
XmStringGetNextComponent -- a compound string function that returns the type and value of the next component in a compound string


#include <Xm/Xm.h>

XmStringComponentType XmStringGetNextComponent (context, text, tag, direction, unknown_tag, unknown_length, unknown_value) XmStringContext context; char **text; XmStringCharSet *tag; XmStringDirection *direction; XmStringComponentType *unknown_tag; unsigned short *unknown_length; unsigned char **unknown_value;


XmStringGetNextComponent returns the type and value of the next component in the compound string identified by context. It is a low-level component function. Components are returned one at a time. On return, only some output parameters will be valid; which ones can be determined by examining the return status. In the case of text, tag, and direction components, only one output parameter is valid. If the return status indicates an unknown component was encountered, the font list element tag, length, and value are returned. This function allocates the space necessary to hold returned values; freeing this space is the caller's responsibility.

Specifies the string context structure which was allocated by the XmStringInitContext function.

Specifies a pointer to a null terminated string.

Specifies a pointer to the font list element tag associated with the text. The value XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG identifies a locale text segment.

Specifies a pointer to the direction of the text.

Specifies a pointer to the tag of an unknown component.

Specifies a pointer to the length of an unknown component.

Specifies a pointer to the value of an unknown component.

Return values

Returns the type of component found. Following are the possible values:


XmStringCreate(X3mot) and XmStringInitContext(X3mot).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004