry works, no device-specific entry is required.

sdimkdev creates a node that provides support for HBA pass through. That pass through is needed to interface directly with the HBA controller. The corresponding MKDEV entry to the tc.index file is also provided by this capability. This allows the sdimkdev command to automatically make the /dev/hba/cC and /dev/hba/hbaN nodes for each HBA found.

File format

tc.index is a plain-text file consisting of keywords/value pairs. Keywords start in column 1. The value of a keyword is the rest of the text line after the keyword and any white space. A keyword/value pair must be separated by white space, either spaces or tabs. By convention, the value is separated from the keyword by a single tab. The device-specific entries in this file must be first, before any generic entries.


The following keywords are recognized in tc.index:

Marks the beginning of a device-specific entry in the tc.index file. The remainder of this entry consists of the lines in the file after this keyword, up to the next TCINQ or GENERIC keyword.

The inquiry string for the device in question must be duplicated character-by-character as the value of this keyword. Embedded spaces, special characters and the case of letters are all significant. The first 8 characters of the inquiry string represent the vendor identification string. The next 16 characters represent the product name. Taken together, these 24 characters are considered the inquiry string.

Used by sdimkdev and sdimkdtab, the name of the template file to use to create device nodes and device table entries for this device.

Used by disksetup and diskformat, the name of the format specification file to use when preparing this device for use by the system.

Marks the beginning of an entry that will be used for a given type of device if no device-specific entry is found. Generic entries are currently provided for random, sequential, CD-ROM and WORM devices. The keyword values for each of these device types are, respectively, RANDOM, TAPE, ROM, and WORM. This remainder of this

entry consists of the lines in the file after this keyword up to the next GENERIC keyword or until the end-of-file.

Used to imbed comments in the tc.index file.


diskadd(1M), disksetup(1M), sdimkdev(1M), sdimkdtab(1M)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004