X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


fstobdf -- generate BDF font from X font server


fstobdf [{-s | -server} host:port] -fn fontname


The fstobdf program reads a font from a font server and prints a BDF file on the standard output that may be used to recreate the font. This is useful in testing servers, debugging font metrics, and reproducing lost BDF files.


{-s | -server} host:port
specifies the server from which the font should be read. host specifies the host machine name where the X font server is running and port is set to 7000 by default.

-fn fontname
specifies the font for which a BDF file should be generated. Use fslsfonts to determine the font name you wish to generate.

Environment variables

Default server to use.


bdftopcf(X1M), xfs(X1M), fslsfonts(X1M), snftobdf(X1M)

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004